McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics


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Victoria Kaspi

Jun 2021: Victoria Kaspi shares this year's Shaw Prize in Astronomy

Victoria Kaspi and Chryssa Kouveliotou have been jointy awarded this year's Shaw Prize in Astronomy (...)»

May 2021: Katie Savard wins Science Moyse Travelling Scholarship

Katie Savard, graduating student in Physics, has been awarded this year's Science Moyse Travelling Scholarship. (...)»

May 2021: Jessica Churchill wins inaugural CINP's Graduate Fellowship

Jessica Churchill has won the Canadian Instute of Nuclear Physics inaugural Graduate Fellowship (...)»
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May 2021: Congratulations to Dr. Simon Bernard

Simon Bernard has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Design & Fabrication of Phononic & Photonic Crystal Optomechanical Systems). (...)»

May 2021: Dr. Ziggy Pleunis wins one of the 2020 IAU PhD Prize

Dr. Ziggy Pleunis has won the 2020 International Astronomical Union PhD Prize (Division D, High Energy Phenomena and Fundamental Physics) (...)»

May 2021: Congratulations to Emilie Parent

PhD student Emilie Parent is one of this year's recipients of the SWAAC Graduate Student Award of Merit. (...)»
Eve Lee

Apr 2021: Eve Lee appointed William Dawson Scholar

Eve Lee has been appointed a William Dawson Scholar. (...)»

Mar 2021: Auriane Canesse wins the first prize for the francophone 3MT/MT180 talks

PhD student Auriane Canesse finished first in this year's Three Minute Thesisi/Ma Thèse en 180 secondes, in the francophone talks section. (...)»

Mar 2021: Auriane Canesse in the 3MT finals

PhD student Auriane Canesse is among the 15 finalists of this year's Three Minute Thesis (3MT), (...)»

Mar 2021: Dr. Ziggy Pleunis wins CASCA's 2021 J.S. Plaskett Medal

Dr. Ziggy Pleunis has won CASCA's 2021 J.S. Plaskett Medal, given to the most outstanding doctoral thesis in astronomy and astrophysics. (...)»
Andreas Warburton, Brigitte Vachon and Keshav Dasgupta

Feb 2021: Congratulations to Andreas, Brigitte and Keshav!

Andreas Warburton, Brigitte Vachon and Keshav Dasgupta have been promoted to the rank of Full Professors in Physics (...)»

Feb 2021: Congratulation to Lia Formenti

Congratulation to graduate student Lia Formenti for being awarded the 1st prize for best presentation in experimental physics at the 2021 Winter Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference (...)»
Victoria Kaspi

Feb 2021: Victoria Kaspi named Fellow of the American Astronomical Society

Victoria Kaspi has been elected fellow of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) (...)»

Feb 2021: McGill Physics 5th Hackathon largest yet

The 5th edition of the McGill Physics Hackathon and 1st virtual one, attracted over 190 participants from all over the world, making it the largest one yet. (...)»

Nov 2020: Congratulations to Hong Guo's group

Ab initio modeling of quantum transport properties of molecular electronic devices, a 2001 paper by Hong Guo's group was chosen as a Milestone paper for Physical Review B's 50th anniversary issue, and (...)»

Nov 2020: Ken Ragan awarded CAP's medal for Excellence in Teaching Undergraduate Physics

Ken Ragan has been awarded the 2020 CAP medal for Excellence in Teaching Undergraduate Physics. (...)»
Guillaime Gervais, Walter Reisner and Kartiek Agarwal

Oct 2020: Congratulations to Guillaume, Walter and Kartiek

Guillaume Gervais, Walter Reisner and Kartiek Agarwal are among the recipients of this year's Tomlinson Science Awards. (...)»
(3+1)D hydrodynamic simulation of relativistic heavy-ion collisions:3px;margin-right:1ex

Oct 2020: Congratulations to McGill's Nuclear Theory Group

(3+1)D hydrodynamic simulation of relativistic heavy-ion collisions, a 2010 paper by members of McGill's Nuclear Theory Group was chosen as a Milestone paper for Physical Review C's 50th anniversary issue. (...)»
Charles Gale and Sabrina Leslie

Sep 2020: Congratulations to Charles and Sabrina

Charles Gale has been elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and Sabrina Leslie has been elected member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. (...)»
Victoria Kaspi

Aug 2020: Victoria Kaspi receives the Royal Society's Bakerian Medal and Lecture

Victoria Kaspi has received the Royal Society's Bakerian Medal and Lecture, (...)»
Brigitte Vachon and Alex Maloney

Jul 2020: Brigitte Vachon and Alex Maloney appointed William C. Macdonald Chairs in Physics

Brigitte Vachon and Alex Maloney have been appointed William C. Macdonald Chairs in Physics. (...)»
Victoria Kaspi and Peter Grüter

Jul 2020: Victoria Kaspi and Peter Grütter awarded Distinguished James McGill Professorships

Victoria Kaspi and Peter Grütter are among the 2020 Distinguished James McGill Professor awardees. (...)»
The CHIME telescope

Jul 2020: Congratulations to the CHIME team

The CHIME team is one of the recipients of the 2020 Governor General's Innovation Awards (...)»
Adrian Liu

Jul 2020: Adrian Liu awarded John David Jackson Award

Adrian Liu has won the Department of Physics John David Jackson Award for Excellence in Teaching (...)»
Daryl Haggard and Thomas Bruner

Jun 2020: Congratulations to Daryl and Thomas!

Dary Haggard and Thomas Bruner have been promoted to the rank of Associate Professors in Physics with tenure (...)»
Dary Haggard and Nick Cowan

Jun 2020: Daryl Haggard and Nicolas Cowan awarded Canada Research Chairs

Daryl Haggard and Nicolas Cowan have been awarded Canada Research Chairs, Tier 2. (...)»
Daryl Haggard

Jun 2020: Daryl Haggard awarded a Principal's Prize for Outstanding Emerging Researchers

Congratulations to Daryl Haggard for being awarded a Principal's Prize for Outstanding Emerging Researchers. (...)»
Adrian Liu

Feb 2020: Adrian Liu appointed William Dawson Scholar

Adrian Liu has been appointed a William Dawson Scholar. (...)»
Omur Dagdeviren

Feb 2020: Omur Dagdeviren wins a Banting Fellowship

Dr. Omur Dagdeviren has been awarded a 2020 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship. (...)»
Simon Caron-Huot and Adrian Liu

Feb 2020: Simon Caron-Huot and Adrian Liu awarded Sloan Research Fellowships

Simon Caron-Huot and Adrian Liu have been awarded Research Fellowships from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. (...)»
Daryl Haggard

Oct 2019: Daryl Haggard wins the 2019 Wares Science Innovation Prospectors Fund

Congratulations to Daryl Haggard for winnig the 2019 Wares Science Innovation Prospectors Fund, (...)»
Sabrina Leslie

Oct 2019: Sabrina Leslie awarded the Biophysical Society of Canada Young Investigator Award

Sabrina Leslie, has been awarded the Biophysical Society of Canada Young Investigator Award, (...)»
Paul François

Sep 2019: Paul François wins the 2019 RSC's Rutherford Memorial Medal

Paul François, has been awarded the 2019 Rutherford Memorial Medal in Physics by the Royal Society of Canada (...)»
Daryl Haggard

Sep 2019: Daryl Haggard awarded Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

Congratulations to Daryl Haggard who, as a member of the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, is the recipient of the 2020 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics. (...)»
Simon Caron-Huot

Sep 2019: Simon Caron-Huot awarded a New Horizons in Physics Breakthrough Prize

Congratulations to Simon Caron-Huot for being awarded a New Horizons in Physics Breakthrough Prize (...)»
Emma Klemets

Aug 2019: Emma Klemets wins the SNOLAB/Laurentian summer student presentation competition

Congratulations to Emma Klemets, a McGill NSERC USRA student at the McDonald Institute for winning the 2019 SNOLAB/Laurentian summer student presentation competition (...)»
Victoria Kaspi

Jun 2019: Victoria Kaspi awarded John David Jackson Award

Victoria Kaspi has won the Department of Physics John David Jackson Award for Excellence in Teaching (...)»
Shaun Lovejoy

Jun 2019: Shaun Lovejoy receives Honorary Doctorat

Congratulations to Shaun Lovejoy on receiving an Honorary Doctorate from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. (...)»
Lily Childress and Nick Cowan

May 2019: Congratulations to Lily and Nick!

Lily Childress and Nick Cowan have been promoted to the rank of Associate Professors in Physics with tenure (...)»
Matt Dobbs

Apr 2019: Matt Dobbs wins a Killam Fellowship

Congratulations to Matt Dobbs for winning a prestigious Killam Research Fellowship. (...)»
McGill Physics

Apr 2019: Opposition to Bill 21

The McGill Department of Physics seeks to foster a community that is welcoming to students of all backgrounds and faiths. (...)»
Evan McDonough

Apr 2019: Evan McDonough awarded CAP's DTP/WITP P. R. Wallace Thesis Prize

Congratulations to Evan McDonough on winning the 2019 CAP's DTP/WITP P R Wallace Thesis Rrize (...)»
Nicolas Cowan

Mar 2019: Nicolas Cowan awarded CASCA's Harvey B. Richer Gold Medal

Congratulations to Nicolas Cowan on winning the 2019 Harvey B. Richer Gold Medal from from the Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) (...)»
Daryl Haggard

Jan 2019: Neutron star merger named one of Québec's top 10 discoveries in 2018

Daryl Haggard, Melania Nynka and John Ruan's discovery of a neutron star merger is one of Québec's top 10 discoveries of 2018 (...)»
Shaun Lovejoy

Oct 2018: Shaun Lovejoy wins EGU's Lewis Fry Richardson Medal

Congratulations to Shaun Lovejoy, who has won the Lewis Fry Richardson Medal, (...)»
Sangyong Jeon

Sep 2018: Sangyong Jeon elected Fellow of the APS

Congratulations to Sangyong Jeon for being elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (...)»
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Aug 2018: Congratulations to Dr. Juan Mena

Juan Mena has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Correlator and calibration for the Canadian hydrogen intensity mapping experiment). (...)»
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Aug 2018: Congratulations to Dr. Sébastien Prince

Sébastien Prince has successfully defended his PhD thesis (First measurement of the associated production of a photon and a bottom quark in proton-proton collisions). (...)»
Jack Sankey

Aug 2018: Jack Sankey awarded John David Jackson Award

Jack Sankey has won the Department of Physics John David Jackson Award for Excellence in Teaching (...)»
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Jun 2018: Congratulations to Dr. Susan Amin

Susan Amin has successfully defended her PhD thesis (Knot formation on nanochannel-confined DNA and flow-assisted disentanglement). (...)»
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Jun 2018: Congratulations to Dr. Susannah Hickling

Susannah Hickling has successfully defended her PhD thesis (Demonstration of x-ray acoustic computed tomography as a radiotherapy dosimetry tool). (...)»
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May 2018: Congratulations to Dr. Annabelle Chuinard

Annabelle Chuinard has successfully defended her PhD thesis (Single Diffraction Studies with the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider). (...)»
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May 2018: Congratulations to Dr. Gabriel Kocher

Gabriel Kocher has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Improvements to phase field crystal theory using thermodynamical). (...)»
WiP logo

May 2018: Congratulations to Women in Physics

Congratulations to the Women in Physics, who won the Equity and Community Building Award in the Team Category this year! (...)»
John Smeros

Apr 2018: Congratulations to John Smeros

John Smeros is this year's winner of the Faculty of Science Excellence Award Technician category). (...)»
Jonathan Sievers

Mar 2018: Jonathan Sievers one of 24 Canada 150 Research Chairs

Jonathan Sievers has been awarded the Canada 150 Chair in Theoretical and Observational Cosmology. (...)»
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Oct 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Ahmed Khorsid

Ahmed Khorsid has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Nonequilibrium physics of nanochannel confined DNA). (...)»
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Oct 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Matthew Seymour

Matthew Seymour has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Study of multi-point interactions in PFC models for complex structural transformations). (...)»
Richard Talbot

Oct 2017: Congratulations to Richard Talbot

Richard Talbot is the recipient of the 2016-2017 Principal's Award for Administrative and Support Staff in the Technical category. (...)»
Peter Grütter

Oct 2017: Peter Grütter elected Fellow of the APS

Congratulations to Peter Grütter for being elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (...)»
Daryl Haggard

Oct 2017: Daryl Haggard appointed CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar

Daryl Haggard is one of the 2017 CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars. (...)»
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Sep 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Hossein Azizi

Hossein Azizi has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Pattern formation in 2D continuum and discrete chemically reactive media). (...)»
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Sep 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Sam Selmani

Sam Selmani has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Exponential Networks and Representations of Quivers). (...)»
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Sep 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Martin Carrier-Vallières

Martin Carrier-Vallières has successfully defended his PhD thesis (Radiomics: enabling factors towards precision medicine). (...)»

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