Montréal Joint HEP Seminars (with Université de Montréal)

  1. 25-oct-2006 (at Concordia)
    Entangled quantum states and non-locality. A branching space-time resolution of the problem
    Storrs McCall

  2. 6-nov-2006
    Results of X-ray and Neutron Micro-Radiography and Micro-Tomography with Pixel Detectors of Medipix2 Type
    Jan Jakubek

  3. 6-nov-2006
    Quantum Structure of Space Near a Black Hole Horizon
    Gabor Kunstatter

  4. 9-nov-2006 (at Concordia)
    Why is general relativity a geometric theory?
    Harvey R. Brown

  5. 22-nov-2006
    Mesure de |Vub| à l'aide des désintégrations B-> pi0 mu nu et de la technique des étiquettes semileptoniques B-> D0* mu nu
    Sylvie Brunet

  6. 4-dec-2006
    Black hole and black brane solutions in R4 Sln spaces
    L.C.R. Wijewardhana

  7. 25-jan-2007
    Evidence for single top production at the D0 experiment
    Yann Coadou

  8. 29-jan-2007
    The Top Mass at CDF and the Final Preparation for ATLAS
    Jean-François Arguin

  9. 31-jan-2007 (at Concordia)
    The Nature of Spacetime and Free Will
    Vesselin Petkov

  10. 5-fev-2007 (at McGill)
    The Latest from MiniBoone 
    Hirohisa Tanaka

  11. 26-fév-2007
    The top quark: a "charged" topic
    Véronique Boisvert

  12. 4-juin-2007
    Quantum disordering and the phase diagram of Josephson junction arrays
    Said Sakhi