	 | Centre Interuniversitaire de Physique Subatomique |
	 |   Interuniversity Centre for Subatomic Physics    |

			    CIPS  Bylaws
  1) NAME

     The present bylaws define the objective and governing
     structure of an interuniversity research Centre called
     "Centre Interuniversitaire de Physique Subatomique" (CIPS),
     as initiated by the collaborating universities in June 1996.

  2) GOALS
     The CIPS:
     a) coordinates and promotes research in the field of subatomic 
	and high energy physics;

     b) recruits and contributes to the training of young researchers
	(graduate students) in the field and its applications;
     c) endeavors to provide a stimulating working environment for its
	scientists and students;
     d) encourages collaboration at the local, national and international 

     e) encourages development of applications beyond fundamental

     f) provides a consortium of researchers to optimize cooperation
	between the Quebec universities and the funding agencies in
	the field of subatomic and high energy physics.


     The Centre is a research organization within the departments of
     physics at McGill University and Universite de Montreal, and as
     such interacts with the Universities through the usual administrative
     channels.  The Centre shall have no jurisdiction over the administrative
     or academic activities its members.  Neither shall it interfere with
     the normal relationship between its members and the Universities.


     All members of the Centre are individuals whose research projects
     are related to the CIPS scientific program.  There exist four
     categories of members:

     a) Full member:  university professor or researcher whose
	activities overlap substantially with the CIPS program.
	Full members must be eligible to hold NSERC or FCAR grants.

     b) Associate member:  university professor or researcher whose
	activities are only partially committed to the CIPS program.
	Associate members must be eligible to hold NSERC or FCAR grants.

     c) Affiliated member:  researcher whose main activities relate 
	directly to the program of the Centre.  These can be research
	assistants, post-doctoral fellows, technicians, graduate students,
	etc., who work within the Centre on a full-time basis.

     d) Visiting member:  researcher coming to the Centre for short
	periods, such as invited professors, consultants, exchange or
	summer students, etc.


     The Centre is administered by an Advisory Committee composed of: 
     a) the Director;
     b) four of the full members of the Centre
	(two per collaborating University); 
     c) two members from the University administrations, i.e. 
	the Vice-Principal Research or his/her delegate
	(one per collaborating University).
     The Advisory Committee Centre members are selected by the members 
     at the annual meeting for a term of three years, which may be renewed.  

     The Advisory Committee meets at least once a year at the initiative
     of the Director or any time during the year at the request of
     three or more full or associate members.

     Five Advisory Committee members constitute a quorum.


     The Advisory Committee is responsible for:

     a) helping the Director in his/her management of the Centre's
	resources and all fiscal matters;

     b) assisting with any Centre administrative duties at the
	departmental, faculty, university or funding agency levels;
     c) designating a secretary who will keep the minutes of the
	meetings of the Centre;

     d) keeping track of the activities of the members and further
	stimulating the coordination and development of the Centre's
	physics program;

     e) encouraging good rapport and exchange of ideas between the

     f) performing the procedures leading to the selection of the new


     The Director must be a full member of the Centre, whose 
     responsibilities include:

     a) guiding the development of the scientific program of the Centre;

     b) proposing a Centre budget to the Advisory Committee;

     c) implementing the decisions of the Advisory Committee;

     d) coordinating the general administration of the Centre;

     e) preparing the annual report;

     f) presiding over Centre meetings;

     g) preparing common grant applications to the funding agencies;

     h) representing the Centre at all administrative levels.


     The Director shall be appointed for a term of three years which is 
     renewable.  The procedures for his/her selection are as follows:

     a) The Advisory Committee shall serve as the selection committee,
	who shall initiate the selection process two months prior to the
	end of the term of the current Director.

     b) The selection committee shall solicit nominations for the 
	Directorship from the full and associate members.

     c) The selection committee shall verify the willingness of the nominees 
	to serve if selected.

     d) The selection committee shall choose a candidate for the
	Directorship in consultation with the  Chairman of the Physics
	Department, who shall forward the recommendation to the University.

     e) If any of these steps fails, then the preceding step is repeated.

     f) In case the new Director is one of the members of the Advisory 
	Committee, the first runner up from the election for Advisory 
	Committee members will take his/her place on said committee.


     Immediately after the selection of the Director, the Centre Advisory 
     Committee designates one of its members to become the Associate
     Director of the Centre.

     The Associate Director may not be from the same institute as the

     The functions of the Associate Director are to:

     a) if necessary, serve as substitute to the Director during 
	his/her absences; 
     b) together with the Director, optimize the coordination of the 
	scientific and administrative activities between the local 


     An annual meeting of the full and associate members of the Centre
     will be called by the Director toward the end of the fiscal year, 
     which coincides with that of FCAR.  The annual meeting shall:

     a) present the detailed annual report of the Centre activities,

     b) present the expenses of the past year,

     c) discuss issues relevant for future planning and for setting 
	priorities for the coming year,

     d) elect the members of the Advisory Committee, if their term is 
	about to expire.


     The full and associate Centre members will be eligible to attend
     the regular meetings of the Centre, which may occur as frequently
     as is deemed beneficial.  The meetings may be called by the
     Director, or at the behest of a third of the full and associate
     membership.  The Centre will meet at least twice a year, including
     the annual meeting.


     A quorum is achieved by participation of at least one third of
     the members eligible to attend a Centre meeting.  All members 
     will be informed by electronic mail, and presented with an agenda, 
     at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.  Minutes of meetings
     will be circulated within ten days to all of the full and
     associate members.

 13) VOTES

     Votes can be cast by direct participation at meetings, by
     consultation via electronic mail or any other written means
     beforehand, or by written proxy.  Votes by consultation will also
     require a one third quorum of participation.  Any vote, with the
     exception of changes to the bylaws as noted below, will be carried
     by a simple majority of the ballots cast.  In case of a tie, the
     Director shall decide whether the motion is carried.


     At the beginning of each academic year, a general assembly will be
     called by the Director, in consultation with the Advisory
     Committee.  Attendance will be open to all members of the Centre,
     as well as to interested parties who would be eligible to become
     members.  The role of the assembly is to report to the members
     about the past year's activities, to discuss plans for future
     research developments, and to discuss any other concerns brought
     up by participating members.

     Bylaws or membership may be amended at any official meeting of the
     full and associate members.  A notice of motion for a proposed
     amendment shall be distributed to members at least three weeks in
     advance of the meeting.  The motion may originate from the
     Director, the Advisory Committee, or any voting member of the
     Centre.  To amend bylaws on the administrative structure of the
     center or to exclude any member or class of members, a two-thirds 
     majority vote will be required to carry the motion.  However, a 
     simple majority vote is sufficient to carry a motion to amend any 
     other bylaw.


     The present bylaws take effect as of the initiation date of the Centre.