A monument to the Guantanamo Bay prisoners
Typical Habana apartment block
Daryl looking for a place to eat in Vedado
A school on the outskirts of Habana
Nick trying to figure out where we are
Taking a leak behind..ingenuity can't fix.
Leisure reading after a hard day's ride
Daryl rides towards ..lls of Pinar del Rio
Our two worthy steeds
A chicken outside our bedroom
The (useful!) bug net in our bedroom
Turkeys prunning themselves in the morning
The kitty looks hungrily at the turkeys
Stereotypical Cuban photo...
One of many crazy li..cliffs near Vinales
Dropping into the Vinales valley
Another view of taba..and limestone cliffs
Daryl enjoying some much deserved R&R
A fancy resort we bi..e way out of Vinales
A parting shot of the valley
Taking a break in th..e near Pinar del Rio
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Dave Madison
on Thu May 31 11:13:20 2007