500 level courses
Classroom locations have changed recently. Please consult your
course schedule for up-to-date information.
Not all courses are offered every year. Please see the
current academic schedule on
- PHYS 512 Computational Physics with Applications
- Fall term
- 3 credits
- U3 or graduate students in Physics, Chemistry, or Engineering, or permission of the instructor. Basic familiarity with computer programming highly recommended.
- Computational methods in Physics illustrated with realworld
- Instructor for 2024/25: J. Sievers (Fall)
- PHYS 514 General Relativity
- Winter term
- 3 credits
- 3 hours lectures
- Restriction: U3 Honours students and graduate students, or permission of the instructor.
- Transition from special to general relativity. Non-Euclidian
geometry. The basic laws of Physics in co-variant form, Einstein's equations.
Gravitational waves; neutron stars; black holes; cosmology.
- Instructor for 2024/25: J. Cline (Winter)
- PHYS 519 Advanced Biophysics
- An advanced biophysics course, with a special emphasis on
stochastic and out of equilibrium physical processes in living matter.
- Instructor for 2024/25: P. Wiseman (Winter)
- PHYS 521 Astrophysics
- Fall term
- 3 credits
- 3 hours
- Restriction: U3 students and graduate students, or permission of the instructor
- An advanced course in modern astrophysics, covering topics such
as the basic tools of astronomy (statistics, mathematical methods,
computational tools, and instrumentation); stellar astrophysics (properties,
structure, atmospheres, binaries/exoplanets); the interstellar medium, star
formation, stellar evolution and endpoints (white dwarfs, neutron stars, black
holes); and the Milky Way, galaxies, and cosmology.
- Instructor for 2024/25: A. Raghoonundun (Fall)
- PHYS 534 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Fall term
- 3 credits
- Restriction: U3 or graduate students in Physics, Chemistry, or Engineering, or permission of the instructor.
- Topics include scanning probe microscopy, chemical
self-assembly, computer modelling, and microfabrication/micromachining.
- Instructor for 2024/25: P. Grutter (Fall)
- PHYS 551 Quantum Theory
- Fall term
- 3 credits
- 3 hours lectures
- Restriction: U3 Honours students and graduate students, or permission of the instructor
- General formulation, scattering theory, WKBJ approximation,
time-dependent perturbation, theory and applications, angular momentum,
relativistic wave equations.
- Instructor for 2024/25: K. Dasgupta (Fall)
- PHYS 557 Nuclear Physics
- Fall term
- 3 credits
- 3 hours lectures
- Restriction: U3 Honours students, graduate students, or permission of the instructor
- General nuclear properties, nucleon-nucleon interaction and
scattering theory, radioactivity, nuclear models, nuclear reactions.
- Instructor for 2024/25: C. Gale (Fall)
- PHYS 558 Solid State Physics
- Fall term
- 3 credits
- 3 hours lectures
- Restriction: U3 Honours students, graduate students, or permission of the instructor
- Properties of crystals; free electron model, band structure;
metals, insulators and semi-conductors; phonons; magnetism; selected additional
topics in solid-state (e.g. ferroelectrics, elementary transport theory).
- Instructor for 2024/25: M. Hilke (Fall)
- PHYS 559 Advanced Statistical Mechanics
- Winter term
- 3 credits
- 3 hours lectures
- Restriction: U3 Honours students, graduate students, or permission of the instructor
- Scattering and structure factors. Review of thermodynamics and
statistical mechanics; correlation functions (static); mean field theory;
critical phenomena; broken symmetry; fluctuations, roughening.
- Instructor for 2024/25: W. Reisner (Winter)
- PHYS 562 Electromagnetic Theory
- Winter term
- 3 credits
- 3 hours lectures
- Prerequisites (Graduate): U1 or U2 Honours Physics or permission of instructor.
- Restriction: U3 Honours students, graduate students, or permission of the instructor
- Electrostatics, dielectrics, magnetostatics, timevarying fields,
relativity, radiating systems, fields of moving charges.
- Instructor for 2024/25: R. Rutledge (Winter)
- PHYS 567 Particle Physics
- Winter term
- 3 credits
- 3 hours lectures
- Restriction: U3 Honours students, graduate students, or permission of the instructor
- Survey of elementary particles; hadrons, leptons and hadrons'
constituents (quarks). Invariance principles and conservation laws. Detectors
and accelerators. Phenomenology of strong, electromagnetic and weak
- Instructor for 2024/25: J. Cline (Winter)