McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics
Informal Pizza Seminar

Minimal Model for Genome Evolution and Growth

H.C. Lee

Dept of Physics and Dept of Life Science
National Central University
Centre de Reserche Mathématique
Université de Montréal

Textual analysis of typical microbial genomes reveals that they have the statistical characteristics of a DNA sequence of a much shorter length. This peculiar property supports an evolutionary model in which a genome evolves by random mutation but primarily grows by random segmental self-copying. That genomes grew mostly by self-copying is consitent with the obervation that repeat sequences in all genomes are widespread and intragenomic and intergenomic homologous genes are perponderance across all life forms.

Tuesday, October 22nd 2002, 13:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, room 326