- Wednesday, December 18th, 2024, 15:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Insights into the interplay of momentum, multiplicity
and the speed of sound in heavy-ion collisions
- Jean-François Paquet
- Vanderbilt University
- Abstract
- Friday, November 29th 2024, 9:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Energy Correlators: A new window into jet substructure
in heavy-ion collisions
- Carlota Andres
- Abstract
- Friday, November 1st, 2024, 09:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Applications of Gaussian Process Emulators in the
context of the RHIC BES program
- Hendrik Roch
- Wayne State University
- Abstract
- Friday, September 13th 2024, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Spin polarization in heavy-ion collisions
- Qun Wang
- University of Science and Technology of China
- Abstract
- Friday, May 10th 2024, 09:30 (Online/R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Speed of sound from ultracentral nucleus-nucleus
collisions using the mean transverse momentum
- André Veiga Giannini
- Grande Dourados Federal University
- Abstract
- Friday, May 3rd 2024, 13:30 (Online/R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Relativistic magnetohydrodynamics: foundations,
stability and solutions
- Masoud Shorki
- Goethe University
- Abstract
- Friday, March 15th 2024, 09:30 (Online/R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- The ultra-strong electromagnetic field in heavy-ion
collisions and its impact on the directed flow of charged particles in the STAR
- Diyu Shen
- Fudan University
- Abstract
- Friday, March 1st 2024, 09:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Quark-gluon plasma and jet-induced medium response in
high-energy heavy-ion collisions
- Zhong Yang
- Central China Normal University
- Abstract
- Friday, February 23rd 2024, 13:30 (room 326/Online)
- Tracing the baryon number in relativistic isobar
collisions at RHIC
- Gregoire Pihan
- Wayne State University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 20th 2024, 09:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
- Jets: a useful tool to study nuclear media
- Gojko Vujanovic
- University of Regina
- Abstract
- Friday, February 16th 2024, 10:30 (Boardroom - room 105/Online)
- Pre-equilibrium photon and dilepton production from
the early stages of high-energy heavy-ion collisions
- Philip Plaschke
- Bielefeld University
- Abstract
- Friday, January 19th 2024, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- The hidden gauge theory of relativistic hydrodynamics,
and what is a “fluid” of 50 particles?
- Giorgio Torrieri
- State University of Campinas
- Abstract
- POSTPONED: Friday, January 12th 2024, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- The hidden gauge theory of relativistic hydrodynamics,
and what is a “fluid” of 50 particles?
- Giorgio Torrieri
- State University of Campinas
- Abstract
- Friday, December 8th 2023, 10:30 ()
- Exploring QCD matter properties with SMASH and the
SMASH-vHLLE hybrid Approach
- Hannah Elfner (Petersen)
- Goethe University
- Abstract
- Friday, November 24th 2023, 13:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- The Hadronic-to-Quark-Matter Combustion (HQMC) as a
reactive-diffusive-hydrodynamic problem
- Rachid Ouyed
- University of Calgary
- Abstract
- Friday, November 17th 2023, 13:00 (Online, shown in Piano Room - room 211)
- Probing the QCD Phase Diagram via Thermal Dilepton
Radiation: Status and Future Opportunities
- Yiding Han
- Rice University
- Abstract
- Friday, November 10th 2023, 13:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Jet Energy Loss in Evolving QGP
- Rouzbeh Modarresi Yazdi
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Friday, October 20th 2023, 13:00 (Piano room - room
- Polarization and helicity of lambda hyperons across
RHIC-BES energies
- Xiang-Yu Wu
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 3rd 2023, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- QCD in the cores of neutron stars
- Aleksi Kurkela
- University of Stavanger
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 19th 2023, 10:30 (Boardroom - room 105/Online)
- Pursuing Precision for Gluon Saturation Observables
- Farid Salazar
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 5th 2023, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Possible Phase Transitions from Hadronic to Quark
Matter Inside Neutron Stars
- Jan-Erik Christian
- Goethe Universität
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 22nd 2023, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Bayesian constraints on the initial stage and the
neutron skin of Pb-208 using Trajectum
- Govert Nijs
- Center for Theoretical Physics, MIT
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 8th 2023, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Jet as a multi-scale probe for quark-gluon plasma
- Yasuki Tachibana
- Akita Intl. University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 15th 2023, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Nuclear modification of hadronic structure: status and
- Pia Zurita
- Regensburg University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 1st 2023, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Thermalization of a hard parton in a QCD plasma
- Ismail Soudi
- Wayne State University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 13th 2022, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103/Online)
- The equation of state of dense nuclear matter from
heavy-ion collisions
- Agnieszka Sorensen
- Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Washington
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 29th 2022, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103/Online)
- Coherent parton energy loss: from colliders to cosmic
- Greg Jackson
- Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Washington
- Abstract
- POSTPONED: Tuesday, November 15th 2022, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103/Online)
- The speed of sound of dense nuclear matter from
heavy-ion collisions
- Agnieszka Sorensen
- Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Washington
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 1st 2022, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103/Online)
- Phenomenology of the non-equilibrium QCD dynamics in
heavy-ion collisions
- Sören Schlichting
- Bielefeld University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 18th 2022, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103/Online)
- Jet Quenching and Jet Transport Coefficients in the
Quark Gluon Plasma
- Abhijit Majumder
- Wayne State University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 4th 2022, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103/Online)
- Relativistic spin-(magneto)hydrodynamics
- Amaresh Jaiswal
- National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 20th 2022, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Counting the protons in neutron star MXB 1659-29
- Melissa Mendes
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Monday, May 9th 2022, 09:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Transport of hard probes through glasma
- Alina Czajka
- National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw
- Abstract
- Monday, May 2nd 2022, 09:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Probing neutron-star matter in the laboratory
- Tetyana Galatyuk
- GSI/TU Darmstadt
- Abstract
- Monday, April 25th 2022, 09:00 (Tele-seminar)
- The fluid nature of the QGP
- Huichao Song
- Peking University
- Abstract
- Monday, March 28th 2022, 09:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Hot QCD matter in the influence of electromagnetic
- Manu Kurian
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Monday, February 21st 2022, 11:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Simulating real-time dynamics of nuclear matter on a
quantum computer
- James Mulligan
- University of California, Berkeley & LBNL
- Abstract
- Monday, February 7th 2022, 09:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Exotic matter in neutron stars
- Veronica Dexheimer
- Kent State University
- Abstract
- Monday, January 24th 2022, 09:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Fluctuating yet deterministic hydrodynamics and
critical point
- Xin An
- North Carolina University, Chapel Hill
- Abstract
- Friday, January 14th 2022, 09:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Jet-induced medium response in heavy-ion collision
- Wei Chen
- University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 7th 2021, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103 -/Zoom)
- Anomalous diffusion in QCD matter
- Yacine Mehtar-Tani
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 23rd 2021, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103/Zoom)
- All-order medium-induced radiation: from static to
dynamic media
- Carlota Andrés
- Centre de Physique Théorique, École Polytechnique
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 9th 2021, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103 -/Zoom)
- Imaging the nuclear structure in high-energy
heavy-ion collisions
- Jiangyong Jia
- Stony Brook University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 26th 2021, 10:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103 -/Zoom)
- Hydrodynamic description of the baryon-charged
quark-gluon plasma
- Lipei Du
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 24th 2021, 10:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Experimental results of thermal photon production in
heavy ion collisions
- Wenqing Fan
- Stony Brook University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 16th 2021, 10:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Exploring jet transport coefficients in the
quark-gluon plasma
- Amit Kumar
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 23rd 2021, 10:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Parton energy loss in a hard-soft factorized approach
- Tianyu Dai
- Duke University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 3rd 2021, 10:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Heavy quarks embedded in glasma
- Alina Czajka
- National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 27th 2021, 09:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Dynamical core–corona picture from small to large
colliding systems
- Yuuka Kanakubo
- Sophia University
- Abstract
- Friday, December 4th 2020, 11:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Mapping out the phase diagram of QCD in hadronic
- Agnieszka Sorensen
- Abstract
- Monday, November 9th 2020, 11:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Quark matter in the cores of neutron stars
- Aleksi Kurkela
- University of Stavanger
- Abstract
- Monday, February 17th 2020, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Shedding light on photon and dilepton spectral
- Greg Jackson
- University of Bern
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 25th 2019, 16:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Effective and temperature-dependent viscosities in a
hydrodynamically-expanding QCD plasma
- Jean-François Paquet
- Duke University
- Abstract
- Monday, August 5th 2019, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room (room
- Neutron star equation of state - Introduction
- Chang-Hwan Lee
- Pusan National University
- Thursday, November 22nd 2018, 16:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- The Strongest Material in the Universe - Neutron Star
- Matthew Caplan
- McGill
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 22nd 2018, 10:30 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Bulk observables within a hybrid approach for heavy
ion collisions with SMASH afterburner
- Sangwook Ryu
- Goethe-University Frankfurt
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 25th 2018, 16:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Soft and Hard Probes of Topological Properties in
Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
- Shuzhe Shi
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 16:00 (Piano Room - room
- Note special time and venue
- Studying out-of-equilibrium Quark-Gluon Plasma with
QCD kinetic theory
- Aleksas Mazeliauskas
- University of Heidelberg
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 22nd 2018, 15:15
- Higher-order corrections to jet quenching
- Yacine Mehtar-Tani
- University of Washington
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 20th 2018, 14:30 (Room 326)
- Note special day and venue
- Tidal Love number of neutron stars and gravitational
- Chang-Hwan Lee
- Pusan National University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 16th 2018, 15:00 (room 326)
- Note special venue
- Interfaces between hydrodynamics and transport for
heavy ion collisions
- Dmytro Oliinychenko
- Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 21st 2017, 14:00
- Photon emission from quark-gluon plasma out of
- Sigtryggur Hauksson
- Nuclear Theory Group, McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 10th 2017, 14:00
- Shear viscosity and resonance lifetimes in the hadron
- Jean-Bernard Rose
- Frankfurt University
- Abstract
- Thursday, May 11th 2017, 14:30
- Exploring the QCD phase diagram - SMASH, gluonic hot
spots and deep learning
- Hannah Petersen
- Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 20th 2017, 14:30
- Insights into jet quenching within a hybrid
strong/weak coupling model
- Daniel Pablos
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 30th 2017, 14:30
- Hybrid approach to relativistic heavy-ion collisions
at the RHIC BES energies
- Chun Shen
- Brookhaven National Lab
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 22nd 2016, 14:00
- Is there a low pT anomaly in the pion momentum
spectrum at LHC?
- Pasi Huovinen
- Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 8th 2016, 14:00
- Note special day
- Hydrodynamical noise and Gubser flow
- Li Yan
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 3rd 2016, 14:30
- Note special time
- The Initial Phase in High Energy Nuclear Collisions:
How Far Can We Go With Analytic Solutions?
- Rainer J. Fries
- Cyclotron Insitute & Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 20th 2016, 14:00
- Energy and centrality dependence of the jet transport
coefficient q̂ at RHIC and LHC: a new puzzle
- Carlota Andrés Casas
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
- Abstract
- Monday, March 14th 2016, 14:00
- Global Hyperon Polarization in Ultra-relativistic
Heavy Ion Collisions Measured by the STAR Experiment at RHIC
- Mike Lisa
- Ohio State University
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 17th 2015, 11:00
- Note special time
- Relativistic hydrodynamics at large gradients
- Michal P. Heller
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, July 7th 2015, 14:00
- Dynamical photon production in partonic transport
- Moritz Greif
- Goethe University Frankfurt
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 16th 2015, 14:00
- Self-consistent Cooper-Frye particlization of a
viscous fluid and its applications to LHC heavy-ion physics
- Zachary Wolff
- Purdue University
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 9th 2015, 14:00
- Nonzero initial state flow, granularity, and its
effects on flow harmonics
- Jaki Noronha-Hostler
- Columbia University
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 2nd 2015, 14:00
- New insights of collective phenomena in pp, pA and AA
collisions at the LHC
- Wei Li
- Rice University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 24th 2015, 14:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special venue
- Constraining the QCD Equation of State at High
Temperatures Using Heavy-Ion Collisions
- Evan Warren Sangaline
- Michigan State University
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 19th 2015, 11:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special time
- Relativistic hydrodynamic models at finite net baryon
- Akihiko Monnai
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 19th 2015, 14:00
- Anisotropic jet quenching in semi-Quark-Gluon Plasmas
with magnetic monopoles
- Jiechen Xu
- Columbia University
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 12th 2015, 14:00
- Temperature dependence of eta/s: Elusive goal just
around the corner
- Pasi Huovinen
- Institut für Theoretische Physik, Johann Wolfgang Goethe
- Abstract
- Thursday, December 4th 2014, 11:00
- Note special time
- Chiral superfluidity in quark matter
- Tigran Kalaydzhyan
- Stony Brook University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 25th 2014, 14:00
- Note special day
- Thermal hydrodynamical fluctuations and observables in
heavy ion collisions
- Clint Young
- University of Minnesota
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 13th 2014, 14:00
- The Heavy Flavor Tracker at STAR: Performance and
current status
- Michael Lomnitz
- Kent State University
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 9th 2014, 14:00
- From nuclei to neutron stars via microscopic mass
- John Michael Pearson
- Département de physique, Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 23rd 2014, 14:00
- Note special day
- Signatures of phase transition from transport model
calculations for intermediate energy heavy ion collisions
- Swagato Mallik
- Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 10th 2014, 14:00
- Isotropization in heavy ion collisions at high energy
- François Gelis
- Saclay
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 16th 2014, 14:00
- STAR Heavy Flavor Tracker: Physics goals and status
- Michael Lomnitz
- Kent State University
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 17th 2013, 14:00
- What proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions can
tell us about QCD at high density
- Adam Bzdak
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 3rd 2013, 14:00
- The dilepton measurements at STAR
- Lijuan Ruan
- Abstract
- Wednesday, June 19th 2013, 14:30 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Event-by-Event Viscous Photon Emission in Relativistic
Heavy-Ion Collisions
- C. Shen
- The Ohio State University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 26th 2013, 14:00
- Note special day
- Exploring the Universe's Highest Energy Densities at
the LHC
- Dragos Velicanu
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 21s 2013, 14:00
- Anisotropic Hydrodynamics
- Michael Strickland
- Kent State University
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 14th 2013, 14:00
- Numerical simulation of hydrodynamical noise in
heavy-ion collisions
- Clint Young
- University of Minnesota
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 28th 2013, 14:00
- Quarkyonic Matter: theory and phenomenology
- Giorgio Torrieri
- FIAS & Columbia
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 21st 2013, 14:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Note special venue
- Spinodal density enhancements in fluid dynamical
simulations of relativistic nuclear collisions
- J. Steinheimer
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 31st 2013, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- The thermal photon rate at next-to-leading order
- Jacopo Ghiglieri
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 17th 2013, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Direct photon measurement at RHIC
- Takao Sakaguchi
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Thursday, December 6th 2012, 11:00 (room 326)
- Event by event azimuthal correlations and flow at the
- Anthony Timmins
- University of Houston
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 29th 2012, 14:00
- Viscous Hydrodynamic Flow in Heavy-Ion Collisions from
- Chun Shen
- Ohio State university
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 27th 2012, 14:00
- Note special day
- Measurement of Direct Photons in Pb-Pb Collisions at
√s= 2.76 TeV: First Results from ALICE
- Daniel Lohner
- Alice collaboration & Heidelberg University
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 22nd 2012, 14:00
- Converting a viscous fluid to particles
- Denes Molnar
- Purdue University
- Abstract
- Friday, November 16th 2012, 13:30 (room 326)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Flow measurements from ATLAS
- J. Jia
- Stony Brook University
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 8th 2012, 14:00
- Mapping the hydrodynamic response to the initial
geometry in heavy-ion collisions
- Matthew Luzum
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 1st 2012, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Event-by-event distribution of azimuthal asymmetries
in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
- Gabriel Denicol
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 1st 2012, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Fluctuating glasma initial conditions and flow in heavy-ion
- Björn Schenke
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 10th 2012, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- KNO scaling in pp / pA at LHC: theoretical motivation
and why it matters for AA
- Adrian Dumitru
- Baruch College
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 27th 2012, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Chiral and deconfining aspects of QCD transition at
finite temperature
- Peter Petreczky
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 20th 2012, 16:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Jet Propagation in Hot and Dense Media from Effective
Field Theory
- Francesco d'Eramo
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 1st 2012, 15:00 (room 326)
- Hydrodynamic flows from RHIC to LHC
- Chun Shen
- Ohio State University
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 2nd 2012, 15:00 (room 326)
- A blast-wave model with two freeze-outs
- Kang-Seog Lee
- Chon-Nam University
- Abstract
- Thursday, December 15th 2011, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Bulk viscosity, particle spectra and flow in heavy-ion
- Kevin Dusling
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 29th 2011, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Thermal Bottomonium Suppression
- Michael Strickland
- Gettysburg College
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 20th 2011, 15:00 (Room 326)
- Fluctuations and Equilibration in the AdS/CFT
- Derek Teaney
- SUNY Stony Brook
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 28th 2011, 15:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Soft Photons from transport and hydrodynamics
- Bjørn Bäuchle
- Universität Frankfurt
- Abstract
- Thursday, June 2nd 2011, 15:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Note special day
- Viscous hydrodynamic radial and elliptic flow from
- Chun Shen
- Ohio State University
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Tuesday, May 10th 2011, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Viscous hydrodynamic radial and elliptic flow from
- Chun Shen
- Ohio State University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 8th 2011, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Quantifying the initial state granularity and
triangular flow in relativistic heavy ion collisions
- Hannah Petersen
- Duke University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 30th 2010, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Some Challenges and Opportunities for Hard Probes
- Rainer J. Fries
- Texas A&M University and RIKEN/BNL Research Center
- Abstract
- RESCHEDULED: Thursday, November 25th 2010, 15:00 (room 326)
- J/ψ production and elliptic flow in relativistic
heavy-ion collisions
- Taesoo Song
- Texas A&M University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 16th 2010, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Heavy quark energy loss near the QCD phase transition
- Jorge Noronha
- Columbia University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 26th 2010, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Collision geometry fluctuations, triangular flow and
two-particle correlations in heavy ion collisions
- Burak Alver
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 7th 2010, 15:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- The physics of the QCD critical point
- Mikhail Stephanov
- University of Illinois, Chicago
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 9th 2010, 15:00 (room 326)
- High pT π0 azimuthal anisotropy measurement
from PHENIX: the influence of initial geometry and implication for the jet
- Jiangyong Jia
- Stony Brook University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, July 27th 2010, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Interactions between jets and the hot, dense QCD medium
- Guangyou Qin
- Duke University
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 29th 2010, 15:00 (room 326)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Charmonium above deconfinement as an open quantum
- Clint Young
- Stony Brook University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 16th 2010, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Heavy quarkonium near Tc
- Su Huong Lee
- Yonsei University
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 4th 2010, 15:00 (Room 326)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Lattice based Equation of State and its effect on the
hydrodynamical evolution
- Pasi Huovinen
- Goethe University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 2nd 2010, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Quarkyonic Chiral Spirals
- Toru Kojo
- Brookhaven National Laboratory - RBRC
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 1st 2009, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- A factorization based approach to jet modification in
an arbitrary medium
- Abhijit Majumder
- Ohio State University
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 5th 2009, 16:00 (room 326)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Viscosity at RHIC - Challenges and Open Problems
- Paul Romatschke
- University of Washington, Seattle
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 29th 2009, 16:00 (room 326)
- Note special day, time and venue
- What do we know about the shear-viscosity of QCD
- Steffen Bass
- Duke University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 6th 2009, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- The Long Slow Death of the HBT Puzzle
- Scott Pratt
- Michigan State University
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 17th 2009, 15:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Note special day and time
- The hydrodynamics of non-conformal fluids from
gauge/gravity duality
- Todd Springer
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 24th 2009, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Long Range Rapidity Correlations in the Glasma and the
Near Side Ridge in Heavy Ion Collisions
- Raju Venugopalan
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 17th 2009, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Electromagnetic signatures of the Color Glass
- Jamal Jalilian-Marian
- Baruch College, CUNY
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 10th 2009, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Viscosity effects on quarkonium states in a deconfined
QCD plasma
- Adrian Dumitru
- City University of New York & RIKEN BNL
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 18th 2008, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Jet Propagation and Mach Cones in Heavy-Ion Collisions
- Barbara Betz
- Goethe-University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 4th 2008, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Note special time
- Covariant and self consistent vertex corrections for
pions and isobars in nuclear matter
- Felix Riek
- Texas A-M
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 28th 2008, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Falsifying AdS/CFT Drag or pQCD Heavy Quark Energy
Loss with A+A at RHIC and LHC
- William Horowitz
- Columbia University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 21st 2008, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Simulating elliptic flow with viscous hydrodynamics
- Kevin Dusling
- SUNY, Stony Brook
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 14th 2008, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- The Ridge, The Glasma, and Radial Flow
- Sean Gavin
- Wayne State University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 30th 2008, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Instabilities of an anisotropically expanding
non-Abelian plasma
- Michael Strickland
- Gettysburg College
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 16th 2008, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Jet energy loss in stable and unstable non-Abelian
- Björn Schenke
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Thursday, June 26th 2008, 15:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Note special day and time
- Stellar Matter in supernova Explosions and Nuclear
- Alexandre Botvina
- Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 18th 2008, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Parton distribution functions in soft-collinear
effective theory
- Junegone Chay
- Korea University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 15th 2008, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Single photons from relativistic heavy ion collisions
- Dinesh Srivastava
- Variable Energy Cyclotron Center
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 20th 2007, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Open charm meson in finite temperature nuclear matter
- T. Mizutani
- Department of Physics, Virginia Tech
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 16th 2007, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- The QCD critical point in heavy ion collisions
- Chiho Nonaka
- University of Nagoya
- Abstract
- Monday, September 10th 2007, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Collisional Energy Loss - A welcoming component for
jet quenching phenomenon in heavy-ion collisions
- Munshi Golam Mustafa
- Theory Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
- Abstract
- Thursday, August 2nd 2006, 15:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Mach cone shock waves at RHIC
- J. Ruppert
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, July 24th 2007, 15:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Probing the Quark Gluon Plasma with Jets and Jet
- Abhijit Majumder
- Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham
- Friday, July 13th 2007, 11:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Dimuon transverse momentum spectra as a tool to
characterize the emission region in heavy-ion collisions
- Thorsten Renk
- University of Jyväskylä & University of Helsinki
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 1st 2007, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Is there a “most perfect
fluid” consistent with quantum field theory?
- Thomas Cohen
- University of Maryland
- Tuesday, January 9th 2007, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Thoughts on early thermalization in AA collisions and
nuclear matter in supercritical fields
- Kirill Tuchin
- Iowa State University/Riken-Brookhaven Research Center
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 12th 2006, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Heavy Quark Bound States Above Deconfinement
- Agnes Mocsy
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 7th 2006, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- How can AdS/CFT be useful for heavy-ion physics?
- Pavel Kovtun
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 24th 2006, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- From color glass to glasma and plasma
- Tuomas Lappi
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 17th 2006, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- The Quark-Gluon Liquid at RHIC
- Gunther Roland
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 3rd 2006, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Four-charged-pion decay of ρ0(770) and the
a1-ρ-π Lagrangian
- Peter Lichard
- Silesian University in Opava & Czech Technical University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 19th 2006, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- What does the rho-meson do? NA60's dimuon experiment
and in-medium modifications of vector-mesons
- Joerg Ruppert
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 17th 2006, 14:00 (ERP - Room 326)
- D-meson in a cold nuclear matter: a self-consistent
coupled channels approach
- Tetsuro Mizutani
- Virginia Tech
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 12th 2006, 16:00 (Piano Room - room
- Particle production in field theories coupled to
strong external sources
- Raju Venugopalan
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 5th 2006, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Critical point of strongly interacting matter: would
it be observed?
- Rashid Mehdiyev
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 7th 2006, 14:15 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Parton propagation in dense nuclear matter
- Ivan Vitev
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 16th 2006, 13:45 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Space-time evolution of bulk QCD matter at RHIC:
3-D hydro + UrQMD model
- Chiho Nonaka
- University of Minnesota
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 14th 2006, 14:15 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Anisotropy of flow and the order of phase transition
in relativistic heavy ion collisions
- Pasi Huovinen
- Univeristy of Virginia
- Abstract
- Monday, February 13th 2006, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Particle production in a field theory coupled to a
strong external source
- François Gelis
- SPhT, Saclay
- Abstract
- Rescheduled: Friday, December 2nd 2005, 14:30
(Room 326)
- Parton Recombination: A comprehensive model for bulk
hadronization at RHIC?
- Steffen Bass
- Duke University
- Abstract
- Friday, November 25th 2005, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Thermodynamics of large Nf at finite
chemical potential for weak and strong couplings
- Andreas Ipp
- Institute for Nuclear Theory, Trento
- Abstract
- Friday, November 18th 2005, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Quark Recombination
- Rainer Fries
- University of Minnesota
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 16th 2005, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Plasma Instabilities in the Melting Color Glass
- Paul Romatschke
- Bielefeld University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 15th 2005, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Nuclear modification of jet multiplicities
- Igor Dremin
- Lebedev Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 25th 2005, 13:00 (room 326)
- Joint Nuclear Theory/Informal Pizza Seminar
- The role of plasma instabilities in quark-gluon plasma
- Peter Arnold
- University of Virginia
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 20th 2005, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Heavy Ion Collisions, Diffusion, AdS/CFT, and the
Euclidean Lattice
- Derek Teaney
- Stony Brook University
- Abstract
Formerly Informal Pizza Seminars
- Monday, February 17th, 2025, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Cosmic Axiverse Background
- Chris Dessert
- Abstract
- Monday, February 10th, 2025, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- A non-perturbative construction of de Sitter late-time
- Kamran Salehi Vaziri
- University of Amsterdam
- Abstract
- Monday, February 3rd, 2025, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Detector operators in quantum gravity
- Murat Kologlu
- Yale University
- Abstract
- Monday, January 27th, 2025, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Coupled minimal models irrationally revisited
- Antonio Antunes
- École Normale Paris
- Abstract
- Monday, January 20th, 2025, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Primordial black holes, dark matter and gravitational
waves as a probe of the early universe
- Riajul Haque
- IIT Madras
- Abstract
- Monday, January 13th, 2025, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Cosmohedra
- Francisco Vazao
- Max Planck, Munich
- Abstract
- Monday, December 9th, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- A Quantum Description of Wave Dark Matter
- Nicholas Rodd
- Berkeley
- Abstract
- Monday, December 2nd, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Quantum gravity corrections to absorption and emission
of 4d near-extremal black holes in supergravity and Einstein gravity
- Anna Biggs
- Princeton
- Abstract
- Monday, November 25th, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Probing Light Fields with Neutron Stars
- Jamie McDonald
- Manchester
- Abstract
- Monday, November 18th, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Twisted Riemann Bilinear Relations and Cuts of Feynman
- Franziska Porkert
- U. Bonn, Phys. Inst., BCTP
- Abstract
- Monday, November 11th, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: New Physics and New Tools
- Cara Giovanetti
- Abstract
- Monday, November 4th, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Simplicity of In-In correlators
- Chandramouli Chowdhury
- U. Southampton
- Abstract
- Monday, October 28th, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Causality constraints on EFTs
- Sera Cremonini
- Lehigh University
- Abstract
- Monday, October 21st, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Ringdown at finite coupling
- Mathew Dodelson
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Monday, October 7th , 2024, 11:00 (online only)
- Detecting microHz Gravitational Waves with Binary
- Joshua Foster
- Fermilab
- Abstract
- Monday, September 30th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Holographic thermal correlators and quasinormal modes from semiclassical Virasoro blocks
- Mukund Rangamani
- UC Davis
- Abstract
- Monday, September 16th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- On the Physics and Differential Geometry of Top-Down
Holographic QCD at Intermediate Coupling
- Aalok Misra
- IIT, Roorkee
- Abstract
- Monday, September 9th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Minimal Areas from Entangled Matrices
- Alexander Frenkel
- Stanford
- Abstract
- Wednesday, August 28th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Note special day
- The complex Liouville string
- Beatrix Muehlmann
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, July 29th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Effective group field theory metric for the universe
- Lisa Mickel
- University of Sheffield
- Abstract
- Monday, June 3rd 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Determinant operators in N=4 SYM
- Frank Coronado
- ETH-Zuric
- Abstract
- Monday, May 27th 2024, 13:00 (room 326/online)
- Note special time
- Absorptive Effects and Classical Black Hole Scattering
- Callum Jones
- Abstract
- Monday, May 13th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- The fate of stringy non-invertible symmetries
- Miguel Montero
- IFT Madrid
- Abstract
- Monday, May 6th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- A New Antipodal Duality from the Perturbative
Amplitude Bootstrap
- Andrew McLeod
- University of Edinburgh
- Abstract
- Monday, April 15th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Axion Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves Detection
with Microwave Cavities
- Raffaele Tito D'Agnolo
- IPhT, Saclay
- Abstract
- Monday, April 8th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Three Point Amplitudes and Emergent Symmetries in
Matrix Theory
- Aiden Herdershee
- Abstract
- Monday, March 25th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- 3d quantum gravity and Virasoro TQFT
- Scott Collier
- Abstract
- Monday, March 18th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Axion clouds around pulsars
- Sam Witte
- Oxford
- Abstract
- Monday, February 26th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Dynamical black hole tides from scattering amplitudes
- Julio Parra Martinez
- Abstract
- Monday, February 12th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Holography and Regge Phases at Large U(1) Charge
- Giulia Fardelli
- Boston University
- Abstract
- Monday, January 29th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- ALP Anarchy
- Fran Chadha-Day
- Durham
- Abstract
- Monday, January 22nd 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Celestial Holography from the Outside In
- Sruthi Narayanan
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 16th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Note special day
- Double scaled SYK from 3D de Sitter gravity
- Herman Verlinde
- Princeton
- Abstract
- Monday, January 8th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- The dynamics of vacuum decay
- Matt Johnson
- York University & Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Monday, November 27th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Black Hole Archaeology
- Jeremy Sakstein
- University of Hawaii
- Abstract
- Monday, November 20th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Massive gravity is not positive
- Giulia Isabella
- Abstract
- Monday, November 13th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Dark Matter from Early Universe Neutrino Oscillation
- Yue Zhang
- Carleton U
- Abstract
- Monday, November 6th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Gravitational Imprints of Early Matter Domination
- Jessie Shelton
- Abstract
- Monday, October 30th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Time-Dependent Backgrounds of 1+1 Dimensional String
- Bruno Balthazar
- Abstract
- Monday, October 23rd 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Infinite Distance Limits and Factorization
- John Stout
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Monday, October 16th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Gravitational observables
- Dionysios Anninos
- King's College London
- Abstract
- Monday, October 2nd 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Deriving the Simplest Gauge/String Duality
- Edward Mazenc
- ETH Zürich
- Abstract
- Monday, September 25th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- A symmetry algebra in double-scaled SYK
- Henry Lin
- Stanford
- Abstract
- Monday, September 18th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Gravity Amplitudes from Double Bonus Relations
- Shruti Paranjape
- UC Davis
- Abstract
- Monday, September 11th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Comments on entanglement and meeting in the black hole
- Alex May
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, August 1st 2023, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105/online)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Evanescent integrals from local subtraction
- Alessandro Georgoudis
- Nordita
- Abstract
- Thursday, July 20th 2023, 13:30 (room 326/online)
- Note special day and time
- Lessons from Quantum Strings for Quantum Gravity
- Yuri Makeenko
- Abstract
- Wednesday, July 12th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Note special day
- S-matrix as a boundary observable
- Diksha Jain
- Tata Institute
- Abstract
- Monday, July 10th 2023, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105/online)
- Note special venue
- Varying Newton’s constant, dark matter, and gravity at
short distances
- Saurya Das
- University of Lethbridge
- Abstract
- Wednesday, June 14th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Note special day
- de Sitter state in string theory
- Archana Maji
- Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 31st 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Note special day
- Chern-Simons Field Theory Invariants
- P. Ramadevi
- Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Abstract
- Monday, May 29th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Cosmology meets cohomology: differential equations for
FRW correlators
- Andrzej Pokraka
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 24th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Note special day
- Gravity as a phase of matter
- Gregoire Mathys
- Cornell
- Abstract
- Monday, May 15th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Non-invertible Symmetry in Nature
- Shu-Heng Shao
- C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stony Brook University
- Abstract
- Monday, May 8th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- 3d gravity and gravitational entanglement entropy
- Gabriel Wong
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Monday, May 1st 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Early dark energy, quantum gravity, and cosmic
- Michael Toomey
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Monday, April 24th 2023, 12:00 (online)
- Cosmological Perturbations in Double Field Theory
- Allison Pinto
- Humbolt University
- Abstract
- Monday, April 17th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Neutrino and Dark Radiation Properties from Cosmic
- Marilena Loverde
- University of Washington
- Abstract
- Monday, April 3rd 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Entropies, Algebras, and UV Fixed Points
- Jonathan Sorce
- Abstract
- Monday, March 27th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Horizons are Watching You
- Gautam Satishchandran
- Princeton
- Abstract
- Monday, March 20th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Celestial Conformal Colliders
- Sabrina Pasterski
- Perimeter
- Abstract
- Monday, March 13th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Gluon scattering in AdS at finite string coupling
- Shai Chester
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Monday, March 6th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Evaluating one-loop string amplitudes
- Sebastian Mizera
- Abstract
- Monday, February 27th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Landau Singularities and the Geometry of On-shell
- Hofie Hannesdottir
- Abstract
- Monday, February 20th 2023, 12:00 (online)
- Putting Generalized Symmetries to Work for Particle
- Seth Koren
- University of Chicago
- Abstract
- Monday, February 13th 2023, 12:00 (online)
- Axion Production in High-Energy Astrophysical Plasmas
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Princeton
- Abstract
- Monday, January 30th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Decorrelating regions of spacetime using split flow
- Nima Lashkari
- Purdue University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 11th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Note special day
- Exploring High Frequency GWs with Magnons
- Asuka Ito
- QUP, KEK Japan
- Abstract
- Monday, December 12th 2022, 12:00 (online)
- Positivity Constraints on EFTs and Geometric function
- Prashanth Raman
- Indian Institute of Science
- Abstract
- Monday, December 5th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Neutrino physics from heaven and earth
- Thomas Schwetz-Mangold
- Abstract
- Monday, November 28th 2022, 12:00 (online)
- 3d gravity, SL(2,R) Chern Simons theory and
Teichmuller TQFT
- Lorenz Eberhardt
- Institute for Advanced Study
- Abstract
- Monday, November 14th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Open EFTs and Decoherence of Primordial Fluctuations
- Cliff Burgess
- Perimeter Institute & McMaster University
- Abstract
- Monday, November 7th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Low-energy EFT causality bounds
- Victor Pozsgay
- Imperial College
- Abstract
- Monday, October 31st 2022, 12:00 (online)
- Non-standard neutrino scenarios and the cosmos
- Olga Mena
- Valencia, IFIC
- Abstract
- Monday, October 24th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- WIMP Dark Matter In An Unusual Cosmological History
- Seyda Ipek
- Carleton University
- Abstract
- Monday, October 17th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Direct detection of dark matter far from the weak
- Ben Lehmann
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 12th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Note special day
- Ultralight Dark Matter from A(LPs) to U(LPs)
- Evan McDonough
- University of Winnipeg
- Abstract
- Monday, October 3rd 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Horizon Scattering, Partition Functions, and Edge
- Y. T. Albert Law
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Monday, September 26th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Three tales of crosscaps
- Shota Komatsu
- Abstract
- Monday, September 19th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- A Celestial Matrix Model
- Charles Marteau
- Abstract
- Monday, September 12th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Condensation and Evaporation of Boson Stars
- Sergey Sibiryakov
- McMaster University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, August 24th 2022, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- The Strong Sphaleron Rate from the Euclidean Lattice
- Guy Moore
- Technische Universitat Darmstadt
- Abstract
- Thursday, June 23rd 2022, 12:00 (Room 326/Tele-seminar)
- Note special day
- Quasi-Characters and the Classification of 2d CFT With
Two Primaries
- Sunil Mukhi
- IISER, Pune
- Abstract
- Monday, May 16th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Dark photon (and axion) stars
- Edward Hardy
- Liverpool
- Abstract
- Monday, May 9th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Real-Time Vacuum Decay: From the Lattice to the Lab
- Jonathan Braden
- Abstract
- Monday, May 2nd 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Allowable metrics in quantum cosmology
- Jean-Luc Lehners
- Albert-Einstein-Institute
- Monday, April 25th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Double Copy of Yang-Mills and Double Field Theory
- Olaf Hohm
- Humboldt University Berlin
- Abstract
- Monday, April 11th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Giant gravitons in Twisted Holography
- Davide Gaiotto
- PI
- Abstract
- Monday, April 4th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- A Shorter Path to Celestial Currents
- Sabrina Pasterski
- PI
- Abstract
- Monday, March 28th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Celestial w + infinity symmetries and asymptotic
charge dynamics
- Ana Maria Raclariu
- PI
- Abstract
- Monday, March 21st 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Low Energy Effective Theory for Axion Strings
- Michael Dine
- Santa Cruz
- Abstract
- Monday, March 14th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Mixed-state entanglement and information recovery in
evaporating black holes
- Shreya Vardhan
- Abstract
- Monday, March 7th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Rethinking the origin of neutrino masses: the role of
- Lena Funcke
- Abstract
- POSTPONED:Monday, February 21st 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Davide Gaiotto
- PI
- Monday, February 14th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Probing Dark Gauge Forces with a High-Energy Muon Beam
- Cari Cesarotti
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 8th 2022, 11:15 (Tele-seminar)
- Special Theory HEP Seminar
- Gravitational entropy and the flatness, homogeneity
and isotropy puzzles
- Neil Turok
- Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Edinburgh
- Abstract
- Monday, February 7th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- The discovery potential of astrometric weak lensing
- Cristina Mondino
- PI
- Abstract
- Monday, January 31st 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- The Hubble Tension: A Particle Physics Perspective
- Miguel Escudero
- Abstract
- Monday, January 24th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Late time behaviour of OTOC
- Zhenbin Yang
- Stanford
- Abstract
- Monday, January 17th 2022, 13:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Dark Radiation vs Hagedorn Strings
- Andrew Frey
- University of Winnipeg
- Abstract
- Monday, January 10th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- de Sitter vacua in string theory: from the landscape
to the swampland
- Mariana Grana
- CEA/Saclay
- Abstract
- Monday, December 20th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Bounds on Regge growth of flat space cattering from
bounds on chaos
- Suman Kundu
- Abstract
- Monday, December 13th 2021, 10:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Quantum field theories without infinities
and naturalness
- Mikhail Shaposnikov
- Abstract
- Monday, December 6th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Unlocking Dark Matter Physics out of Astrophysical
Data Sets
- Cora Dvorkin
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Monday, November 29th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Aspects of Rotating Black Holes in Dynamical
Chern-Simons Gravity
- Leah Jenks
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Monday, November 22nd 2021, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- On-shell Scattering Amplitudes from Massive Supergravity
- Laura Johnson
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Monday, November 15th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- de Sitter vacua in string theory: from the landscape
to the swampland
- Mariana Grana
- IPhT CEA/Saclay
- Monday, November 8th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Dark Matter from Axion Strings
- Malte Buschmann
- Princeton
- Abstract
- Monday, November 1st 2021, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Bootsrability for 1d defect CFT
- Julius Julius
- King's College London
- Abstract
- Monday, October 25th 2021, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105/Zoom)
- Comments on matrix integrals & de Sitter space
- Beatrix Muehlmann
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Monday, October 18th 2021, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105/Zoom)
- Doors to Darkness: Phenomenology of Dark Matter Portal
- Saniya Heeba
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Monday, October 4th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Finetuning, naturalness, and the next good theory
- James Wells
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Abstract
- Monday, September 27th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Bootstrap bounds for hyperbolic manifolds
- James Bonifacio
- University of Cambridge
- Abstract
- Monday, September 20th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Toy models for monogamy and bags of gold paradoxes
- Joydeep Chakravarty
- Tata Institute for Fundamental Research
- Abstract
- Monday, September 13th 2021, 11:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Note special time
- Holography of Information and Massive Islands
- Suvrat Raju
- Tata Institute for Fundamental Research
- Abstract
- Wednesday, July 14th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Note special day
- Backreaction in Quantum Cosmology
- Susanne Schander
- FAU Erlangen and Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Monday, July 12th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Can we prove that cosmic structures are of quantum
mechanical origin?
- Vincent Vennin
- APC, Paris
- Abstract
- Monday, June 28th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Thermal de Sitter and the Swampland
- Alek Bedroya
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Monday, June 14th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Bubble-Of-Nothing Decay of the de Sitter Universe
- Benjamin Lillard
- Abstract
- Monday, June 7th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Topics in inflationary cosmology: reheating, gauge
fields and gravitational waves
- Kaloian Lozanov
- Abstract
- Monday, May 31st 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Distant Strings on the Swampland
- Irene Valenzuela
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Monday, May 17th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Wormholes, islands, and ER = EPR
- Arjun Kar
- University of British Columbia
- Abstract
- Monday, May 3rd 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- A dark seesaw at low scales: applications to the
MiniBooNE and (g-2) puzzles
- Matheus Hostert
- University of Minnesota & Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Monday, April 26th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Catastrophic Production of Slow Gravitinos
- Evan McDonough
- Chicago
- Abstract
- Monday, April 12th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Tensionless Strings in Four Dimensions and the
- Timo Weigand
- Heidelberg
- Abstract
- Monday, March 29th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Solving cosmology puzzles with holographic cosmology
and transition to standard RD cosmology
- Horatiu Nastase
- Sao Paulo, IFT
- Abstract
- Monday, March 22nd 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Path integrals, black holes and the beginning of the
- Jean-Luc Lehners
- Albert Einstein Institute
- Abstract
- Monday, March 15th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- The Weak Scale as a Trigger
- Raffaele Tito D'Agnolo
- IPhT, Saclay
- Abstract
- Monday, March 8th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- A Model of Couplings
- Jonathan Heckman
- UPenn
- Abstract
- Monday, March 1st 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- S-matrix constraints on de Sitter and on black holes
- Gia Dvali
- LMU & MPP, Munich
- Abstract
- Monday, February 22nd 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Probing primordial features with the Stochastic
Gravitational Wave Background
- Sebastien Renaux-Petel
- IAP, Paris
- Abstract
- Monday, February 15th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- P not PQ
- Isabel Garcia
- Abstract
- Monday, February 8th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- De Sitter Quantum Breaking, Swampland Conjectures and
Thermal Strings
- Ralph Blumenhagen
- MPP, Munich
- Abstract
- Monday, February 1st 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Wave dark matter
- Lam Hui
- Columbia
- Abstract
- Monday, January 25th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Chern-Weil Global Symmetries and How Quantum Gravity
Avoids Them
- Ben Heidenreich
- UMass Amherst
- Abstract
- Monday, January 18th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Positivity with Gravity
- Claudia de Rham
- Imperial College
- Abstract
- Monday, January 11th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Island Finder
- Raphael Bousso
- Berkeley
- Abstract
- Monday, December 14th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Non-adiabatic and non-local behavior in effective
- Martin Bojowald
- Penn State
- Abstract
- Monday, December 7th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- The trouble with spatial curvature
- Sunny Vagnozzi
- Kavli Institute for Cosmology, IoA, Cambridge
- Abstract
- Monday, November 30th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Gauge Invariant Target Space Entanglement and
- Sumit Das
- Kentucky
- Abstract
- Monday, November 23rd 2020, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- The problem with a small and positive cosmological
- Thomas Van Riet
- KU Leuven
- Abstract
- Monday, November 16th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Covariant Phase Space and Soft Factorization in
Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
- Temple He
- UC Davis
- Abstract
- Monday, November 9th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Probing gravity and dark energy in the era of
multi-messenger cosmology
- Alessandra Silvestri
- Leiden University
- Abstract
- Monday, November 2nd 2020, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Emergence of (3+1)-dimensional expanding space-time
from the Lorentzian IKKT matrix model
- Jun Nishimura
- KEK and SOKENDAI, Tsukuba, Japan
- Abstract
- Monday, October 26th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Charming CP Violation
- Yuval Grossman
- Cornell University
- Abstract
- Monday, October 19th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Cosmological Open Quantum Systems
- Sarah Shandera
- Penn State
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 13th 2020, 13:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Note special day and time
- Cosmology Beyond Equilibrium: Science with CMB
spectral distortions
- Jens Chluba
- University of Manchester
- Abstract
- Monday, October 5th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Topological Gravity as the Early Phase of Our Universe
- Georges Obied & Cumrun Vafa
- Harvard University
- Monday, September 28th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-seminar)
- Anomalies in gravitational charge algebras of null
boundaries and black hole entropy
- Antony Speranza
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Monday, September 21st 2020, 13:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Dirac Branes for Dirichlet Branes
- Andrew Frey
- University of Winnipeg
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, April 1st 2020, 12:30
- Dong-Gang Wang
- Leiden University
- Wednesday, January 29th 2020, 12:30
- A model of quantum gravity with emergent spacetime
- Sung-Sik Lee
- Perimeter
- Abstract
- Friday, November 8th 2019, 12:30
- Note special day
- The Electroweak Phase Transition: A Collider Target
- Michael Ramsey-Musolf
- University of Massachusetts Armhest
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 6th 2019, 12:30
- Near-extremal black holes and Jackiw-Teitelboim
- Ashish Shukla
- University of Victoria
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 9th 2019, 12:30
- A New Prescription for Conformal Blocks and
- Valentina Prilepina
- Université Laval
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 26th 2019, 12:30
- Special Theory HEP Seminar
- On Phase Transitions in Classically Scale Invariant
- Ville Vaskonen
- King's College London
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 18th 2019, 12:30
- Signatures of unitarity in semiclassical black hole
- Henry Maxfield
- UC Santa Barbara
- Abstract
- Friday, September 13th 2019, 12:30
- Note special day
- Search optimization and Dynamical Criticality on the
String Landscape
- Justin Khoury
- University of Pennsylvania
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 4th 2019, 12:30
- Properties of a non-singular bounce in Bianchi I
- Edward Wilson-Ewing
- University of New Brunswick
- Abstract
- Thursday, August 15th 2019, 12:30
- Special Theory HEP Seminar
- First Result for a Full Two-Loop Five-Gluon Amplitude
- Simone Zoia
- Max Planck Institute for Physics
- Abstract
- Monday, August 5th 2019, 12:30
- Special Theory HEP Seminar
- A coaction on generalised hypergeometric functions
- Samuel Abreu
- Université Catholique de Louvain
- Monday, July 15th 2019, 12:30
- Special Theory HEP Seminar
- Analytic functionals and Polyakov bootstrap in
Boundary CFTs
- Apratim Kaviraj
- École normale supérieure & Institut de Physique
Théorique Philippe Meyer
- Abstract
- RESHEDULED: Thursday, May 30th 2019, 14:30
- Note special time
- Sphere packing, quantum gravity and extremal
- Dalimil Mazáč
- YITP, Stony Brook
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, May 29th 2019, 12:30
- Sphere packing, quantum gravity and extremal
- Dalimil Mazáč
- YITP, Stony Brook
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 21st 2019, 12:00
- Special Theory HEP Seminar
- Stringy ER=EPR
- Daniel Jafferis
- Harvard
- Wednesday, May 8th 2019, 12:30
- Effective field theory of gravity and finite size
- Ira Rothstein
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Thursday, May 2nd 2019, 12:30
- A new renormalized stress-energy tensor and the
cosmological constant problem
- Yigit Yarnic
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 24th 2019, 12:30
- Scattering Amplitudes for Spinning Black Holes
- Alfredo Guevara
- Perimeter Institute/University of Waterloo
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 17th 2019, 12:30
- JT Gravity as a Matrix Integral
- Phil Saad
- Stanford
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 10th 2019, 12:30
- Virasoro analytic bootstrap and the bound state
spectrum of 3D quantum gravity
- Scott Collier
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 3rd 2019, 12:30
- Boundary-corner contributions to entanglement entropy
- Clément Berthiere
- Pekin University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 20th 2019, 12:30
- Some Applications of Hyperbolic Geometry to
Superstring Perturbation Theory
- Faroogh Moosavian
- Perimeter
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 27th 2019, 12:30
- Solvable models and multipoint conformal blocks
- Vladimir Rosenhaus
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 20th 2019, 12:30
- Scattering Amplitudes from Intersection Theory
- Sebastian Mizera
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 6th 2019, 12:30
- Devin Walker
- Dartmouth College
- Monday, February 4th 2019, 12:30
- Note special day
- The Neutrino Puzzle: Anomalies, Interactions, and
Cosmological Tensions
- Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 30th 2019, 12:30
- On the Road to Cosmic Censorship: A Holographic
Argument for Penrose's Inequality
- Netta Engelhardt
- Princeton
- Wednesday, January 16th 2019, 12:30
- Symmetries and twining genera in symmetric orbifolds
of K3
- Roberto Volpato
- University of Padova
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 5th 2018, 14:00
- Photon Masses in the Landscape and Dark Photon Dark
- Matthew Reece
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Friday, November 30th 2018, 13:00
- Note special day and time
- Duality and bootstrap for the long-range Ising model
- Connor Behan
- Stony brook, YITP
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 29th 2018, 13:30
- Note special day and time
- Giant Monopoles as a Dark Matter Candidate
- Jarah Evslin
- Lanzhou, Institute of Modern Physics
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 22nd 2018, 13:30
- Special Theory HEP Seminar
- Primodial Black Holes from the QCD Axion
- Francesc Ferrer
- Washington University
- Wednesday, November 21st 2018, 14:00
- Constraining Dark Matter Interactions with Lyman-alpha
- Deanna Hooper
- RWTH Aachen U.
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 14th 2018, 14:00
- CP Violation in Top Physics
- Kaori Fuyuto
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 7th 2018, 14:00
- Asymmetric Dark Matter Exploding White Dwarfs and
Converting Neutron Stars to Black Holes
- Joseph Bramante
- Queen's University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 7th 2018, 11:00
- Special Theory HEP Seminar
- Quantum bounces and real time quantum cosmology
- Sebastian Bramberger
- Albert Einstein Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 31st 2018, 14:00
- K3 metrics from little string theory
- Max Zimet
- Stanford University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 24th 2018, 14:00
- The Geometry of relative locality
- Laurent Freidel
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Monday, October 22nd 2018, 14:00
- Note special day
- Inflation from spontaneously broken Weyl invariance in
theories with torsion
- Stefano Lucat
- Utrecht U.
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 18th 2018, 13:30
- Note special day and time
- Cosmological axion field and quark nugget dark matter
- Ariel Zhitnitsky
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 17th 2018, 14:00
- Probing Lepton Flavour Universality in Top Decays
- Daniel Stolarski
- Carleton University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 16th 2018, 12:00
- Perturbative CFTs and applications
- Kallol Sen
- Indian Institute of Science
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 11th 2018, 13:30
- Note special day and time
- Particle Phenomenology in the Era of Gravitational
Wave Astronomy
- Chen Sun
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 10th 2018, 14:00
- Holography at finite cutoff with a T2 deformation
- Edgar Shaghoulian
- Cornell
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 3rd 2018, 14:00
- Path integrals, finite temperature, and lattices
- David McGady
- Bohr Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 26th 2018, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Note special venue
- Neutrino Torquing
- Ue-Li Pen
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 19th 2018, 14:00
- Recent progress on long-distance singularities in QCD
- Einan Gardi
- University of Edinburgh
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 12th 2018, 14:00
- Generalised Gibbs Ensemble and Eigenstate
thermalization in 1+1 CFTs
- Simon Ross
- Durham
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 5th 2018, 14:00
- The Conformal Bootstrap at Nonzero Temperature
- Raghu Mahajan
- Princeton University
- Abstract
- Friday, July 6th 2018, 12:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Note special time and venue
- Varieties of Quantum Measurements
- N. D. Hari Dass
- Tata Institute for Fundamental Reserarch, Hyderabad
- Abstract
- Wednesday, July 4th 2018, 12:30
- Note special day
- Infinite additional symmetries in heterotic (1,0)
sigma models
- Marc-Antoine Fiset
- University of Oxford
- Abstract
- Tuesday, July 3rd 2018, 12:30
- Note special day
- On Lorentz-invariant massive spin-2 theories
- Atsushi Naruko
- Tohoku University
- Abstract
- Friday, June 22nd 2018, 12:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Note special time and venue
- Gravitational wave forest from string axiverse
- Yuko Urakawa
- Nagoya University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, June 6th 2018, 12:30
- Note special day
- Knot polynomials from Chern-Simons theory and their
string theoretic interpretation
- Pichai Ramadevi
- Indian Institute of Technology
- Abstract
- Friday, May 25th 2018, 12:30 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special venue
- Huajia Wang
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Thursday, May 24th 2018, 12:00
- Special Theory HEP Seminar
- Studying IR Dynamics with Conformal Truncation
- Nikhil Anand
- Johns Hopkins University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 8th 2018, 12:30
- Note special day
- Concentrated Dark Matter
- Scott Watson
- Syracuse University
- Abstract
- Friday, May 4th 2018, 12:30
- A Phase Diagram for Gravitational Collapse in AdS
- Andrew Frey
- University of Winnipeg
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 25th 2018, 12:30
- Note special day
- Decomposing strongly coupled states: conformal bases
and Hamiltonian truncation
- Brian Henning
- Yale
- Abstract
- Friday, April 20th 2018, 12:30
- Primordial Standard Clocks as a Direct Probe of the
Scenario of the Primordial Universe
- Xingang Chen
- Harvard CfA
- Abstract
- Friday, April 13th 2018, 12:30
- The Holographic Shape of Entanglement and Einstein's
- Onkar Parrikar
- UPenn
- Abstract
- Friday, April 6th 2018, 12:30
- Quantum Black Holes in the Sky: from Quantum Gravity
to Astrophysics and Cosmology
- Niayesh Afshordi
- Perimeter Institute & University of Waterloo
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 28th 2018, 12:30
- Note special day
- Holographic Description of 2D Conformal Block in
Semi-Classical limit II: Non-Vacuum Module Case
- Jie-Qiang Wu
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 21st 2018, 12:30
- Note special day
- Gravitational waves from the sound of a first-order
phase transition
- David J. Weir
- U. of Helsinki
- Abstract
- Friday, March 2nd 2018, 12:30
- Thomas Dumitrescu
- Harvard
- Wednesday, February 28th 2018, 12:30
- Note special day
- One-loop Colour/Kinematics Duality from the Worldsheet
- Yvonne Geyer
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 22nd 2018, 12:00
- Dual Boundary Conditions in 3d SCFT's
- Note special day and time
- Natalie Paquette
- Caltech
- Abstract
- Friday, February 16th 2018, 12:30
- Lessons on integrability from little string theory
- Mina Aganagic
- UC Berkeley
- Friday, January 26th 2018, 12:30
- Conformal Bootstrap at Large Charge
- Alexander Zhiboedov
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 17th 2018, 12:30
- Note special day
- Causality, Null Energy, and the Length Operator
- Thomas Hartman
- Cornell
- Abstract
- Friday, January 12th 2018, 12:30
- Observational Signature of High Spin at the Event
Horizon Telescope
- Alex Lupsasca
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 13th 2017, 12:30
- Note special day
- Constraints on hydrodynamics from many-body quantum
- Andrew Lucas
- Stanford
- Abstract
- Friday, December 1st 2017, 12:30
- Towards Quantum Gravity in AdS from Integrability
- Shota Komatsu
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 29th 2017, 14:00 (MSI Conference
- Special Theory HEP Seminar
- On the Path Integral for Gravity
- Neil Turok
- Perimeter Institute
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, November 29th 2017, 12:30
- Note special day
- Conformal Bootstrap at Large Charge
- Alexander (Sasha) Zhiboedov
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Friday, November 24th 2017, 12:30
- Quantum chaos and late-time dynamics
- Nick Hunter-Jones
- Caltech
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 22nd 2017, 12:30
- Note special day
- Entanglement of Purification and Holographic
- Ning Bao
- Caltech
- Friday, October 27th 2017, 12:30
- Field Propagators on a Causal Set
- Sumati Surya
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 25th 2017, 12:30
- Note special day
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Small N: Glueball
masses from SU(3) Matrix Model
- Sachin Vaidya
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Friday, October 20th 2017, 12:30
- Positivity Constraints on Effective Field Theories
for Cosmology/Gravity
- Scott Melville
- Imperial College London
- Abstract
- Friday, October 13th 2017, 12:30
- Coarse-graining quantum mechanics
- Djordje Radicevic
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 11th 2017, 12:30
- Note special day
- The Fate of the Universe
- Matthew Schwartz
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Friday, October 6th 2017, 12:30
- Isotropisation in cyclic universe cosmologies
- Chandrima Ganguly
- DAMTP, Cambridge
- Abstract
- Friday, September 29th 2017, 12:30
- Factorization of IR Dynamics: Soft Black Hole Hair as
Soft Wigs
- Massimo Porrati
- Abstract
- Friday, September 22nd 2017, 12:30
- 2d chiral algebras associated to 4d superconformal
field theories
- Leonardo Rastelli
- Stony Brook University
- Abstract
- Friday, September 15th 2017, 12:30
- Emergent MOND from dark matter-baryon particle
- Justin Khoury
- University of Pennsylvania
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 13th 2017, 12:30
- Note special day
- Complexity and Spacetime
- Simon Ross
- Durham University
- Abstract
- Friday, September 8th 2017, 12:30
- Dissipative and Stochastic Effects During Inflation
- Rudnei O. Ramos
- Rio de Janeiro State University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 6th 2017, 12:30
- QCD Axion mass-dark matter density relation
- Guy Moore
- Institut fur Kernphysik, T.U. Darmstadt
- Abstract
- Thursday, July 13th 2017, 12:00
- B decay anomalies from nonabelian horizontal symmetry
- Jim Cline
- McGill
- Abstract
- Thursday, June 22nd 2017, 12:00
- Perfect bounce in quantum cosmology
- Steffen Gielen
- Imperial College, Perimeter Institute & CITA
- Abstract
- Thursday, June 1st 2017, 12:00
- Bootstrap, Coset and Monster CFT
- Sunil Mukhi
- Thursday, May 25th 2017, 12:00
- Out-of-time-order correlators and effective field
- Felix Haehl
- University of British Columbia
- Abstract
- Thursday, May 4th 2017, 12:00
- Universal dynamics near quantum critical points
- William Witczak-Krempa
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 27th 2017, 12:00
- M-theory and knots: first steps towards gaining
physical intuition on knot invariants
- Veronica Errasti Diez
- McGill
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 20th 2017, 12:00
- Supersymmetry Breaking by Fluxes
- Savdeep Sethi
- U Chicago
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 13th 2017, 12:00
- Covariant c-flation
- Guilherme Franzmann
- McGill
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 6th 2017, 12:00
- Unwinding the amplituhedron
- Hugh Thomas
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 30th 2017, 12:00
- Siegel Modular Forms and Black Hole Entropy
- Alex Belin
- University of Amsterdam
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 23rd 2017, 12:00
- Information loss from partition functions at late
- Ethan Dyer
- Stanford
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 22nd 2017, 16:00
- Note special day and time
- Probing Inflationary Universe with 21cm fluctuations
- Tomo Takahashi
- Saga University
- Thursday, March 16th 2017, 12:00
- Joan Simon
- University of Edinburgh & Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Thursday, March 16th 2017, 12:00
- Genuine Cosmic Hair
- David Kastor
- UMass Amherst
- Abstract
- Friday, March 10th 2017, 14:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special venue, day and time
- Approaches to Inflationary Cosmology
- Junichi Yokoyama
- University of Tokyo
- Thursday, March 9th 2017, 12:00
- The effective field theory approach to cosmological
perturbation theory
- Simon Foreman
- Abstract
- Friday, March 3rd 2017, 14:00
- Note special time and day
- Stratifying On-Shell Cluster Varieties
- Jacob Bourjaily
- Niels Bohr International Academy
- Abstract
- Friday, March 3rd 2017, 12:00
- Note special day
- Towards a “hydrodynamic” approach to density matrices in quantum chaotic systems
- Nima Lashkari
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 23rd 2017, 12:00
- The Analytic Structure of Non-Global Logarithms
- Duff Neil
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 9th 2017, 12:00
- From axion inflation to leptons, baryons and
cosmological magnetic fields
- Evangelos Sfakianakis
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 2nd 2017, 12:00
- What else can you do with solvable approximations?
- Dror Bar-Natan
- University of Toronto
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 26th 2017, 12:00
- Applications of Complexity Theory to High Energy
- Ning Bao
- Caltech
- Tuesday, January 24th 2017, 12:00
- Joint Theory HEP/CPM Seminar
- Renormalization group flows and boundary states in
conformal field theories
- John Cardy
- UC Berkeley
- Abstract
- Monday, January 23rd 2017, 15:00
- Note special day and time
- Detecting Dark Energy with Atom Interferometry
- Clare Burrage
- Nottingham University
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 19th 2017, 12:00
- Entanglement entropy and conformal field theory
- Yan Gobeil
- McGill
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 12th 2017, 12:00
- Emergent Friedmann dynamics with a quantum bounce from
quantum gravity condensates
- Edward Wilson-Ewing
- MPI Potsdam
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 10th 2017, 15:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Joint MSI/Theory HEP Seminar
- Small Scale Structure of the Universe as seen by
pulsars and FRBs
- Ue-Li Pen
- CITA, University of Toronto & Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, December 15th 2016, 13:00
- Physics in Moonshine
- Paul de Lange
- University of Kentucky
- Abstract
- Friday, December 9th 2016, 14:00
- Note special day
- Group Field Theory Condensate Cosmology
- Mairi Sakellariadou
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, December 8th 2016, 13:00
- A Hot Metallic Hydrogen Cloud Around QCD Axion Stars
- Joshua Berger
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Abstract
- Thursday, December 1st 2016, 13:00
- A 2D Stress Tensor for 4D Gravity
- Prahar Mitra
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 24th 2016, 13:00
- Anti-brane dynamics in flux compactifications
- Stefano Massai
- Chicago
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 17th 2016, 13:00
- Emergent spacetime through indices
- Nathan Benjamin
- Stanford
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 16th 2016, 12:00
- Note special day and time
- Structure of Kahler potential for D-term inflationary
attractor models
- M. Yamaguchi
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Thursday, November 10th 2016, 13:00
- Natural SUSY at 13 TeV: not quite dead yet
- Angelo Monteux
- Rutgers
- Abstract
- Friday, November 4th 2016, 14:00
- Note special day and time
- Boundary Terms and Three-Point Functions: An AdS/CFT
Puzzle Resolved
- Dan Freedman
- MIT/Stanford
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 27th 2016, 13:00
- Information Loss in AdS3/CFT2
- Jared Kaplan
- John Hopkins
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 20th 2016, 13:00
- Intergalactic Magnetic Field Observations and their
Fundamental Implications
- Tanmay Vachaspati
- Arizona State
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 13th 2016, 13:00
- A Cardy Formula for Three-Point Coefficients: How the
Black Hole Got its Spots
- Alex Maloney
- McGill
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 6th 2016, 13:00
- Theta and Large N SQCD
- Patrick Draper
- UMass
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 29th 2016, 13:00
- Shape Dependence of Entanglement Entropy and Modular
- Onkar Parrikar
- UPenn
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 22nd 2016, 13:00
- Small string quantisation in curved space and tubular
- Partha Mukhopadhyay
- IMSc, Chennai
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 15th 2016, 13:00
- Quantum error correction and toy models of holography
- Yan Gobeil
- McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, November 4th 2015, 14:00
- Note special day and time
- Dan Freedman
- Thursday, September 8th 2016, 13:00
- Entanglement shadows in LLM geometries
- Simon Ross
- Durham
- Abstract
- Wednesday, August 31st 2016, 11:00
- Note special day and time
- Physical Implications of the Chiral Anomaly - from
Condensed matter Physics to Cosmology
- J. Froehlich
- ETH Zuerich
- Monday, August 29th 2016, 12:00
- Note special day and time
- Exponential Networks and representations of quivers
- Johannes Walcher
- Heidelberg
- Wednesday, August 24th 2016, 12:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Aspects of Ising-nematic quantum critical point
- Ipsita Mandal
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 20th 2016, 12:00
- Stereoscopic CFT Tools for Holography
- James Sully
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 6th 2016, 12:00
- Semiclassical OPE coefficients from 3D gravity
- Chi-Ming Chang
- Berkeley
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 31st 2016, 11:30
- Note special day and time
- Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry
- Eric Bergshoeff
- Groningen
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 23rd 2016, 12:00
- The Random Bond Ising Model
- David Simons-Duffin
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 16th 2016, 12:00
- Negative Energy and the Focussing of Light Rays
- Aron Wall
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 24th 2016, 12:00
- Fermions on the Anti-Brane
- Evan McDonough
- McGill
- Wednesday, February 3rd 2016, 12:00
- The nilpotent chiral superfield
- Timm Wrase
- Vienna University of Technology
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 2nd 2016, 11:30 (Piano Room - 211)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Dark matter models: the diary of a particle
- Yann Mambrini
- CNRS-Université Paris XI
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 20th 2016, 11:30 (Boardroom - room
- Please note special time and venue
- Charged Topological Entanglement Entropy
- Shunji Matsuura
- Niels Bohr Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 16th 2015, 12:00
- Chaos in quantum channels
- Dan Roberts
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 9th 2015, 12:00
- Landau-Ginzburg orbifolds and symmetries of K3 CFTs
- Sarah Harrison
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 2nd 2015, 12:00
- Galilean creation of the inflationary universe
- Jun'ichi Yokoyama
- University of Tokyo & IPMU
- Monday, November 30th 2015, 12:00
- Note special day
- Studying cosmological perturbations in generalized
gravitational theories
- Yuki Watanabe
- University of Tokyo
- Wednesday, November 25th 2015, 12:00
- S-Duality, Janus Configurations and Quadratic
- Ori Ganor
- Berkeley
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 18th 2015, 12:00
- Scalar-Vector Bootstrap
- Daniel Robbins
- Texas A & M
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 11th 2015, 12:00
- A. Liam Fitzpatrick
- Boston University
- Wednesday, November 4th 2015, 12:00
- Resurgence, quantum geometry and complex instantons
- Gokce Basar
- University of Maryland
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 28th 2015, 12:00
- Cracks in the Standard Model?
- Jim Cline
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 7th 2015, 12:00
- Modular forms and black hole entropy
- Edgar Shaghoulian
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 30th 2015, 12:00
- Near-Horizon Magnetospheres of Rapidly Spinning Black
- Alex Lupsasca
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 23th 2015, 12:00
- Alex Maloney
- McGill
- Wednesday, September 9th 2015, 12:00
- Wormholes, ETH & random matrices
- Simon Ross
- Durham University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 30th 2015, 15:00
- Entanglement and gravity in three dimensions
- Henry Maxfield
- Durham University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, June 10th 2015, 12:00
- Lie algebraic formulation of tt* equations and
topological strings
- Murad Alim
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 20th 2015, 12:00
- Witten index and Wall crossing
- Heeyeon Kim
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 19th 2015, 12:00
- Note special day
- Entanglement Entropy in AdS3/CFT2: anomalies and fake
- Alejandra Castro
- University of Amsterdam
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 13th 2015, 12:00
- Geoids in General Relativity
- Marius Oltean
- University of Waterloo
- Abstract
- Friday, May 8th 2015, 12:00
- Note special day
- Holographic duals of conformal blocks
- Eric Perlmutter
- Princeton University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 29th 2015, 12:00
- Entanglement, Spacetime, and Quantum Error Correction
- Xi Dong
- Stanford University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 22nd 2015, 12:00
- Geometry and Information in 2d Conformal Field Theory
- Thomas Hartman
- Cornell University
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 9th 2015, 15:30 (MSI Conference Room)
- Joint Theory HEP/Astrophysics Seminar
- From precision to accuracy: cosmology with large
imaging surveys
- Hiranya Peiris
- University College London
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 8th 2015, 12:00
- Large N matrices and finite systems
- Dionysios Anninos
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 18th 2015, 12:00
- Universal Spectrum of 2d Conformal Field Theory in
the Large c Limit
- Christoph Keller
- Rutgers University
- Monday, March 16th 2015, 12:10
- Note special time
- Putting Inflation to the Test
- Pieter Daniel Meerburg
- Princeton University
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 29th 2015, 13:30 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Eccentric compact object mergers
- Frans Pretorius
- Department of Physics, Princeton University
- Wednesday, January 28th 2015, 12:00
- How well can we really know the scale of inflation?
- Scott Watson
- Syracuse University
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 22nd 2015, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Note special day, time and venue
- The early stages of high-energy heavy-ion — from
nucleon structure towards the onset of thermalization (Part II)
- Soeren Schlichting
- Heidelberg University
- Wednesday, January 21st 2015, 12:00
- Consistent massive graviton on arbitrary backgrounds
- Cédric Deffayet
- Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
- Abstract
- Monday, January 19th 2015, 12:00
- The early stages of high-energy heavy-ion — from
nucleon structure towards the onset of thermalization
- Soeren Schlichting
- Heidelberg University
- Wednesday, January 14th 2015, 12:00 (Room 326)
- A ΛCDM Bounce Scenario
- Edward Wilson-Ewing
- Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 17th 2014, 12:00 (Room 326)
- Classification of all 6D SCFTs
- Jonathan Heckman
- University of North Carolina
- Wednesday, December 10th 2014, 12:00 (Room 326)
- Gravitational Interaction of the Higgs and Dark Matter
- Jing Ren
- University of Toronto
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 3rd 2014, 12:00 (Room 326)
- Holographic C-function
- Vishnu Jejjala
- University of the Witwatersrand
- Wednesday, November 26th 2014, 12:00 (Room 326)
- Elementary Goldstone Higgs and Dark Matter
- Alanne Tommi
- University of Jyvaskyla
- Abstract
- Monday, November 17th 2014, 12:00
- Quantum supergravity and exact holography
- João Miguel Vieira Gomes
- DAMTP Cambridge
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 12th 2014, 12:00 (Room 326)
- Dark Matter - Neutrino Interactions: Solving the Small
Scale Structure Problem and its Implications
- Bridget Bertoni
- University of Washington
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 5th 2014, 12:00 (Room 326)
- The Eightfold way of Fluid: Eight kinds of transport
coefficients and their effective field theory
- Loganayagam Ramalingam
- IAS Princeton
- Monday, November 3rd 2014, 12:00
- A unified description of inflation and dark energy
- Wali Hossain
- Centre for Theoretical Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 29th 2014, 12:00
- Monopole Operators on the Coulomb branch
- Amihay Hanany
- Imperial College
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 27th 2014, 12:00
- Note special day
- Dynamics of the chiral phase transition - Universal
fluctuations near criticality
- David Mesterhazy
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 24th 2014, 12:00 (Room 326)
- E-string elliptic genus from domain walls
- Guglielmo Lockhart
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Monday, September 22nd 2014, 12:00
- Modulated Preheating and CMB Anomalies
- Zhiqi Huang
- Abstract
- Monday, September 15th 2014, 12:00
- Multi-boundary wormholes and holographic entanglement
- Simon Ross
- Durham University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 3rd 2014, 12:00
- Spacetime curvature and the Higgs stability during
- Tommi Markkanen
- University of Helsinki
- Abstract
- Wednesday, August 13th 2014, 12:00
- Can we have a healthy violation of the NEC?
- Francis Duplessis
- Arizona State University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, July 8th 2014, 12:00 (room 326)
- Stringy Corrections from (Almost) Classical
- Andrew Frey
- University of Winnipeg
- Abstract
- Wednesday, June 18th 2014, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- New physics from Flavor experiments: Opportunities and
- Alakabha Datta
- University of Mississippi
- Abstract
- Friday, June 13th 2014, 11:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special time
- Probing gas distribution with gravitational lensing
and CMB maps
- Yin-Zhe Ma
- University of British Columbia
- Abstract
- Wednesday, June 11th 2014, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- 3d & 5d holomorphic blocks for SUSY gauge theories
- Fabrizio Nieri
- University of Surrey
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 10th 2014, 12:00 (room 326)
- Note special day
- String Amplitudes and the Omega-Deformed Gauge Theory
- Ahmad Zein Assi
- Abstract
- Friday, May 30th 2014, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- M-theory interpretation of the real topological string
- Nicolo Piazzalunga
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 28th 2014, 12:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Note special venue
- Stochastic ElectroDynamics with Spin (SEDS) as a new
foundation of Special Relativity (SR) and of Quantum ElectroDynamics (QED)
- Francesco Barbero
- Abstract
- Friday, May 16th 2014, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Running couplings with a vanishing scale anomaly
- Carlos Tamarit
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Friday, May 2nd 2014, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Cosmic Rays from Higgs Portal Dark Matter
- Wei Xue
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 30th 2014, 12:00 (Room 326)
- Shedding New Light on Sterile Neutrinos
- Brian Shuve
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 29th 2014, 12:00 (room 326)
- Note special day
- Relative entropies in conformal field theory
- Nima Lashkari
- Stanford University
- Abstract
- Friday, April 25th 2014, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Gauge Theories in the Landscape: From Deformation
Theory to Dark Matter
- Jim Halverson
- KITP, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 23rd 2014, 12:00 (Room 326)
- The future of weak gravitational lensing in cosmology
- Ludovic Van Waerbeke
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 16th 2014, 12:00 (Room 326)
- Partially Massless Gravity
- Kurt Hinterbichler
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 2nd 2014, 12:00 (Room 326)
- Testing quantum gravity with pulsars
- Ue-Li Pen
- University of Toronto
- Abstract
- Friday, March 28th 2014, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Non-renormalizability of the classical-statistical
- Thomas Epelbaum
- IPhT Saclay
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 26th 2014, 12:00 (Room 326)
- Stochastic Inflation Revisited: A Self-Consistent
Recursive Approach and Applications
- Laurence Perreault Levasseur
- University of Cambridge
- Abstract
- Friday, March 21st 2014, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Wild and tame scalar-tensor black holes
- Valerio Faraoni
- Bishop's University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 19th 2014, 12:00 (Room 326)
- Black Holes Catalyse Vacuum Decay
- Ruth Gregory
- Durham University
- Abstract
- Friday, January 31st 2014, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Transient reductions of the inflaton speed of sound in
the Cosmic Microwave Background
- Ana Achucarro
- Institute Lorentz for Theoretical Physics, Leiden University
- Abstract
- Friday, January 17th 2014, 12:00
- Note special day and time
- Quantum Tunneling in Real Time
- Neil Turok
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 15th 2014, 12:00
- Note special day and time
- Why are the effective equations of loop quantum
cosmology so accurate?
- Edward Wilson-Ewing
- Louisiana State University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 17th 2013, 13:00
- New nonlinear massive gravity and its cosmological
- Emmanuel Saridakis
- National Technical University of Athens
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 26th 2013, 13:00
- Non-equilibrium fermion production on the lattice
- Daniil Gelfand
- Heidelberg
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 12th 2013, 13:00
- Topological defects and generalised orbifolds
- Nils Carqueville
- Simons Center, Stony Brook
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 7th 2013, 13:00
- A Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence for generalized
Kaehler manifolds
- Ruxandra Moraru
- University of Waterloo
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 5th 2013, 13:00
- Localization and holography in N=2 gauge theories
- Alex Buchel
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 29th 2013, 13:00
- Refined BPS Invariants of del Pezzo and half K3
Calabi-Yau manifolds
- Maximilian Poretschkin
- Bonn University
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 17th 2013, 13:00
- Collective Fields, Holography and RG Flows in dS/CFT
- Sumit Das
- University of Kentucky
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 15th 2013, 13:00
- Price for a NEC-violation
- Alex Vikman
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 10th 2013, 13:00
- Galileons, Modified Gravity and New Field Theories
- Mark Trodden
- University of Pennsylvania
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 3rd 2013, 13:00
- The charge radius of the proton
- Gil Paz
- Wayne State
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 24th 2013, 15:00
- Note special time
- The Conformal Standard Model
- Hermann Nicolai
- MPG Potsdam
- Abstract
- Monday, September 23rd 2013, 13:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special day and venue
- Inflationary models after Planck
- Jerome Martin
- IAP Paris
- Thursday, September 12th 2013, 13:00
- Generalized orbifolds of Landau-Ginzburg models
- Daniel Plencner
- LMU Munich
- Abstract
- Thursday, August 29th 2013, 13:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Note special venue
- On charged black holes in Nonlinear ghost-free Massive
- Caixia Gao
- University of Mississippi
- Abstract
- Monday, July 29th 2013, 14:00
- Deformed gauged SO(8) supergravities: what can they
tell us about M-theory?
- Bernard de Wit
- Amsterdam NIKHEF & Utrecht University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, July 23rd 2013, 12:00
- Model independent constraints on warm hidden dark matter
- Subinoy Das
- RWTH Aachen
- Abstract
- Wednesday, July 17th 2013, 14:00
- Cool Horizons for Entangled Black Holes
- Alex Belin
- McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, July 12th 2013, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- An Infalling Observer in AdS/CFT and the Information
- Suvrat Raju
- International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
- Abstract
- Monday, July 8th 2013, 13:00
- Note special day and time
- The N = 4 Superconformal Bootstrap
- Balt van Rees
- Stony Brook
- Abstract
- Friday, July 5th 2013, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Note special time and venue
- Multiplicity-free quantum 6j-symbols for Uq(SU(N))
- Zodinmawia Tlau
- India Institute of Technology Bombay
- Abstract
- Friday, June 21st 2013, 15:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special time and venue
- Knot invariants from Chern-Simons theory (part I)
- Satoshi Nawata
- NIKHEF - Amsterdam
- Abstract
- Wednesday, June 19th 2013, 15:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special time, day and venue
- Knot invariants from Chern-Simons theory (part I)
- Satoshi Nawata
- NIKHEF - Amsterdam
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 18th 2013, 14:00
- Note special time
- Introduction to Knot Theory
- Sam Selmani
- McGill
- Tuesday, May 21st 2013, 14:00
- Note special time
- Entanglement, edge states, and gauge symmetry
- William Donnelly
- University of Waterloo
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 21st 2013, 12:00
- Tracking down the top quark forward backward asymmetry
- Peter Winslow
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 7th 2013, 12:00
- Some Applications of Computational Algebraic Geometry
to String and Particle Phenomenology
- Yang-Hui He
- London/Oxford
- Abstract
- Friday, May 3rd 2013, 12:00
- Torsion Gravity for Fermionic Matter: the Einstein and
Weyl theories
- Luca Fabbri
- University of Bologna
- Abstract
- Friday, April 26th 2013, 12:00
- f(T) Gravity and Cosmology
- Emmanuel N. Saridakis
- University of Athens
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Tuesday, April 23rd 2013, 13:00
- Shamil Shakirov
- UC Berkeley
- Tuesday, April 16th 2013, 13:00
- Light states in Chern-Simons theory coupled to
fundamental matter
- Jonathan Maltz
- Stanford
- Friday, April 12th 2013, 12:00
- Why is the generalized second law true?
- Aaron Wall
- Tuesday, April 9th 2013, 12:00
- Eliminating Ghost and Anisotropy in Bouncing Cosmology
- Taotao Qiu
- National Taiwan University
- Friday, April 5th 2013, 12:00
- Wang Yi
- Tuesday, April 2nd 2013, 13:00
- Vacuum decay mediated by topological defects
- Richard MacKenzie
- Université de Montréal/McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 19th 2013, 12:30
- Note special time
- Orthogonal Technicolor with Isotriplet Dark Matter on
the Lattice
- Ari Hietanen
- Odense
- Abstract
- Friday, March 15th 2013, 12:00
- Gauging the Way to MFV
- Gordan Krnjaic
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 12th 2013, 13:00
- Inflation models and non-Gaussianities before Planck
- Yi Wang
- Abstract
- Friday, March 1st 2013, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special venue
- The geometry of the quantum Hall effect
- Dam Son
- Chicago
- Abstract
- Friday, February 22nd 2013, 12:00
- Electroweak Phase Transition, Higgs Diphoton Rate, and
New Heavy Fermions
- Hooman Davoudiasl
- Abstract
- Friday, February 15th 2013, 12:00
- Mode mixing in angle and rapidity in a hydrodynamic
description of heavy ion collisions
- Derek Teaney
- Stony Brook
- Abstract
- Friday, February 8th 2013, 12:00
- Some applications of 3d holography to condensed matter
- Thomas Faulkner
- Wednesday, February 5th 2013, 13:00
- Note special day and time
- Entanglement entropy in de Sitter space
- Guilherme Pimentel
- Princeton
- Abstract
- Monday, February 4th 2013, 15:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Black hole hair and electromagnetic signatures of merging
and collapsing compact objects
- Maxim Lyutikov
- Purdue
- Abstract
- Friday, January 25th 2013, 12:00
- Tidal stretching of gravitons into classical strings:
Application to jet quenching with AdS/CFT
- Peter Arnold
- University Of Virginia
- Friday, January 18th 2013, 12:00
- Multifield Reheating and the Fate of the Primordial
- Ewan Tarrant
- University of Nottingham
- Abstract
- Friday, January 11th 2013, 12:00
- Holographic description of the cosmological
- Misha Smolkin
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 11th 2012, 13:00
- The MHV-vertex Expansion for Gravity Amplitudes
- Sayeh Rajabi
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 4th 2012, 13:00
- Searching for early-universe relics in the CMB
- Matthew Johnson
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 29th 2012, 13:00
- Carving out the Space of Conformal Field Theories
- David Poland
- Yale University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 27th 2012, 13:00
- Note special day
- Light sates in Chern-Simons theory coupled to
fundamental matter
- Shamik Banerjee
- Stanford University
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 22nd 2012, 13:00
- Solution to the ghost problem in fourth-order derivative theories and its implications for gravity and astrophysics
- Philip Mannheim
- University of Connecticut
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 20th 2012, 13:00
- Gravity duals to boundary subsets
- Joanna Karczmarek
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 15th 2012, 13:00
- Anomaly-Induced Transport and Thermodynamics
- Kristan Jensen
- University of Victoria
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 13th 2012, 13:00
- Exact Results in D=2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
- Jaume Gomis
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 8th 2012, 13:00
- Recent progress on de Sitter S-matrix
- Ian Morrison
- University of Cambridge
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 6th 2012, 13:00
- The Wave Function of the Universe in Higher Spin
- Daniel Harlow
- Princeton University
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 25th 2012, 13:00
- Gamma Rays at 130 GeV and How They Might Come from
Dark Matter
- Andrew Frey
- University of Winnipeg
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 23rd 2012, 13:00
- M5-branes from gauge theories on the 5-sphere
- Seok Kim
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 16th 2012, 13:00
- Holographic slow-roll inflation
- Paul McFadden
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 9th 2012, 13:00
- 2D to 4D Correspondence: Towers of Kinks versus Towers
of Monopoles
- Pavel Bolokhov
- University of Minnesota
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 4th 2012, 13:00
- Fate of cosmological solutions in massive gravity
- Emir Gumrukcuoglu
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 2nd 2012, 13:00
- Superconformal algebra and Jack superpolynomials.
- Pierre Mathieu
- Université Laval
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 18th 2012, 13:00
- Dynamics of heavy-ion collisions and thermalization of
weakly-coupled non-abelian plasmas
- Sören Schlichting
- Universität Heidelberg
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 11th 2012, 13:00
- Probing Charged Excited States of Dark Matter
- Haipeng An
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, August 30th 2012, 13:00
- Weakly coupled M-branes
- Sunil Mukhi
- Tata Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, August 23rd 2012, 13:00
- Einstein-Cartan Theory as an Averaged Theory of
- Juliane Behrend
- U. Utrecht
- Abstract
- Thursday, July 26th 2012, 13:00
- Cosmological Inflation and the Quantum Measurement
- Vincent Vennin
- Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
- Abstract
- Tuesday, July 24th 2012, 13:00
- Anomalous High Energy Dependence in Inflationary
Density Perturbations
- Yi Wang
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, July 10th 2012, 13:00
- Forward and Inverse Algorithms
- Siddharth Dwivedi
- IIT Bombay
- Abstract
- Tuesday, July 10th 2012, 11:00 (R.E. Conference Room - room
- Note special time and venue
- Studying wave optics in exoplanet microlensing light
- Sohrab Rahvar
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Friday, July 6th 2012, 15:00
- Note unusual day and time
- On Emergent Geometries and the Example of AdS5XS5
- Frank Ferrari
- Université libre de Bruxelles
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, July 4th 2012, 15:00
- Note unusual day and time
- Liam McAllister
- Cornell University
- Thursday, June 28th 2012, 13:00
- Density Perturbations from Curvatons Revisited
- Takeshi Kobayashi
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 26th 2012, 13:00
- Heterotic Torsional Backgrounds, Threshold Corrections
and Mock Modular Forms
- Dan Israel
- Abstract
- Monday, June 25th 2012, 13:00
- Note special day
- Chris Beem
- Tuesday, June 19th 2012, 13:00
- On 4d/2d correspondence with 8 and 4 supercharges
- Peter Koroteev
- Minnesota
- Abstract
- Thursday, June 7th 2012, 13:00
- Self-accelerating universe from non-linear massive
- Chunshan Lin
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 5th 2012, 13:00
- Higher Spin Generalization of the 6-Vertex Model and
Macdonald Polynomials
- Tiago Dinis
- Concordia
- Abstract
- Friday, June 1st 2012, 14:30
- Note special time and day
- Chern-Simons Theory and Topological Strings
- Ramadevi Pichai
- IIT Bombay
- Abstract
- Friday, May 25th 2012, 13:00
- Aspects of Large Volume D3/D7 μ-Split SUSY
- Aalok Misra
- IIT Roorkee
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 1st 2012, 13:00
- Vincent Bouchard
- University of Alberta
- Thursday, April 26th 2012, 13:00
- Warped Dimensional Reduction
- Andrew Frey
- University of Winnipeg
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 24th 2012, 13:00
- Scattering from N=4 to N=0
- Simon Caron-Huot
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 17th 2012, 13:00
- Temperature dependence of Standard Model CP violation
and Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis
- Aleksi Vuorinen
- Bielefeld University
- Tuesday, April 10th 2012, 13:00
- No-boundary measure in string theory
- DongHan Yum
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 20th 2012, 13:00
- Singularity resolution inside radiating 2-D black
- Gabor Kunstatter
- University of Winnipeg
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Thursday, March 15th 2012, 13:00
- Neil Turok
- Cambridge
- Tuesday, March 13th 2012, 13:00
- Holographic fermions
- David Vegh
- Simons Center, Stony Brook
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 8th 2012, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Geometry and Connectedness of Heterotic String
Compactifications with Fluxes
- Xenia C. de la Ossa
- Oxford
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 6th 2012, 13:00
- D-Brane and O-Plane Actions from String Amplitudes
- Katrin Becker
- Texas A&M
- Thursday, March 1st 2012, 13:00
- Dipole deformed background — holography and
string spectrum
- Wei Song
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 28th 2012, 13:00
- BPS spectra of N=2 QFT in 4d
- Murad Alim
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 23rd 2012, 13:00
- Non-extremality and the IR limit of large N QCD
- Mohammed Mia
- Columbia University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 21st 2012, 13:00
- How much do mathematicians understand about the
AdS/CFT correspondence?
- Alberto Enciso
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 16th 2012, 13:00
- Alfred Mueller
- Columbia
- Tuesday, February 14th 2012, 13:00
- Closed Strings in Open String Field Theory
- Ivo Sachs
- Universität München
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 9th 2012, 13:00
- How to Measure the Speed of Gravity
- Manu Paranjape
- Groupe de physique des particules, Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 7th 2012, 13:00
- Chaos in String Theory
- Archisman Ghosh
- University of Kentucky
- Abstract
- Monday, January 23rd 2012, 15:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Composite Higgs, Dark Matter and Inflaton
- Francesco Sannino
- CP3 Origins
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 19th 2012, 13:00
- Black Hole Design
- Maria J. Rodriguez
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 12th 2012, 13:00
- Scalar Perturbations in Loop Quantum Cosmology
- Ed Wilson-Ewing
- Penn State
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 10th 2012, 13:00
- Backreaction on the luminosity-redshift relation from
gauge-invariant light-cone averaging
- Ido Ben-Dayan
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 6th 2011, 13:00
- RECAST - A framework for extending the impact of
existing analyses
- Itay Yavin
- McMaster University & Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, December 1st 2011, 13:00
- Wei Song
- Harvard
- Tuesday, November 29th 2011, 13:00
- Ben Burrington
- University of Toronto
- Monday, November 28th 2011, 13:00
- Eternal Symmetree
- Douglas Stanford
- Stanford
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 15th 2011, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- (0,2) quantum cohomology
- Sheldon Katz
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 8th 2011, 13:00
- Constraints on String Cosmology
- Callum Quigley
- Chicago
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 1st 2011, 13:00
- Shedding (sun)light on dark matter direct detection
- Josef Pradler
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 18th 2011, 13:00
- Single field inflation beyond slow-roll
- Johannes Noller
- Imperial College London
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 11th 2011, 13:00
- Constraining dark matter properties using current and
future direct detection experiments
- Charlotte Strege
- Imperial College London
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 6th 2011, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Scattering Amplitudes and Wilson Loops, Flux tubes and
- Pedro Vieira
- Perimeter Institute
- Tuesday, October 4th 2011, 13:00
- Currents in cosmic strings and associated cosmology
- Patrick Peter
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 29th 2011, 13:00
- Sphere partition functions and Z-minimization in 3
- Daniel Jafferis
- Harvard
- Tuesday, September 27th 2011, 14:00 (McConnell Engineering Bldg., Room 103S)
- Joint THEP/CS Seminar
- Black holes and qubits
- Michael Duff
- Imperial College London
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 27th 2011, 12:30
- Note special time
- Collapse of small-scale density perturbations during
preheating and production of gravitational waves
- Jerome Martin
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 13th 2011, 13:00
- Flows involving Lifshitz spacetimes
- Simon Ross
- Durham University
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 8th 2011, 13:00
- Results in 2D causal set quantum gravity
- Sumati Surya
- Raman Research Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 6th 2011, 13:00
- Monopole operators and dualities in 3d CS matter
- Mauricio Romo
- Abstract
- Friday, September 2nd 2011, 11:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Note special day, time and venue
- K3 surfaces, modular forms, and non-geometric heterotic
- David Morrison
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 1st 2011, 13:00
- Note special day and time
- Cosmology meets quantum gravity: a chiral signature in
the CMB?
- Joao Magueijo
- Imperial College London
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Tuesday, August 30th 2011, 13:00 (Piano room - room 211)
- Note special date, time and venue
- Omid Saremi
- University of California, Berkley
- Thursday, August 25th 2011, 13:00
- Note special day and time
- The Structure and Interpretation of Quasi-Boundary
- Yin Zheng
- Abstract
- Monday, August 22nd 2011, 13:00
- Note special date and time
- Origami of a Gaiotto Curve from a Seiberg-Witten Curve
- Chan Youn Park
- Caltech
- Abstract
- Thursday, August 4th 2011, 12:00
- Note special day
- Average evolution of locally inhomogeneous universes
- Alexander Wiegand
- Universität Bielefeld
- Abstract
- Monday, August 1st 2011, 15:00
- Note special day and time
- Holographic Entanglement Entropy
- Rob Myers
- Perimeter Institute
- Monday, August 1st 2011, 12:00
- Special Joint Theory and Astrophysics Seminar
- How Sensitive is the CMB to a Single Lens?
- Anastasia Fialkov
- Tel Aviv University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, July 20th 2011, 13:00 (Piano room - room 211)
- Note special time and venue
- New Results in Gravity Duals of Cascading Chern-Simons
- Peter Ouyang
- Purdue University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, July 19th 2011, 13:00
- Note special day and time
- High-energy string-brane collisions: an instructive
gedanken experiment?
- Gabriele Veneziano
- Collège de France
- Abstract
- Monday, July 18th 2011, 13:00 (Piano room - room 211)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Scale Invariance from Spontaneous Breaking of
Conformal Symmetry
- Justin Khoury
- University of Pennsylvania
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 7th 2011, 15:00
- Note special day and time
- Wilson loops and scattering amplitudes
- Simon Caron-Huot
- Wednesday, May 25th 2011, 12:00
- String Theory on Warped AdS3 and Virasoro Resonances
- Josh Lapan
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 4th 2011, 12:00
- Effective Field Theories for heavy quarkonium at
finite temperature
- Jacopo Ghiglieri
- Technische Universität München
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 13th 2011, 12:00
- Does a quantum particle know its own energy?
- Rafael Sorkin
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Monday, April 11th 2011, 12:00
- Note special day
- How are 1+1-dimensional quantum field theories
applicable to condensed matter systems?
- David Sénéchal
- Université de Sherbrooke
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 6th 2011, 12:00
- Holographic Non Fermi Liquids
- Diego Hofman
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 30th 2011, 12:00
- Dark Matter + Sommerfeld Enhancement: Benchmarks for
Cosmic Ray Excesses
- Tracy Slatyer
- Institute for Advanced Study
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 23rd 2011, 12:00
- Quantum Field Theory Without Lagrangians
- Brian Wecht
- University of Michigan
- Abstract
- Monday, March 21st 2011, 12:00
- Note special day
- Precision tests of AdS/CFT integrability from strings
in the AdS light-cone gauge
- Simone Giombi
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 16th 2011, 12:00
- Mixed axion-LSP dark matter from SUSY models with
implications for LHC
- Howard Baer
- University of Oklahoma
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 9th 2011, 12:00
- Supergravity and string/F-theory vacua in six
- Washington Taylor
- Abstract
- Friday, March 4th 2011, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference room -
room 103)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Quantization and Mirror Symmetry
- Sergei Gukov
- Caltech
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 16th 2011, 12:00
- Hydrodynamic fluctuations and correlation functions
- Pavel Kovtun
- University of Victoria
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 9th 2011, 12:00
- Holographic dual of free field theory
- Michael Douglas
- Stony Brook University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 2nd 2011, 12:00
- Poincare-Invariant QFTs on the Noncommutative Moyal
- Sachindeo Vaidya
- Indian Institute of Science
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 27th 2011, 15:00
- Note special time and day
- How the Large Angle Properties of the CMB Challenge
Concordance Cosmology
- Glenn Starkman
- Case Western Reserve University
- Abstract
- Monday, January 24th 2011, 12:00
- Note special day
- Massive gravity and the Galileon
- Claudia de Rham
- Université de Genève
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 19th 2011, 12:00
- Sequestering in String Compactifications
- David Marsh
- Cornell University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 12th 2011, 12:00
- Cosmic strings from pseudo-anomalous Fayet-Iliopoulos
U(1) in D3/D7 brane inflation
- Rhiannon Gywn
- King's College
- Abstract
- Friday, January 7th 2011, 12:00
- Special Joint High Energy and Astrophysics
- Model-Independent Constraints on Inflation from the
- Cora Dvorkin
- University of Chicago
- Abstract
- Monday, December 6th 2010, 13:00
- DBI Inflation: Cold vs Warm
- Yi-Fu Cai
- Arizona State University
- Abstract
- Monday, November 29th 2010, 13:00
- Towards a microscopic description of the Kerr/CFT
- Wei Song
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 24th 2010, 13:00
- Note special day
- Intrinsically Quantum-Mechanical Gravity and the
Cosmological Constant Problem
- Philip Mannheim
- University of Connecticut
- Abstract
- Monday, November 22nd 2010, 13:00
- Non-Gaussianities from the Effective Theory Approach
to Inflation
- Matteo Fasiello
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 18th 2010, 13:05
- Note special day and time
- Higher Spin Theories on AdS3 and Large N 2d Minimal
Model CFTs
- Matthias Gaberdiel
- ETH Zurich
- Monday, November 15th 2010, 13:00
- Kubo Formulae for Second-Order Hydrodynamic
- Kiyoumars Sohrabi Anaraki
- McGill
- Abstract
- Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, room 326
- Monday, November 8th 2010, 13:00
- General Covariance in Quantum Gravity at a Lifshitz
- Petr Horava
- Berkeley
- Monday, November 1st 2010, 13:00
- de Sitter - esque Holography?
- Dio Anninos
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Monday, October 25th 2010, 13:00
- S-duality, Superconformal Index, and 2d TQFT
- Shlomo S. Razamat
- Stoney Brook
- Monday, October 18th 2010, 13:00
- Wilsonian Approach to Fluid/Gravity Duality
- Cindy Keeler
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 7th 2010, 13:05
- Note special day and time
- Supersymmetry Breaking and Gauge Mediation
- Zohar Komargodski
- Abstract
- Monday, October 4th 2010, 13:00
- Chiral Operators on Hypermultiplet Moduli Spaces
- Noppadol Mekareeya
- Imperial College
- Abstract
- Monday, September 27th 2010, 13:00
- Neutrino Mass from the Top Down
- Paul Langacker
- Thursday, September 23rd 2010, 13:00
- Note special day
- Hunting Chameleons
- Anne Davis
- Cambridge University
- Abstract
- Monday, September 20th 2010, 13:00
- Galilean Genesis
- Alberto Nicolis
- Columbia
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 14th 2010, 12:00
- Note special day
- Supersymmetry and Moduli Stabilization in Heterotic
- Lara Anderson
- University of Pennsylvania
- Abstract
- Monday, September 13th 2010, 12:00
- Nonabelian (2,0) Tensor Multiplets and 3-algebras
- Constantinos Papageorgakis
- King's College
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 7th 2010, 12:00
- Quantum information and entanglement in holographic
- Matthew Headrick
- Brandeis University
- Abstract
- Thursday, August 26th 2010, 13:30
- Scattering amplitudes in gauge theories
- Simon Caron-Huot
- Abstract
- Monday, August 16th 2010, 13:30
- A Matter Bounce By Means of Ghost Condensation
- Chunshan Lin
- USTC & McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, July 28th 2010, 13:30
- Note special day
- Gravity in higher dimensions
- Naresh Dadhich
- Abstract
- Friday, July 9th 2010, 13:30
- Note special day
- Analytical Study of Mode Coupling in Hybrid Inflation
- Laurence Perreault Levasseur
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, July 7th 2010, 13:30
- Note special day
- A Terminal Velocity on the Landscape - Particle
Production near Extra Species Loci in Higher Dimensions
- Thorsten Battefeld
- Princeton University
- Abstract
- Monday, July 5th 2010, 13:30
- Triangle anomalies in hydrodynamics
- Dam Son
- University of Washington
- Abstract
- Wednesday, June 2nd 2010, 13:30
- Note special day
- An action principle in discrete and continuum
- F. Finster
- University of Regenburg
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 19th 2010, 16:00
- Note special day, time and venue
- Fermi Seas around Black Holes
- Tom Hartman
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Monday, May 17th 2010, 13:00
- Note special time
- Superhorizon fluctuations and acoustic oscillations in
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
- Saumia Pandiat Sankar
- Institute of Physics, India and Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Friday, May 14th 2010, 13:30
- Note special day
- Bouncing Alternatives to Inflation
- P. Peter
- Wednesday, May 12th 2010, 13:30
- Note special day
- The Causal Structure of the CMB
- Raul Abramo
- University of Sao Paolo and Princeton University
- Monday, May 10th 2010, 13:30
- D-Instantons in Type II and F-theory
- Mirjam Cvetic
- University of Pennsylvania
- Monday, May 3rd 2010, 13:30
- Conformal Structure of Black Holes
- Alejandra Castro
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, April 19th 2010, 13:30
- Enthalpy and Thermodynamics of Lovelock Black Holes:
extended First Law and Smarr Mass Formula
- Jennie Traschen
- University of Massachusetts
- Abstract
- Monday, April 12th 2010, 13:30
- Preheating in the Higgs as Inflaton Model
- Guy Moore
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, March 29th 2010, 13:30
- The Unruh effect - An intimate dialogue between QFT
and QIT
- Kamil Bradler
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 24th 2010, 13:30
- Note unusual day
- A Gravity Dual to Quantum Hall Plateau Transitions
- Joshua Davies
- Abstract
- Monday, March 8th 2010, 13:30
- Warped Radion Inflation
- Joel Trudeau
- McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, March 5th 2010, 13:30
- Note special day
- Backreaction as an alternative to dark energy and
modified gravity
- Syksy Rasanen
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 3rd 2010, 13:30
- Note special day
- Signatures of Minimal F-theory GUTs
- Jonathan Heckman
- Abstract
- Monday, March 1st 2010, 13:30
- Resonant non-Gaussianity
- Enrico Pajer
- Cornell University
- Abstract
- Monday, February 15th 2010, 13:30
- Magnetic Fields Injected During Baryogenesis
- Tanmay Vachaspati
- Case Western Reserve University
- Monday, February 8th 2010, 13:30
- Exciting dark matter: normal mass hierarchy vs
inverted mass hierarchy
- Fang Chen
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Monday, February 1st 2010, 13:30
- Pomeron Mediated Scattering Processes in AdS/QCD
- Nelia Mann
- University of Chicago
- Wednesday, January 27th 2010, 15:45
- Note special day and time
- F-theory and Neutrinos: Kaluza-Klein Dilution of
Flavor Hierarchy
- Jihye Seo
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Monday, January 18th 2010, 13:30
- Extracting cosmological information from 21cm surveys
- Ue-Li Pen
- Monday, January 11th 2010, 13:30
- Note special time
- Is the world left-right symmetric?
- Urjit Yajnik
- Indian Inst. Tech., Mumbai & McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 15th 2009, 13:00
- Holographic Effective Theories for Condensed Matter
- Brian Sheih
- Cornell University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 8th 2009, 13:00
- Signatures of Axion Monodromy Inflation
- Gang Xu
- Cornell University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 1st 2009, 13:00
- The structure of correlation functions in single field
- Sarah Shandera
- Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
- Abstract
- Monday, November 30th 2009, 14:00
- Note special day and time
- Quantum Backreaction in Cosmology
- Tomislav Prokopec
- Utrecht University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 24th 2009, 13:00
- Much Ado About Parton Showers
- Michael Peskin
- Thursday, November 19th 2009, 12:00
- Note special day and time
- Superconformal PSU(1,1|2) sigma models
- Thomas Creutzig
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 17th 2009, 13:00
- Progress on the topological string
- Johannes Walcher
- CERN Theory Division
- Abstract
- Monday, November 16th 2009, 12:00 (Burnside Hall, room 719A)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Enumerative geometry, mirror symmetry, and algebraic
- Johannes Walcher
- CERN Theory Division
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 3rd 2009, 13:00
- IR renormalization of GN, and the Cosmological
Constant problems
- Subodh Patil
- École Polytechnique
- Tuesday, October 27th 2009, 13:00
- D3-brane Potentials from AdS/CFT Spectroscopy
- Daniel Baumann
- Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton
- Thursday, October 22nd 2009, 13:00
- Note special day
- A phase-space operator method for string worldsheet
theory and general covariance
- Partha Mukhopadhyay
- Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 20th 2009, 13:00
- Hidden Surprises in Dark Matter
- David Morrissey
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 7th 2009, 12:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Topologically Massive Gravity and the AdS/CFT
- Kostas Skenderis
- University of Amsterdam
- Tuesday, October 6th 2009, 13:00
- Phenomenological Aspects of Solutions to Cosmic
- Yifu Cai
- Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Tuesday, September 29th 2009, 13:00
- Trans-Planckian Scattering
- Gabriele Veneziano
- College de France & CERN
- Tuesday, September 22nd 2009, 13:00
- Hydrodynamic Long-time tails From Anti de Sitter Space
- Omid Saremi
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 15th 2009, 13:00
- Holography for non-relativistic theories
- Simon Ross
- Durham University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 8th 2009, 13:00
- Some issues concerning non-Gaussianity
- Yi Wang
- McGill University
- Thursday, August 20th 2009, 13:00 (Boardroom - room
- Note special venue
- Inflation in the Cosmic Landscape
- Jiajun Xu
- Cornell University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, August 4th 2009, 13:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Note unusual venue
- Matrix Inflation
- Hassan Firouzjahi
- Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences
- Abstract
- Tuesday, July 14th 2009, 13:00
- Mirror symmetry and topological string with D-branes
- Johannes Walcher
- CERN Theory Division
- Tuesday, June 23rd 2009, 13:00
- Real-Time Techniques for Thermal QCD
- Marcus Tassler
- Universität Münster
- Abstract
- Thursday, June 18th 2009, 13:00
- Nongaussian Fluctuations from IR Cascading During
- Neil Barnaby
- University of Toronto
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 19th 2009, 13:00
- The Bursts and the Beads (gravitational waves from
broken cosmic superstrings)
- Ben Shlaer
- Tufts University
- Abstract
- Friday, May 15th 2009, 13:00
- Note special day
- Applications of Large Volume Swiss Cheese
- Aalok Misra
- Indian Institute of Technology
- Thursday, May 7th 2009, 13:00
- Charge and Flux Quantization in Gravity Duals of Three
Dimensional Gauge Theory
- Peter Ouyang
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 5th 2009, 13:00
- A landscape of superconducting membranes
- Frederik Denef
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 28th 2009, 13:00
- The gauge dual of Romans mass
- Alessandro Tomasiello
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 21st 2009, 13:00
- Twist duality for flux backgrounds of type II and
heterotic String Theory from Generalized Complex Geometry
- David Andriot
- Université de Paris
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 7th 2009, 13:00
- Inflation with a stringy minimal length, reworked
- Subodh Patil
- Humboldt Universitat
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 31st 2009, 13:00
- Codimension-two brane inflation
- Hyun Min Lee
- McMaster University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 24th 2009, 13:00
- Higher derivative corrections to the Kerr/CFT
- Yuji Tachikawa
- Institute for Advanced Study
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 18th 2009, 13:00
- Note special day
- Reevaluating the WIMP Miracle
- Scott Watson
- University of Michigan
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 17th 2009, 13:00
- Probing strongly coupled gauge theories with AdS/CFT
- Sera Cremonini
- University of Michigan
- Abstract
- Monday, March 9th 2009, 12:00
- Note special day and time
- Holographic Superconductors
- Gary Horowitz
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 5th 2009, 13:00
- Aspects of Holographic Superconductors
- Anindya Mukherjee
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 3rd 2009, 13:00
- Holographic Description of AdS2
- Alejandra Castro
- University of Michigan
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 17th 2009, 13:00
- Pure gravity, extremal CFTs and constraints from
- Christoph Keller
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 10th 2009, 13:00
- Holographic Gauge Mediation
- Francesco Benini
- Princeton University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 27th 2009, 13:00
- Superconformal Wilson loop operators and exact
computations in the N=4 super Yang-Mills
- Vasily Pestun
- Princeton University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 20th 2009, 13:00
- Minimal Simple de Sitter Solutions
- Shajid Haque
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 13th 2009, 13:00
- A warped/minimal understanding of closed string vacua
- Bret Underwood
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 2nd 2008, 13:00
- Orientiholes: Black hole technology applied to flux
- Megha Padi
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 25th 2008, 13:00
- Flavor D7-branes and KS theory
- Anatoly Dymarsky
- Stanford
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 20th 2008, 13:00
- Holographic Superconductivity
- Pallab Basu
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 18th 2008, 13:00
- Cosmological Signals From the End of Brane Inflation
- Louis Leblond
- Texas A&M
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 11th 2008, 13:00
- Surface Operators and Seiberg Duality
- Ketan Vyas
- Caltech
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 5th 2008, 13:00
- Note special day
- Cosmology of the Lee-Wick Model
- Robert Brandenberger
- McGill University
- Tuesday, November 4th 2008, 13:00
- Dark Matter, Gauge Mediation & CFTs
- Daniel Green
- Stanford University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 28th 2008, 13:00
- Quantum and thermal vacuum decay in de Sitter space
- Adam Brown
- Columbia University
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 23rd 2008, 13:00
- The Kerr/CFT correspondence
- Wei Song
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 22nd 2008, 13:00
- Note special day
- Exploring a new peak in the heterotic landscape
- Vincent Bouchard
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 21st 2008, 16:00
- Note unusual time
- Abelian fibrations and Flux-Geometry duality
- Gao Peng
- University of Toronto
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 16th 2008, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Symmetry of Leptonic Generations
- C.S. Lam
- McGill/UBC
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 14th 2008, 13:00
- Holographic hydrodynamics at finite coupling
- Aninda Sinha
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Friday, October 10th 2008, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Ghostbusting: Reviving quantum theories that were
thought to be dead
- Carl M. Bender
- Washington University at St. Louis
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 9th 2008, 13:00
- Thermal inflation, gravitational waves, baryogenesis and
dark matter
- Wan-il Park
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 2nd 2008, 13:00
- What is known about the M2 branes
- Daniel Jafferis
- Rutgers University
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 18th 2008, 13:00
- String creation and effective field theory
- L-Y. Hung
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 9th 2008, 13:00
- Heating up Galilean Holography
- Simon Ross
- Durham University
- Abstract
- Monday, September 8th 2008, 13:00
- Note special day
- Wilson loops at strong coupling and holography
- Jaume Gomis
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 4th 2008, 13:00
- The Isospectral Fruits of Representation Theory:
Quantum Graphs and Drums
- Gilad Ben-Shach
- McGill
- Abstract
- Thursday, August 28th 2008, 14:00
- Note special time
- Spacetime graininess, UV/IR mode mixing and
Non-Gaussian statistics in the CMB
- Subodh Patil
- Humboldt University of Berlin
- Abstract
- Thursday, August 14th 2008, 14:00
- Note special time
- Averaging Quintessence Cosmologies
- Iain Brom
- Heidelberg
- Abstract
- Thursday, July 10th 2008, 14:00
- Note special time
- Deconfinement transition in N=4 SYM with fundamental
- Pallab Basu
- Abstract
- Wednesday, July 9th 2008, 13:00
- Note special day
- Recent developments in M2-brane theory
- Chong-Sun Chu
- Durham University
- Tuesday, Tuesday July 8th 2008, 13:00
- Time dependent AdS/CFT and null singularity
- Chong-Sun Chu
- Durham University
- Abstract
- Thursday, June 19th 2008, 13:30
- Note special time
- f(R) Gravity: Successes and Challenges
- Valerio Faraoni
- Bishop's University
- Abstract
- Friday, June 13th 2008, 13:00
- Note special day
- An alternative mechanism to produce scale-invariant
- Joao Magueijo
- Imperial College
- Thursday, June 12th 2008, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Note special venue
- Nonlocal Inflation
- Neil Barnaby
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 3rd 2008, 13:00
- Non-Gaussianity in models with mixed inflaton and
- Tomo Takahashi
- Saga University & Stanford
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 27th 2008, 13:00
- Susy breaking and Susy/Non-susy duality in extended
moduli space
- Jihye Seo
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Friday, May 2nd 2008, 13:00
- Note special day
- Mechanics of (super) conducting cosmic strings and vortons
- Brandon Carter
- Observatoir de Paris-Meudon
- Thursday, May 1st 2008, 13:00
- Gravity on the Largest Scales and Cosmic Acceleration
- Justin Khoury
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 24th 2008, 13:00
- One-loop Partition Functions of 3D Gravity
- Simone Giombi
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 22nd 2008, 13:00
- A Holographic Superconductor
- Chris Herzog
- Princeton University
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 17th 2008, 13:00
- Cosmic Strings and Small-Angle CMB Temperature
- Aurelian Fraisse
- Princeton University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 8th 2008, 13:00
- Observing multi-throat brane inflation
- Xingang Chen
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 27th 2008, 13:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special venue
- Albion Lawrence
- Brandeis University
- Tuesday, March 25th 2008, 13:00
- Torsion and Supersymmetry Breaking
- Brian Wecht
- Institute for Advanced Study
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 20th 2008, 13:00
- The Casimir force in theories with extra dimensions
- Mariana Frank
- Concordia University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 18th 2008, 13:00
- Subodh Patil
- Humboldt Universitat
- Thursday, March 13th 2008, 13:00
- Tachyons that don't bite & gluinos condensing at
the CCNI
- Joel Giedt
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 11th 2008, 13:00
- 3D N=1 SYM Chern-Simons theory on the Lattice
- Joshua Elliot
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 4th 2008, 13:00
- Quantum Resolution of Cosmological Singularities using
- Ben Craps
- Vrije University & Solvay Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 21st 2008, 13:00
- Testing the k3 Component in the Primordial
Perturbation Power Spectrum
- Loison Hoi
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 19th 2008, 13:00
- The c.c. problem and codimension-2 branes
- Claudia de Rham
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 14th 2008, 13:00
- Sequestered Dark Matter
- Benedict von Harling
- University of Heidelberg
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 7th 2008, 13:00
- Cosmic inflation through time
- Ghazal Geshnizjani
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 5th 2008, 13:00
- Physics Beyond the Horizon
- Niayesh Afshordi
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 31st 2008, 13:00
- Black holes as mirrors
- Patrick Hayden
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 22nd 2008, 13:00
- Entropy Modes at the End of Brane Inflation
- Andrew Frey
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 15th 2008, 13:00
- Magnetogenesis from Cosmic String Loops
- Mark Wyman
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 10th 2008, 13:00
- Tomislav Prokopec
- Utrect University
- Tuesday, December 11th 2007, 13:00
- Warped String Phenomenology: Cosmology and Particle
- Bret Underwood
- University of Wisconsin
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 4th 2007, 13:00
- Deformed Chiral Rings of Toric Varieties
- Josh Guffin
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 27th 2007, 13:00
- Manifestly Gauge-Invariant General Relativistic
Perturbation Theory
- Kristina Giesel
- Max Planck Institute
- Abstract
- Monday, November 19th 2007, 13:00
- Note special day
- Topology from Cosmology
- Vijay Balasubramanian
- University of Pennsylvania
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 13th 2007, 13:00
- Reheating in Brane Inflation
- Aaron Berndsen
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 6th 2007, 13:00
- Partition Functions of 3D Pure Gravity
- Xi Yin
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 30th 2007, 13:00
- Comments on Twistor strings: Old and New
- Parameswaran Nair
- City College of New York
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 25th 2007, 13:00
- Note special day
- Some aspects of cosmic superstrings in brane inflation
- Hassan Firouzjahi
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 16th 2007, 13:00
- Heavy quark diffusion in perturbative QCD at
next-to-leading order
- Simon Caron Huot
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 9th 2007, 13:00
- Moduli Stabilization and String Geometry
- Katrin Becker
- Texas A&M
- Tuesday, October 2nd 2007, 13:00
- Puff Field Theory
- Ori Ganor
- UC Berkeley
- Abstract
- Friday, September 28th 2007, 13:00 (Room 326)
- Note special day and venue
- Metastable kinks in the orbifold
- Manuel Toharia
- University of Maryland & Syracuse University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 25th 2007, 13:00
- Kaluza-Klein braneworld cosmology with static internal
- Sugumi Kanno
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 18th 2007, 13:00
- Horace Stoica
- Imperial College
- Tuesday, September 11th 2007, 13:00
- Conformal invariance on orbifolds and excitations of
- Zheng Yin
- University of Science and Technology of China
- Abstract
- Wednesday, August 22nd 2007, 14:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Special Pizza Seminar
- Emergent Inflation
- Stephon Alexander
- Penn State University
- Abstract
- Thursday, July 19th 2007, 14:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Special Pizza Seminar
- Polygamy of Entanglement of Assistance: Dual Monogamy
Inequality for Entanglement
- Som Bandyopadhyay
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Friday, July 13th 2007, 14:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Special Pizza Seminar
- (Non-)Perturbative Aspects of Black Hole Attractors
and Moduli Stabilization for Two-Parameter Calabi-Yau's
- Aalok Misra
- Abstract
- Thursday, May 31st 2007, 14:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Special Pizza Seminar
- Brane inflation à la KKLT: a review and WMAP3 outlook
- Larissa Lorenz
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Friday, May 25th 2007, 14:00 ( Boardroom - room 105)
- Special Pizza Seminar
- Some Hidden and Overlooked Structures at Future Null
Infinity in Maxwell, GR and Einstein-Maxwell Theory
- Ted Newman
- University of Pittsburgh
- Abstract
- Thursday, May 10th 2007, 14:00 (Board Room - room 105)
- Special Pizza Seminar
- Composite dark energy, the coincidence problem and
modified gravity
- Rolando Cardenas
- Universidad Central De Las Villas
- Wednesday, May 9th 2007, 13:30 (Board Room - room 105)
- Special Pizza Seminar
- String Junctions and 1/4 BPS Black Holes
- Sunil Mukhi
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
- Tuesday, May 8th 2007, 13:00
- Fate of Kaluza-Klein Black Holes: Evaporation or
- Sugumi Kanno
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 1st 2007, 13:00
- Generalized and gaussian coherent states for quantum
systems with degenerate discrete energy spectra
- Véronique Hussin
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 24th 2007, 13:00
- Moduli stabilization and mirror symmetry in
non-geometric backgrounds
- Katrin Becker
- University of Texas A&M
- Abstract
- Thrusday, April 19th 2007, 14:00
- Special Theory Seminar
- Mach's Holographic Principle
- Maulik Parikh
- IUCAA/Columbia
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 17th 2007, 13:00
- A rigorous treatment of energy extraction from the
Kerr black hole
- Niky Kamran
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 10th 2007, 13:00
- Breakdown of linear cosmological perturbation theory
near de Sitter spacetime
- Bojan Losic
- University of Alberta
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 27th 2007, 13:00
- A rigorous treatment of energy extraction from the
Kerr black hole
- Niky Kamran
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 20th 2007, 13:00
- A note on the moduli-induced gravitino problem
- Natalia Shuhmaher
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 13th 2007, 13:00 (Room 326)
- String Compactification and Brane Inflation
- Gary Shiu
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 6th 2007, 13:00
- Cuscuton Cosmology: Dark Energy meets Modified
- Ghazal Geshnizjani
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 13th 2007, 13:00 (Room 326)
- Recent progress in brane-antibrane inflation and
- Jim Cline
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 6th 2007, 13:00
- Nonperturbative verification of supersymmetry on the
- Joel Giedt
- Univeristy of Minnesota
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 30th 2007, 13:00
- Resolution of Cosmological Singularities: a Workshop
- Robert Brandenberger
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 23rd 2007, 13:00
- Cosmological Consequences of the Formation of Cosmic
- Martin Landriau
- Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin & Danish
National Space Center
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 16th 2007, 13:00
- P-adic inflation
- Neil Barnaby
- McGill Univeristy
- Thursday, December 14th 2006, 14:00
- Note special day and time
- Lorentz violation and Generation of Baryon Asymmetry
of the Universe
- Pavel Bolokhov
- University of Victoria & St. Petersburg State University
- Tuesday, December 12th 2006, 13:00
- Ensemble of Kähler Moduli Inflation
- Sergey Prokushkin
- University of Toronto
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 5th 2006, 13:00
- Gerasimos Rigopolous
- Univeristy of Utrecht
- Tuesday, November 28th 2006, 13:00
- Solutions to Six-Dimensional Supergravity
- Cliff Burgess
- Perimeter Institute & McMaster Univeristy
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 21st 2006, 13:00
- Nonlinear Structure Formation and
Acceleration: an Investigation
- Alessio Notari
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 14th 2006, 13:00
- A Hologram of QCD
- Takemichi Okui
- Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 7th 2006, 13:00
- MSSM flat direction inflation
- Rouszbeh Allahverdi
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 2nd 2006, 13:00
- Note special day
- Baryogenesis below the TeV scale
- Federico Urban
- Ferrara University & INFN Ferrara
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 24th 2006, 13:00
- D5/D7-brane boundstate in a conifold background
- Rhiannon Gwyn
- McGill University
- Wednesday, October 18th 2006, 16:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Note this is a special Pizza-less Pizza seminar
- Instabilities in Gauss-Bonnet cosmology
- Gianluca Calcagni
- University of Sussex
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 17th 2006, 13:00
- Loop Quantum Gravity effects in the Early Universe
- Parampreet Singh
- Penn State
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 10th 2006, 13:00
- M-theory Signatures in the Cosmic Microwave Background
- Amjad Ashoorioon
- University of Waterloo
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 4th 2006, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Note special day and venue
- Mathematically Speaking, What is Supersymmetry?
- James Sylvester Gates, Jr
- University of Maryland
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 26th 2006, 13:00
- The Cooper Instability and the Cosmological Constant
- Stephon Alexander
- Penn State University
- Tuesday, September 19th 2006, 13:00
- The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model from
heterotic string theory
- Vincent Bouchard
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 12th 2006, 13:00
- Comparing QCD and N=4 Super-Yang-Mills: Shear
- Guy Moore
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 5th 2006, 13:00 (Board Room - room
- Note special venue
- “The axis of Evil”: reporting results on
anisotropy and non Gaussianity in the CMB
- Joao Magueijo
- Perimeter Institute
- Tuesday, July 25th 2006, 13:00
- Low scale gravity mediation with warped extra
dimension and collider phenomenology on the hidden sector
- Nobuchika Okada
- Abstract
- Tuesday, July 4th 2006, 12:00
- Note special time
- Warped Spectroscopy
- Andrew Frey
- Caltech
- Abstract
- Wednesday, June 28th 2006, 13:00
- Note special day
- Instabilities in non-abelian plasmas
- Dietrich Bodeker
- CERN & Bielefeld University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 27th 2006, 13:00
- Warped brane inflation and cosmic string tension
- Hassan Firouzjahi
- Cornell University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 26th 2006, 13:00
- Warped brane inflation and cosmic string tension
- Hassan Firouzjahi
- Cornell University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 30th 2006, 12:30
- Note the unusual seminar time
- Nonlinearity in the gravitational lensing and its
applications to cosmology
- Marina Shmakova
- Friday, May 26th 2006, 13:00
- Note unusual day
- Mimicking Lambda with a spin-two ghost condensate
- Claudia de Rham
- McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, May 19th 2006, 12:30
- Note unusual day and time
- Particle physics catalysis of thermal Big Bang
- Maxim Pospelov
- University of Victoria/Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 16th 2006, 13:00
- Decoherence and Primordial Fluctuations
- Patrick Martineau
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 9th 2006, 13:00 (ERP - room 118)
- Note special venue
- Orientifolds and Bubbling Geometries in String Theory
- Sunil Mukhi
- Tata Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, May 4th 2006, 13:00 (Piano Room - room 211)
- Note special venue
- D-strings, Supergravity Cosmic Strings and Fermion
Zero Modes
- Anne-Christine Davis
- Cambridge & DAMTP
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 2nd 2006, 13:00 (Room 118)
- Note special venue
- Black hole singularities in Yang-Mills theories
- Guido Festuccia
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 25th 2006, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Note special venue
- Dynamics of the string theory landscape
- Senarath de Alwis
- Perimeter Institute & Colorado University
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 20th 2006, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Note special day and venue
- Accelerated expansion from structure formation
- Syksy Rasanen
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 18th 2006, 13:00
- The Boundary as Distant Stars: Mach's Principle in
General Relativity
- Justin Khoury
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 11th 2006, 13:00
- Inflationary spectral indices and potential
- Loison Hoi
- McGill
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 23rd 2006, 13:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Note special day and venue
- A road towards reheating MS(SM) degrees of freedom
- Anupam Mazumdar
- Nordita
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 21st 2006, 13:00
- Possible Origin of Dark Matter as a Fluctuating
Remnant of Inflation
- Robert Brout
- Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Tuesday, March 14th 2006, 13:00
- Early stages of the universe: brane gas-driven bulk
- Natalia Shuhmaher
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 28th 2006, 13:00
- Towards an Alternative to Inflationary Cosmology
- Robert Brandenberger
- McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, February 24th 2006, 12:30
- Note special day and time
- Observations of Magnetic Fields in Giant Molecular
Clouds and in the Surrounding Interstellar Regions
- Huabi Li
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 14th 2006, 13:00
- Nongaussianity and Spectral Distortion from Tachyonic
- Neil Barnaby
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 8th 2006, 12:15 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Confining the electroweak model to a brane
- Gonzalo Palma
- Cambridge University
- Tuesday, February 7th 2006, 13:00
- Illuminate the dark energy and see the backreaction!
Take the universe as it is: structured FRW
- Reza Mansouri
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 31st 2006, 13:00
- String Theory and Cosmology
- Horace Stoica
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 31st 2006, 13:00
- String Theory and Cosmology
- Horace Stoica
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 24th 2006, 13:00
- Supersymmetry on the Lattice
- Joshua Elliott
- McGill
- Tuesday, January 17th 2006, 13:00
- A graceful exit for Old Inflation and a solution to
the Hierarchy Problem
- Alessio Notari
- McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, January 13th 2006, 13:30
- Note special day and time
- Producing a Scale-Invariant Spectrum of Perturbations
in a Hagedorn Phase of String Cosmology
- Ali Nayeri
- Harvard
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 10th 2006, 13:00
- Gravitational Waves in a Codimension Two Braneworld
- Claudia de Rham
- McGill
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 5th 2006, 13:00
- Note special day
- Supersymmetric Dirac Leptogenesis and Neutrino
- Manuel Toharia
- University of Michigan
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 6th 2005, 13:00
- Present and Future Constraints on the Total Lifetime
of the Universe
- Jan Michael Kratochvil
- Stanford
- Friday, December 2nd 2005, 13:00
- Gauge Theories from String Theory: Geometric
- Anke Knauf
- University of Maryland & Hamburg University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 29th 2005, 13:00
- Non-equilibrium Physics of the Very Early Universe
- Dmitry Podolsky
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 24th 2005, 13:00
- Cosmological Aspects of Loop Quantum Gravity
- Johannes Brunnemann
- Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 22nd 2005, 13:00
- Flavor backreacted supergravity backgrounds and meson
Regge trajectories
- Diana Vaman
- University of Michigan
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 8th 2005, 13:00
- Self-T-Dual Brane Cosmology and The Cosmological
- Olindo Corradini
- Università di Bologna
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 1st 2005, 13:00
- Inflation with w=+1
- Subodh Patil
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 25th 2005, 13:00 (room 326)
- Joint Nuclear Theory/Informal Pizza Seminar
- The role of plasma instabilities in quark-gluon plasma
- Peter Arnold
- University of Virginia
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 18th 2005, 13:00
- Leaving the Swampland: The Relevance of String
- Sera Cremonini
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 11th 2005, 13:00
- Multibrane Inflation
- Jim Cline
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 4th 2005, 13:00
- String Gas Cosmology
- Thorsten Battefeld
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 27th 2005, 13:00
- Gravity and Gauge Theory
- Keshav Dasgupta
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Friday, September 23rd 2005, 12:30
- Note special day and time
- Thermalization after inflation in SUSY
- Rouzbeh Allahverdi
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 13th 2005, 13:00
- Non-Perturbative Instabilities as a Solution of the
Cosmological Moduli Problem
- Natalia Shuhmaher
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, July 5th 2005, 13:00
- Mass-radius relations for solitonic stars
- Prashanth Jaikumar
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 7th 2005, 13:00
- Progress in the Gauge Theory/Gravity Correspondence
- Jeff Murugan
- Brown University & University of Cape Town
- Wednesday, March 23rd 2005, 13:00
- Cosmological effective actions and new physics in the
- Könraad Schalm
- Columbia
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 22nd 2005, 13:00
- Alessio Notari
- McGill
- Friday, March 18th 2005, 15:00
- Note special day and time
- From Black Holes to the Primordial Power Spectrum
- Maulik K. Parikh
- Columbia University
- Tuesday, March 15th 2005, 13:00
- The Endpoint of Brane-Antibrane Inflation
- Neil Barnaby
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 8th 2005, 13:00
- Plasma instabilities in nonequilibrium QCD
- Guy D. Moore
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 1st 2005, 13:00
- Moduli Stabilization in String Gas Cosmology
- Robert Brandenberger
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 22nd 2005, 13:00
- r-process nucleosynthesis from compact stars
- Prashanth Jaikumar
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 15th 2005, 13:00
- Magnetic Field Evolution by Hall and Thermomagnetic
Effects in Neutron Stars
- Andrew Cumming
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 8th 2005, 13:00
- Hard Probes in Heavy Ion Collisions - Photons and Jet
- Thorsten Renk
- Duke University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 1st 2005, 13:00
- Stringy Dark Energy, Primordial Inflation and the
Cosmic Coincidence Problem
- Tirthabir Biswas
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 25th 2005, 13:00
- (Pre-)Thermalization after Inflation
- Juergen Berges
- Heidelberg University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 11th 2005, 13:00
- Back-Reation and the Trans-Planckian Problem of
Inflationary Cosmology
- Robert Brandenberger
- McGill
- Friday, November 26th 2004, 11:00 (ERP room 305
- Note special day, time and room
- Strings and the cosmo
- Edna Cheung
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 16th 2004, 13:00
- Is a past finite order the inner basis of spacetime?
- Rafael D. Sorkin
- Perimeter Institute & Syracuse University
- Abstract
- Friday, November 5th 2004, 13:00
- Note special day
- Gravity solutions for decaying branes
- John Wang
- National Taiwan University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 26th 2004, 13:00
- Codimension-2 branes: Episode 2: The cosmological
constant strikes back
- Jérémie Vinet
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 19th 2004, 13:00
- Constraints on neutrino masses from thermal
- Alessio Notari
- Mcgill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 12th 2004, 13:00
- The Cosmology of Massless String Modes: Radii
Stabilization in GR
- Subodh Patil
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 5th 2004, 13:00
- Analytical Approach to SU(2) and SU(3) Thermodynamics
- Ralf Hofman
- University of Heidelberg
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 21st 2004, 13:00
- Holographic Cosmology
- Thorsten Battefeld
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 14th 2004, 13:00
- Stress Energy as Seen by Unruh's Detector
- Björn Garbrecht
- University of Heidelberg
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 9th 2004, 13:00
- Note special day
- The dihadron fragmentation function and high
Pt hadron-hadron correlations
- Abhijit Majumder
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Tuesday, August 10th 2004, 13:00
- ROSEBUD: More Obsessing about SLEDs
- Cliff Burgess
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 13:00
- Note special day
- Pondering the φ puzzle
- Kevin Haglin
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, Saint Cloud State University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 13:00
- Higgless Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
- Note special day
- Christophe Grojean
- CEA Saclay & University of Michigan
- Abstract
- Monday, July 5th 2004, 13:00
- Note special day
- Warped unification, proton stability and dark matter
- Geraldine Servant
- University of Chicago
- Abstract
- Monday, June 28th 2004, 13:00
- Note special day
- Constructing Confinement?
- Eric Swanson
- University of Pittsburg
- Abstract
- Friday, June 4th 2004, 11:30
- Note special day and time
- Chameleon Scalar Fields and Awaiting Surprises for
Tests of Gravity in Space
- Justin Khoury
- Columbia University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 13:00
- Effective nuclear interactions and neutron star
- Achim Schwenk
- Ohio State University
- Abstract
- Friday, May 21st 2004, 13:00 (ERP room 305)
- Note special day and venue
- Holography, decoding geometry and Poincare recurrences
- Raul Rabadan
- Princeton
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 11th 2004, 13:00
- On the nature and stability of Cosmic Strings
- Louis Leblond
- Cornell
- Abstract
- Monday, May 10th 2004, 13:00
- Cosmic Back Reaction to All Orders in the Long
Wavelength Limit
- Harry Chi-Sing Lam
- McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, May 7th 2004, 13:00
- Note special day
- Tachyon condensation at c=1
- Joanna L Karczmarek
- Harvard University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 4th 2004, 13:00
- Problems With Complex Actions
- Manu Paranjape
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 20th 2004 12:30
- Note special time
- Can we test Leptogenesis?
- Balaji Katlai
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 14th 2004, 13:00
- Note special day
- Brane-Antibrane Inflation from String Theory
- Cliff Burgess
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 6th 2004, 13:00
- Mirage resolution of cosmological singularitites
- Frederic Leblond
- University of Chicago
- Abstract
- Monday, March 29th 2004, 12:30
- Note special time and day
- Studying Hot Star Winds with High Resolution X-ray
- Patrick Wojdowski
- Tuesday, March 23rd 2004, 13:00
- Tachyon Defect Formation and Reheating in
Brane-Antibrane Inflation
- Neil Barnaby
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 16th 2004, 13:00
- Photon Radiation from Bare Quark Stars
- Prashanth Jaikumar
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 9th 2004, 13:00
- Stability of the cosmic strings produced in brane
- Horace Stoica
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 2nd 2004, 13:00
- Effective actions and precision calculations of the
Casimir effect
- Yashar Aghababaie
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, February 16th 2004, 13:30
- Note special time and day
- The Incredible Double-Pulsar Binary J0737-3039: A
pulsar `Holy Grail' at last
- Scott Ransom
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 10th 2004, 13:00
- MSSM as a source for all matter and perturbations
- Anupam Mazumdar
- McGill
- Tuesday, February 3rd 2004, 13:00
- Title to be announced
- Cliff Burgess
- McGill
- Monday, January 19th 2004, 12:45
- Note special day and time
- Back Reaction of Cosmological Perturbations: A Way to
Tame the Cosmological Constant?
- Robert Brandenberger
- Brown University & McGill University
- Tuesday, January 13th 2004, 13:00
- (Generalising the) cosmology of codimension-two
- Jeremie Vinet
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 16th 2003, 13:00
- Transport phenomena in heavy-ion reactions
- Lijun Shi
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 9th 2003, 13:00
- New Methods for Obtaining CP-Violating Phases from B
- David London
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 2nd 2003, 13:00
- Testing parity in CMB spectra
- Balaji Katlai
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 25th 2003, 13:00
- Why I don't believe we live on a spacetime lattice
- Guy D. Moore
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 18th 2003, 13:00
- Measuring Neutron Star Temperatures and Ages
- Victoria M. Kaspi
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 11th 2003, 13:00
- Neutrino bremsstrahlung rates for Neutron stars
- Prashanth Jaikumar
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 4th 2003, 13:00
- Brane Inflation with Plenty of Defects
- Horace Stoica
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 28th 2003, 13:00
- A small cosmological constant from six-dimensional
supergravity braneworlds?
- Yashar Aghababaie
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 21st 2003, 13:00
- Strings in Gravimagnetic Fields
- Konstantin Savvidis
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Monday, October 20th 2003, 13:30
- Note special day and time, and no pizza
- Quintessence, Inflation and the Shape Moduli
- Tirthabir Biswas
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 7th 2003, 13:00
- Neutrinos, Supersymmetry Breaking and Baryon Asymmetry
of The Universe
- Rouzbeh Allahverdi
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 30th 2003, 13:00
- Manifestation of TeV Gravity
- Argyris Nicolaidis
- University of Thessaloniki
- Tuesday, September 23rd 2003, 15:30
- Implications of minimal-duration inflation
- Jim Cline
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 17th 2003, 13:30
- Note special time
- The Color Glass Condensate and RHIC data
- Raju Venugopalan
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 16th 2003, 13:00
- Electroweak precision contraints in the SU(6)/Sp(6)
little Higgs model
- Thomas Gregoire
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 9th 2003, 13:00
- Comparisons of Exact to Approximate
Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order Corrections
- A.P. Contogouris
- McGill University & University of Athens
- Abstract
- Thursday, August 7th 2003, 13:00
- Spontaneous Baryogenesis in Flat Directions
- Masahide Yamaguchi
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, August 5th 2003, 13:00
- Branonium
- Fernando Quevedo
- DAMTP Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge
- Friday, July 4th 2003, 14:00
- Colorful Quark-Gluon Plasma
- Stanislaw Mrowczynski
- Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies
- Abstract
- Thursday, July 3rd 2003, 13:00
- The Standard Model from Non-Commutative Complex
Projective Spaces
- Brian Dolan
- National University of Ireland
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 6th 2003, 13:00
- Why the Cosmological Constant May Be Small but Nonzero
- Cliff Burgess
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 29th 2003, 13:00
- Towards a Non-Singular Theory of Gravity
- Damien Easson
- McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, April 25th 2003, 13:00
- Bouncing Universes and Cosmological Perturbations
- Patrick Peter
- IAP, Paris
- Tuesday, April 15th 2003, 13:00
- The Riemann Zeta Function: A physisict's perspective
- R.K. Bhaduri
- McMaster University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 8th 2003, 13:00
- Pretty Pictures of PWN, or what happens when you spin
a powerful magnet really fast
- Mallory Roberts
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 1st 2003, 13:00
- Searching For Extra Dimensions
- C.S. Lam
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 19th 2003, 13:00
- What Can Solar Neutrinos Tell Us About the Solar
Radiative Zone?
- Cliff Burgess
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 11th 2003, 13:00
- Spontaneous Localization of Bulk Matter Fields
- Stefan Groot Nibbelink
- University of Victoria
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 4th 2003, 13:00
- M-theory on G2 Holonomy Manifolds
- Adil Belhaj
- Rabat University & Concordia University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 18th 2003, 13:00
- Gazing at the Setting Sun: The Last Photons from the
CERN SPS Program
- Charles Gale
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 11th 2003, 13:00
- Eternal Inflation without Quantum Gravity
- George F.R. Ellis
- University of Cape Town
- Abstract
- Monday, February 10th 2003, 13:00
- Renormalization Group Methods in the Nuclear Many-Body
Problem: Application to Neutron matter
- Achim Schwenk
- Ohio State University
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 6th 2003, 13:00
- Searching for a Gravitational Scalar at the LHC
- Pierre-Hugues Beauchemin
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 4th 2003, 13:00
- Interaction Corrections to Atomic Bose-Einstein
Condensation Temperature
- Guy Moore
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 28th 2003, 13:00
- Dilepton Emission from Dense Quark Matter
- Prashanth Jaikumar
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 21st 2003, 13:00
- Little Higgs
- Thomas Gregoire
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 16th 2003, 13:00
- Classical and Quantum Theory of Cosmological
- Robert Brandenberger
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 14th 2003, 13:00
- Wavelet Analysis in Physics and Applied Science
- Igor Dremin
- Lebedev Institute of Physics
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 7th 2003, 13:00
- An Ode to Effective Lagrangians
- Cliff Burgess
- McGill
- Tuesday, December 17th 2002, 13:00
- Introduction to Neutron Stars - The Sequel
- Maxim Lyutikov
- McGill
- Tuesday, December 10th 2002, 13:00
- Introduction to Neutron Stars
- Maxim Lyutikov
- McGill
- Thursday, December 5th 2002, 13:00
- Pertubative Evaluation of Glueball Superpotentials
- Marc Grisaru
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 3rd 2002, 13:00
- On D-brane topology change
- Garnik Alexanian
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 26th 2002, 13:00
- SUSY Breaking and Moduli Stabilization in a Gauged 6D SUGRA
- Yashar Aghababaie
- McGill
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 21st 2002, 13:00
- Space-Like Branes in String Theory
- Robert Myers
- Perimeter Institute & McGill University & University of Waterloo
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 19th 2002, 13:00
- Status and Perspectives of Double Beta Decay
- Kai Zuber
- Oxford
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 12th 2002, 13:00
- Is Inflation Sensitive to Very High Energy Physics?
- Cliff Burgess
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 5th 2002, 13:00
- MSSM Flat Directions: Why Bother about Them?
- Anupam Mazumdar
- McGill
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 31st 2002, 13:00
- Stability at disk level for non-supersymmetric string models
- Raul Rabadan
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 29th 2002, 13:00
- Solitons in the Noncommutative Maxwell-Chern-Simons Theory
- Manu Paranjape
- Univesité de Montréal
- Abstract
- Friday, October 25th 2002, 13:30
- Note special time and day
- Trans-Planckian Physics and Inflationary Cosmology
- Robert Brandenberger
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 22nd 2002, 13:00
- Minimal Model for Genome Evolution and Growth
- H.C. Lee
- Dept of Physics and Dept of Life Science, National Central University
&Centre de Reserche Mathématique, Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 15th 2002, 13:00
- How to Steal Internet Secrets
- Chi-Sing Lam
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 8th 2002, 13:00
- Let the Partons Cascade
- Dinesh Srivastava
- Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 1st 2002, 13:00
- Hadronic Production of Tau Neutrinos
- Ubi Wichoski
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Friday, September 27th 2002, 13:15
- Please note special day and time
- Where Does The Standard Model Come From?
- Quaisar Shafi
- Bartol Research Inst.
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 24th 2002, 13:00
- Pressure in Large Nf QCD
- Guy Moore
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 17th 2002, 13:00
- The Menace of the Rolling Tachyon
- Jim Cline
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 10th 2002, 12:15
- Color superconductivity and implications for neutron star cooling
- Prashanth Jaikumar
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Monday, June 17th 2002, 12:15
- Note special time
- Radiation reaction in gravitating systems
- Eric Poisson
- University of Guelph
- Abstract
- Thursday, June 13th 2002, 13:15
- Please note special time
- Inflation from D - anti-D brane annihilation
- Stephon Alexander
- Imperial College
- Monday, May 13th 2002, 13:15
- Note special day and time
- String Networks on Orbifolds
- Richard Easther
- Columbia University
- Abstract
- Thursday, May 9th 2002, 12:00
- Note special day and time
- Measuring the CP phase Alpha from B -> K(*)K(*) Decays
- Alakabha Datta
- Université de Montréal
- Friday, May 3rd 2002, 12:15
- Note special day and time
- Is Nothing Sacred? Bounding Preferred Frame Effects in the
- Cliff Burgess
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 23rd 2002, 12:10
- Please note special time
- Brane - Antibrane Inflation
- Cliff Burgess
- McGill
- Tuesday, March 19th 2002, 12:00
- Dileptons and photons from coarse-grained microscopic dynamics and
from hydrodynamics compared to experimental data
- Joe Kapusta
- University of Minnesota
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 26th 2002, 12:00
- Propagation of light in a gravitational field
- Vesselin Petkov
- Concordia University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 19th 2002, 13:10
- Order rho2 Corrections to Randall-Sundrum-I
- Jérémie Vinet
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, February 11th 2002, 14:00
- Note special time and day
- Some Negativity about Negative Tension
- Mark Trodden
- Syracuse
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 5th 2002, 13:10
- Taking a closer look at the dilepton spectrum of a quark gluon
- Abhijit Majumder
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 15th 2002, 13:10
- Neutrino Oscillations in Five Dimensions
- C.S. Lam
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 4th 2001, 13:10
- Stability of 6-D Warped Brane Worlds
- Jim Cline
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 20th 2001, 13:10
- The Stringy Quantum Hall Effect
- John Brodie
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 5th 2001, 13:10
- Exact Results in 5D from Instantons and Deconstruction
- Erich Poppitz
- University of Toronto
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 30th 2001, 13:10
- Balance Functions as a Signal of late-stage Hadronization at RHIC
- Scott Pratt
- Michigan State University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 23rd 2001, 13:10
- Evolution of the Fine Structure Constant Driven by Dark Matter and
Cosmological Constant
- Maxim Pospelov
- McGill University and UQAM
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 16th 2001, 13:10
- Quark Masses, Mixing and CP Violation from a six-dimensional Brane
- David Dooling
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 9th 2001, 13:10
- Issues in Non-Equilibrium Field Theory
- Richard Holman
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 2nd 2001, 13:15
- Brane Gas Cosmology
- Damien Easson
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 6th 2001, 13:10
- Doubly Gauge Invariant Formalism of Brane-World Cosmological
- Shinji Mukohyama
- Victoria University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, August 8th 2001, 13:15
- Photon Emission from the Quark Gluon
- Guy Moore
- University of Washington
- Abstract
- Friday, May 18th 2001, 13:00
- (Note special day and time)
- The Ekpyrotic Universe
- Justin Khoury
- Princeton
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 15th 2001, 13:00
- (Note special time)
- Wilson loop in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory: A test of the Maldacena
- Gordon W. Semenoff
- University of British Columbia
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 8th 2001, 13:00
- Results related to brane world physics
- Frederic Leblond
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 1st 2001, 13:15
- Mass(less)ness in (A)dS
- Andrew Waldron
- Brandeis
- Abstract
- Thrusday, April 26th 2001, 13:00
- Looking for a color glass condensate in Deeply Inelastic Scattering
and in Heavy Ion Collisions
- Raju Venugopalan
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Wednesday, April 25th 2001, 13:15
- De Sitter space and string theory
- Djordje Minic
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 10th 2001, 13:15
- From Academia to Space Industry: my personal experience
- Ariel Edery
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 3rd 2001, 13:15
- Classical sequential growth dynamics for causal sets
- Raphael Sorkin
- Syracuse
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 28th 2001, 13:15
- Note special day
- The low energy dynamics of non-BPS branes
- Neil Lambert
- Kings College
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 6th 2001, 13:15
- Locally Localized Gravity
- Andreas Karch
- Tuesday, February 13th 2001, 13:15
- Lectures on large and warped extra dimensions
- Jim Cline
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 23rd 2001, 13:15
- A Small Cosmological Constant from Warped Compactification with
- Hassan Firouzjahi
- McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, December 15th 2000, 13:15
- Boundary Conditions in N=2 RCFT
- Johannes Walcher
- CERN and Zurich, ETH
- Wednesday, November 22nd 2000, 13:15
- Attractor flows, particle spectra and composite black holes
- Frederik Denef
- Columbia
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 21st 2000, 13:15
- Photon production by a quark-gluon plasma
- François Gelis
- Brookhaven
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 9th 2000, 13:15
- Half-Branes and Kaluza Klein monopoles
- Don Marolf
- Syracuse
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 7th 2000, 13:15
- Horizon states and quasi-normal modes of anti-deSitter black holes
- V. Suneeta
- IMSc, India
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 2nd 2000, 13:15
- Contact interactions on D-branes
- Kharim Benakli
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 31st 2000, 14:00 (Note special time)
- Non-abelian brane intersections and fuzzy geometry
- Neil Constable
- McGill
- Tuesday, October 24th 2000, 13:15
- Fractional Branes and Black Hole Entropy
- Neil Constable
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 3rd 2000, 13:15
- What might we learn from neutrino oscillations?
- Harry C.S. Lam
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 19th 2000, 13:15
- Recent Results in Brane Cosmology
- Jim Cline
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, June 28th 2000, 13:00
- Status and Perspectives of Neutrino Physics
- Kai Zuber
- Universität Dortmund
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 27th 2000, 13:00
- Superconformal Algebras on the Boundary of AdS3
- Jorgen Rasmussen
- Lethbridge
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 20th 2000, 13:00
- Casimir Energy of a Relativistic Perfect Fluid confined to a
D-dimensional cube
- Ariel Edery
- McGill
- Abstract
- Thursday, June 8th 2000, 13:00
- The physics of Hanbury Brown-Twiss correlations in relativistic
heavy-ion collisions
- Qing-Hui Zhang
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 30th 2000, 13:00
- Matter Effects on Neutrino Oscillations
- Irina Mocioiu
- Stony Brook
- Abstract
- Friday, May 26th 2000, 13:00
- Aspects of Holography
- Vatche V. Sahakian
- Cornell
- Abstract
- Friday, April 28th 2000, 13:00
- Isospin Violation effects in epsilon'/epsilon
- German Valencia
- University of Iowa
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 20th 2000, 13:00
- Effect of particle collisions on the baryon asymmetry of the
- Patrick Girard
- McGill University and Stikeman Elliot
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 18th 2000, 13:00
- Cosmology with extra dimensions
- John Terning
- Harvard University
- Thursday, March 23rd 2000, 13:00
- Stabilizing the fifth dimension in the Randall Sundrum Scenario
- Mark Wise
- Caltech
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 21st 2000, 13:00
- The Rotating Ellipsoidal Membranes
- Konstantin G. Savvidis
- Neils Bohr Institute
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 16th 2000, 13:00
- The search for TeV scale Gravity
- David Atwood
- Iowa State
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 14th 2000, 13:00
- An Honest Quantum Dice
- C.S. Lam
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 9th 2000, 13:00
- Nuclear Liquid-Gas Phase Transition in Heavy-Ion Collision
- Suk-Joon Lee
- Department of Physics, Rutgers University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 7th 2000, 13:00
- Black holes in Bose-Einstein condensates
- James R. Anglin
- Institute for Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics,
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- Tuesday, June 1st 1999, 13:00
- Black hole analogs in superfluid Helium 3
- Ted Jacobson
- Maryland
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 18th 1999, 13:00
- Spacetime Duality and Superduality
- Martin Kamela
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 4th 1999, 13:00
- The QCD of Pizza
- Greg Mahlon
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 27th 1999, 13:00
- GRB's on the WWW
- D. Hanna
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 20th 1999, 13:00
- Phase Structure and Topological Confinement of Anyons
- Manu Paranjape
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 13th 1999, 13:00
- Inflation with Extra Dimensions
- Jim Cline
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 6th 1999, 13:00
- The Bright Side of Dark Matter
- Ariel Edery
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 30th 1999, 13:00
- Relativistic theory of nuclear many-body problem
- Abhee K. Dutt-Mazumder
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 23rd 1999, 13:00
- Hot Baryon Number Violation: The Whole Grubby Story
- Guy Moore
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 9th 1999, 13:00
- Effect of fluctuations on cosmologically significant neutrino
parameter space constraints obtained from a type II Supernova
- Tanvir Rahman
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 2nd 1999, 13:00
- MSSM predictions for the electric dipole moment of 199Hg
- Maxim Pospelov
- University of Minnesota
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 16th 1999, 13:00
- How I Spent My Winter Vacation: News from Weak Interactions and
Neutrinos 99
- Cliff Burgess
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 8th 1998, 13:00
- Quantization of multi-Skyrmions
- Patrick Irwin
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 24th 1998, 13:00
- AdS/CFT, QCD and YOU
- Neil Constable
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 17th 1998, 13:00
- Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
- Guy Moore
- Physics Department, McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 10th 1998, 13:00
- Using Quasars to Measure the Growth and Evolution
of Large-Scale Structure in the Universe
- Jean Quashnock
- University of Chicago
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 27th 1998, 13:00
- Building a Field Theory Based on MOND
- Ariel Edery
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 29th 1998, 13:00
- Is the universe a Hologram?
- C.S. Lam
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 22nd 1998, 13:00
- Money: the fifth fundamental force of nature!
- Peter Bamert
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 19th, 2025, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- What if string theory has a de Sitter excited state?
- Keshav Dasgupta
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 12th, 2025, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Investigating cosmic strings using large-volume hydrodynamical simulations in the context of JWST’s massive UV-bright galaxies
- Jiao Hao
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 5th, 2025, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Cosmic axion strings from string theoretic axions
- Jim Cline
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Recent progress in Landau Analysis: Schwinger, Baikov,
and implementations
- Mathieu Giroux
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Do Observations Prefer Thawing Quintessence?
- Guillaume Payeur
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 15th, 2025, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Learning the Morphology and Small-Scale Structure of
the Galactic Center Gamma-ray Excess
- Yitian Sun
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 11th, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Gravity and a universal cutoff for field theory
- Simon Caron-Huot
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 4th, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Wave Interference in Self-Interacting Fuzzy Dark
- Christian Capanelli
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 27th, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- A Superfluid Dark Matter Cosmic String Wake
- Aline Favero
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 20th, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Plasmon production of axions and dark photons in anisotropic plasmas: the effect of magnetic fields
- Nirmalya Brahma
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 13th, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- The Regge Limit of the AdS Virasoro-Shapiro Amplitude
- Clement Virally
- University of Oxford
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 6th, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Formation of defects associated with both spontaneous and explicit symmetry breaking
- Michiru Uwabo
- Ochanomizu University/IBS
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 30th, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Dynamical Chern-Simons gravity: Anomalies,
gravitational axions, and neutrinos
- Heliudson Bernardo
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Nonperturbative uses of Feynman diagrams: from the
Hydrogen atom to Black holes
- Miguel Correia
- McGill University
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- A Superfluid Dark Matter Cosmic String Wake
- Aline Favero
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 2nd 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Photon self-energy at all temperatures and densities
in all of phase space
- Hugo Schérer
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 25th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Spherical symmetry in effective loop quantum gravity
- Edward Wilson-Ewing
- University of New Brunswick
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 18th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Glauber-Sudarshan States and Wheeler-De Witt equation
- Bohdan Kulinich
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 11th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Statistics of three-dimensional black holes from Liouville line defects
- Viraj Meruliya
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- A new observable for holographic cosmology
- Keivan Namjou
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 10th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Gravity of String Theory: Formalism and Test
- Jeong-Hyuck Park
- Sogang University
- Wednesday, April 3rd 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- 2D Conformal Field Theories and Resurgence
- Viraj Meruliya
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 20th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Accretion onto Oscillating Cosmic String Loops
- Jiao Hao
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 6th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Brane motion in a compact space: adiabatic
perturbations of brane-bulk
- Fangyi Guo
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 14th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Cosmological Production of Kalb-Ramond-like Particles
- Christian Capanelli
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 7th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Static sphere observers and geodesics in
Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime
- Mir Mehedi Faruk
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 31st 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Effective mass and symmetry breaking in the IKKT
matrix model from +compactification
- Samuel Laliberté
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 24th 2024, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Distance conjecture, species scale, and the pattern
- Brian McPeak
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 13th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Joydeep Chakravarty
- McGill
- Wednesday, January 24th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Brian McPeak
- McGill
- Wednesday, November 29th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- q-CFTs from Quantum Groups
- Shounak De
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 22nd 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Crossing beyond scattering amplitudes
- Mathieu Giroux
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 15th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Nonperturbative Anomalous Thresholds
- Miguel Correia
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 1st 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Fuzzy sphere regularization of 3D CFTs
- Yin-Chen He
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 18th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Higher-point lightcone bootstrap in the comb channel:
double-twist data and triple-twist anomalous dimensions
- Lorenzo Quintavalle
- Université Laval
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 11th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Dark Matter at Finite Temperature
- Saniya Heeba
- McGill
- Wednesday, October 4th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Liouville theory and the Weil–Petersson geometry of
moduli space
- Keivan Namjou
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 27th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Phantom fluid cosmology: constraints and direct detection
- Jim Cline
- McGill
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, September 27th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Cosmological Production of Kalb-Ramond-like Particles
- Christian Capanelli
- McGill
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, September 13th 2023, 11:00 (room 326/online)
- Superfluid dark matter flow around cosmic strings
- Aline Favero
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 17th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- The Flavor of QCD axion dark matter
- Gonzalo Alonso-Alvarez
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 3rd 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Holographic cameras: an eye for the bulk
- imon Caron-Huot
- McGill
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, April 19th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Holographic cameras: an eye for the bulk
- Simon Caron-Huot
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 12th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Conformal Bootstrap Universality between c>25 and
c<1 two-dimensional CFTs
- Yiannis Tsiares
- IPhT, Saclay
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 5th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Resurgence and Conformal Blocks in AdS/CFT
- Viraj Meruliya
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 29th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Early Structure Formation from Cosmic String Loops in
Light of Early JWST Data
- Hao Jiao
- McGill
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, March 22nd 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Holographic cameras: an eye for the bulk
- Simon Caron-Huot
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 8th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Gravitational positivity bounds: implications for the
swampland program
- Junsei Tokuda
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 1st 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Matrix duality in twistor space
- Frank Coronado
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 22nd 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Searching for the fundamental nature of dark matter in
the cosmic large-scale structure
- Keir Rogers
- Dunlap Institute, UofT
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 15th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- The Hilbert Space of Quantum Gravity and Holography of
Information in de Sitter space
- Joydeep Chakravarty
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 25th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Holographic Violations of ETH and the Weak Gravity
- Nima Afkhami-Jeddi
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 18th 2023, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- On the flat-space structures of AdS amplitudes
- Yue-Zhou Li
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 30th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Non-relativistic physics in AdS and its CFT dual
- Zahra Zahraee
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 23rd 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Leptogenesis and Gravity Waves from a SUSY-breaking
Phase Transition
- Jim Cline, Benoit Laurent, Jean-Samuel Roux
- McGill
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, November 9th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- The Uses and Abuses of Wormholes
- Alex Maloney
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 2nd 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- SYK Lindbladian
- Tokiro Numasawa
- Tokyo University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 26th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Blazar constraints on neutrino-dark matter scattering
- Matteo Puel
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 19th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Axions, stimulated decay, and CMB spectral distortions
- Gonzalo Alvarez Alonso
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 5th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Loop-by-loop Differential Equations for Dual Elliptic
Feynman Integrals
- Mathieu Giroux
- McGill
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, September 28th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Zahra Zahraee
- McGill
- Wednesday, September 21st 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- The inheritance of energy conditions
- Heliudson de Oliveira Bernardo
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 14th 2022, 12:00 (room 326/online)
- Emergent Cosmology From Matrix Theory
- Samuel Laliberté
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 25th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Holomorphic Chern-Simons theories and twisted
- Yehao Zhou
- Perimeter Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 11th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Gauge-Invariant Corrections to the Expansion Rate
- Vincent Comeau
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 4th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Applications of dispersive CFT Sum Rules
- Anh-Khoi Trinh
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 20th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Causality and modifications to Einstein's gravity
- Simon Caron-Huot
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 13th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Direct collapse black holes from superconducting cosmic strings
- Bryce Cyr
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 6th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- The strange physics of dark baryons
- Gonzalo Alonso Alvarez
- McGill
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, March 30th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Gauge-Invariant Corrections to the Expansion Rate
- Vincent Comeau
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 23rd 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Goldstino condensates and anti-brane uplifts
- Maxim Emelin
- Padua University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 16th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Towards a Dark-Sector model from String Theory
- Heliudson de Oliveira Bernardo
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 9th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Probing the neutrinophilic Z' at the DUNE near
- Garv Chauhan
- Louvain University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 23rd 2022, 13:00 (Tele-journal)
- Note special time
- Constraints on Heavy Neutral Leptons interacting with
a singlet scalar
- Guillermo Gambini
- McGill & Campinas State
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 16th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Minimal warm inflation and TCC
- Vahid Kamali
- Bou Ali Sina
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 9th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Neutrino Physics Through Atomic Reactions
- Pedro Pasquini
- Tsung-Dao Lee Institure
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 2nd 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- One problem in a ‘melon’ (milion)
- Mathieu Giroux
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 26th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Handling constraints: the good, the bad and the ugly
- Veronica Errasti Diez
- LMU Munich
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 19th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- The duals of Feynman integrals
- Andrzej Pokraka
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 12th 2022, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Superspin chains from superstring theory
- Faroogh Moosavian
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 15th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Exploring the dualities of massive gauge theories: Aμ
vs. Bμν
- Anamaria Hell
- LMU Munich
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 8th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Astrophysical plasmas, phase space, and searches for
new particles
- Katelin Schutz
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 1st 2021, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105/Zoom)
- Discriminating between theories of the very early
- Jerome Quintin
- AEI, Potsdam
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 24th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Testing Cosmological solutions in M theory (part 1)
- Mir Mehedi Faruk
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 17th 2021, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105/Zoom)
- Gravity from symmetry
- Laurent Freidel
- Perimeter
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 10th 2021, 12:00 (>Boardroom - room 105/Zoom)
- Absence of CP violation in the strong interactions
- Gonzalo Alonso Alvarez
- McGill
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, November 3rd 2021, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Mir Mehedi Faruk
- McGill
- Wednesday, October 27th 2021, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105/Zoom)
- An extension of the correlation/amplitude duality in
planar N=4 SYM
- Frank Coronado
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 20th 2021, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105/Zoom)
- Critical study of electroweak baryogenesis from light
fermion sources
- Benoit Laurent
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 6th 2021, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105/Zoom)
- Gauging SU(3) of lepton flavor
- Jim Cline
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 29th 2021, 12:00 (Boardroom - room
- Gravity from Averaging CFTs
- Alex Maloney
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 22nd 2021, 12:00 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Novel axion and ALP territory
- Belen Gavela Legazpi
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 15th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- The flat-space limit of AdS/CFT
- Yue-Zhou Li
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 8th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-seminar)
- Emergent Cosmology from Matrix Theory
- Samuel Laliberté
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, June 2nd 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Quantum Metric Perturbations and the Hubble Rate
- Vincent Comeau
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 26th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- EFT of biased tracers of the cosmological matter field
- Katelin Schutz
- MIT & McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 19th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Contracting Cosmologies and the Swampland
- Heliudson de Oliveira Bernardo
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 12th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Solving QFTs with Conformal Truncation
- Nikhil Anand
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 5th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Baryogenesis and gravity waves from a first-order
electroweak phase transition
- Benoit Laurent
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 21st 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Duals of Feynman Integrals, I: Differential Equations
- Andrzej Pokraka
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 14th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- A New Universe inside of a Black Hole?
- Robert Brandenberger
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 7th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Helicity basis in three dimensional CFT
- Yue-Zhou Li
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 31st 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Moduli and Graviton Production during Moduli
- Mesbah Alsarraj
- McGill
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, March 24th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Sidan Ah
- McGill
- Wednesday, March 17th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Explorations in Non-Orientable 2d CFTs
- Yiannis Tsiares
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 10th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journel)
- Baryogenesis and Dark Matter from B Mesons
- Gonzalo Alonso-Alvarez
- McGill
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, February 17th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Explorations in Non-Orientable 2d CFTs
- Yiannis Tsiares
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 10th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Dispersive CFT Sum Rules
- Anh-Khoi Trinh
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 3rd 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Coadjoint Orbits of Gravitational Edge Modes
- Faroogh Moosavian
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 27th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Particle production during slow-roll inflation and
quantum gravity
- Vahid Kamali
- Bu-Ali Sina & McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 20th 2021, 12:00 (Tele-journal)
- Note special time
- Causality and (scalar) effective theories
- Simon Caron-Huot
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 13th 2021, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Detecting quantum entanglement in the sky
- Suddhasattwa Brahma
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 9th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Cusp-to-core conversion from late-time dark matter
- Guillermo Gambini
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 2nd 2020, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Bootsrapping 2-loop 5-gluon amplitudes from
kinematical limits
- Mathieu Giroux
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 25th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- More on Vacuum Energies in 2+1 CFTs
- Sebastian Fischetti
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 18th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Liouville theory and the quantum geometry of
hyperbolic surfaces
- Keivan Namjou
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 11th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Global symmetries & gravity: the QCD axion quality
- Gonzalo Alonso-Alvarez
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 4th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- de Sitter space in the string landscape
- Keshav Dasgupta
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 21st 2020, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Light Dark Photon as Dark Matter from Inflation
- Ziwei Wang
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 14th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- The leading trajectory in the 2+1D Ising CFT
- Zahra Zahraee
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 7th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Heavy-light correlators in high dimensions
- Yue-Zhou Li
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 30th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Gravity as an Ensemble Average
- Alex Maloney
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 23rd 2020, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Distorting the CMB Spectrum with Topological Defects
- Bryce Cyr
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, September 14th 2020, 12:30 (Tele-journal)
- Secret neutrino interactions with ultralight dark
- Jim Cline
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, April 13th 2020, 12:30
- Ekpyrotic Cosmology with a Zero-Shear S-Brane
- Robert Brandenberger
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, April 6th 2020, 12:30 (tele-seminar)
- A little theory of everything
- Jim Cline
- McGill
- Abstract
- POSTPONED: Monday, April 6th 2020, 12:30
- Zahra Zahraee
- McGill
- POSTPONED: Monday, March 30th 2020, 12:30
- Bryce Cyr
- McGill
- POSTPONED: Monday, March 23rd 2020, 12:30
- Guillermo Gambini
- Campinas State University
- POSTPONED: Wednesday, March 18th 2020, 12:30
- Note special day
- Keshav Dasgupta
- McGill
- Monday, February 24th 2020, 12:30
- Mirror dark matter structure formation
- Jean-Samuel Roux
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 19th 2020, 12:30
- Note special day
- New holographic theories from n=2 minimal models
- Sarah Harrison
- McGill
- Abstract
- POSTPONED: Monday, February 17tn 2020, 12:30
- New holographic theories from n=2 minimal models
- Sarah Harrison
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, February 10th 2020, 12:30
- Dispersion relation(s) for conformal theories
- Simon Caron-Huot
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, January 27th 2020, 12:30
- Local Subsystems in Gauge Theory and Gravity
- Faroogh Moosavian
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, January 20th 2020, 12:30
- Casimir Energies in 2+1 QFTs
- Sebastian Fischetti
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, January 13th 2020, 12:30
- Black hole microstates form mass deformations in the
SYK model
- Tokiro Numasawa
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, December 9th 2019, 12:30
- Relativistic treatment of dark thermalization
- Takashi Toma
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, December 2nd 2019, 12:30
- α-corrected abstract
- Heliudson Bernardo
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, November 25th 2019, 12:30
- From Infinity to Four Dimensions: Higher Residue
Pairings and Feynman Integrals
- Andrzej Pokraka
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, November 18th 2019, 12:30
- String Gases and the Swampland
- Samuel Laliberté
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, November 11th 2019, 12:30
- The many uses of colored scalars
- Jim Cline
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, October 28th 2019, 12:30
- The simplest four-point correlation function in N=4
- Frank Coronado
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, October 21st 2019, 12:30
- Trans-Planckian Censorship and Inflationary Cosmology
- Robert Brandenberger
- McGill
- Wednesday, October 16th 2019, 12:30
- Note special day
- On the Poincare dual of Feynman integrals
- Andrzej Pokraka
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, October 7th 2019, 12:30
- Consistent cosmological models in era of the Swampland
- Suddho Brahma
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 2nd 2019, 12:30
- Note special day
- Universal asymptotics of OPE coefficients in CFT2
- Yiannis Tsiares
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, September 30th 2019, 12:30
- Eternal inflation and swampland conjecture
- Ziwei Wang
- McGill
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, September 25th 2019, 12:30
- Rescheduled from Monday
- Universal asymptotics of OPE coefficients in CFT2
- Yiannis Tsiares
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, September 16th 2019, 12:30
- De Sitter Space and EFT Breakdown
- Maxim Emelin
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, September 9th 2019, 12:30
- Quantum Gravity constraints as well as observational
- Vahid Kamali
- Bou-Ali-Sina University
- Abstract
- Monday, April 29th 2019, 12:30
- A Charged Modular Bootstrap For Chiral CFTs
- Kale Colville
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, April 15th 2019, 12:30
- Superconducting strings, Critical Currents, Vorton
Stability, and Cosmological Constraints
- Samuel Laliberté
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, April 8th 2019, 12:30
- Are Black Hole Orbits in Maximal Supergravity
- Zahra Zahraee
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, April 1st 2019, 12:30
- Probing pseudo-Goldstone dark matter
- Takashi Toma
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 27th 2019, 12:30
- Note special day
- A High-Bias, Low-Variance introduction to Machine
- Omar Chammaa
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, March 25th 2019, 12:30
- Positive cosmological constant solutions from M theory
- Mir Mehedi Faruk
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, March 18th 2019, 12:30
- Constraining signatures of Cosmic Strings at
- Bryce Cyr
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, March 11th 2019, 12:30
- Dissipative Dark Matter and the formation of a Dark
- Matteo Puel
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, February 25th 2019, 12:30
- Scalar Double-trace Deformations in AdS/CFT
- Anh-Khoi Trinh
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, February 18th 2019, 12:30
- Non-Gaussianity and cosmological collider physics
- Ziwei Wang
- McGill
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Wednesday, February 13th 2019, 12:30
- Note special day
- Spin Glasses and Complexity
- Omar Chammaa
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, February 11th 2019, 12:30
- The geometry of KLT relations
- Andrzej Pokraka
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, January 28th 2019, 12:30
- Finite temperature strings, T-duality and the Unruh
effect in String Theory
- Heliudson Bernardo
- Sao Paulo State University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 23rd 2019, 12:30
- Note special day
- de Sitter Holography, Entanglement Entropy, and TT
- Matt Hodel
- McGill
- Monday, January 21st 2019, 12:30
- Generalized Global Symmetries
- Tal Sheaffer
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, January 14th 2019, 12:30
- Spacetime singularity in inflationary universe
- Daisuke Yoshida
- McGill
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Monday, December 3rd 2018, 14:00
- Takashi Toma
- McGill
- Monday, November 26th 2018, 14:00
- The Virasoro fusion kernel and its applications
- Yan Gobeil
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, November 19th 2018, 14:00
- Towards a T-Dual Cosmology
- Guilherme Franzmann
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, November 12th 2018, 14:00
- Bulk Reconstruction as Universal Approximate Subspace
Error Correction
- Matt Hodel
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, November 5th 2018, 14:00
- Modular bootstrap for chiral CFTs
- Laure-Anne Douxchamps
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, October 29th 2018, 14:00
- The connection between mimetic gravity, limiting
curvature, and the cuscuton
- Jerome Quintin
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, October 15th 2018, 14:00
- Bulk Reconstruction and Holographic Area Laws
- Sebastian Fischetti
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, October 1st 2018, 14:00
- De Sitter, quantum corrections, and EFT
- Maxim Emelin
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, September 24th 2018, 14:00
- AdS/BCFT and black hole physics
- Tokiro Numasawa
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, September 17th 2018, 14:00
- Back-Reaction of Super-Hubble Cosmological
Perturbations Beyond Perturbation Theory
- Robert Brandenberger
- McGill
- Abstract
- Monday, September 10th 2018, 14:00
- Deep Reinforcement Learning to Search for Cosmic
Strings in CMB and 21 cm Intensity Maps
- Oscar Hernández
- Marianopolis College & McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 9th 2018, 12:30 (Boardroom - room 105)
- Note special venue
- N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Correlators from
- Anh-Khoi Trinh
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 2nd 2018, 12:30
- Effective string theory
- Andrzej Pokraka
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 18th 2018, 12:30
- Gravitational waves from low-energy inflation by
particle production
- Ryo Namba
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 11th 2018, 12:30
- Signature of Cosmic String Wakes in N Body Simulations
- Disrael Cunha
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 4th 2018, 12:30
- Orbits of the Supersymmetric Black Holes in N=8
- Zahra Zahraee
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 23rd 2018, 12:30
- Note special day
- Superselection Sectors and Soft Modes in AdS/CFT
- Jamie Sully
- McGill
- Friday, March 16th 2018, 12:30
- Note special day
- From the BFKL equation to the all-order infrared
behaviour of high-energy scattering amplitudes
- Joscha Reichel
- University of Edinburgh
- Abstract
- Friday, February 23rd 2018, 12:30
- Note special day
- Entanglement Entropy and Link Invariants
- Tal Sheaffer
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 21st 2018, 12:30
- KdV charges and Generalized Gibbs Ensemble in 2D CFT
- Ioannis Tsiares
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 14th 2018, 12:30
- Bopp-Podolsky black holes and the no-hair theorem
- Rodrigo Cuzinatto
- Universidade Federal de Alfenas & McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, February 9th 2018, 12:30
- Note special day
- Axionic landscape for marginal Higgs stability
- Jim Cline
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 7th 2018, 12:30
- Constraints on Higher Spin CFT2
- Kale Colville
- McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, February 2nd 2018, 12:30
- Note special day
- A view of the bulk from the worldline
- Henry Maxfield
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 31st 2018, 12:30
- Nonsingular spacetimes with limiting curvature
- Jerome Quintin
- McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, December 8th 2017, 12:30
- Note special day
- Gravitational S-matrix from CFT dispersion relations
- Simon Caron-Huot
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 6th 2017, 12:30
- (Qu)Bit Threads and Holographic Entanglement
- Matt Hodel
- McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, November 17th 2017, 12:30
- Note special day
- Connecting B-physics anomalies to dark matter
- Jonathan Cornell
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 15th 2017, 12:30
- Global anomaly and boundary conformal field theory in
1+1 dimensions
- Tokiro Numasawa
- McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, November 10th 2017, 12:30
- Note special day
- On the double-counting problem in Boltzmann equations
and real-intermediate state subtraction
- Michael Laplante
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 8th 2017, 12:30
- Chameleons in the early universe
- Renato Costa
- University of Cape Town & McGill
- Abstract
- Friday, November 3rd 2017, 12:30
- Note special day
- Properties of extremal CFTs with small central charge
- Sarah Harrison
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 18th 2017, 12:30
- Baryon acoustic oscillations from the SDSS galaxies
angular correlation function
- Jailson Alcaniz
- Observatorio Nacional & McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 12:30
- Conformal blocks for the thermal one-point function
- Yan Gobeil
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 27th 2017, 12:30
- Pole inflation in Jordan frame supergravity
- Daisuke Yoshida
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 20th 2017, 12:30
- Perturbations for a unified model of the dark sector
- Rodrigo Cuzinatto
- Universidade Federal de Alfenas and McGill University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, June 6th 2017, 12:00
- Applied Top-Down Holographic Large-N Thermal QCD and
G-Structures via Delocalized SYZ Mirrors
- Aalok Misra
- IIT Roorkee
- Tuesday, May 30th 2017, 12:00
- Entanglement, Replicas and Thetas
- Sunil Mukhi
- Tuesday, May 16th 2017, 12:00
- Twistors for Anti-de Sitter physics
- Alex Arvanitakis
- Cambridge
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 2nd 2017, 12:00
- Scaling, recovery and renormalization monotones
- Nima Lashkari
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 25th 2017, 12:00
- Tensor network and (p-adic) AdS/CFT
- Arpan Bhattacharyya
- Fudan University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 18th 2017, 12:00
- Analytical On-shell Calculation of Higher Order
- Zahra Zahraee
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 12:00
- Holographic Computational Complexity
- Adam Brown
- Stanford
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 4th 2017, 12:00
- Emergent gravity and the dark universe
- Laure-Anne Douxchamps
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 28th 2017, 12:00
- Effective holographic observables
- Lampros Lamprou
- Stanford
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 21st 2017, 12:00
- The Fate of a Contracting Universe and the State of
Matter at High Density
- Jerome Quintin
- McGill
- Abstract
- CANCELLED: Tuesday, March 14th 2017, 12:00
- Evolving Black Holes in slow-roll Inflation
- Jennie Traschen
- UMass Amherst
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 21st 2017, 12:00
- The planar four-loop cusp anomalous dimension in QCD
- Johannes Henn
- Mainz
- Tuesday, February 14th 2017, 12:00
- The Quantum Unique Ergodicity Conjecture
- Ioannis Tsiares
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 7th 2017, 12:00
- A unifying description of dark energy
- David Langlois
- Laboratoire Astroparticules et Cosmologie, Université Paris Diderot
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 31st 2017, 12:00
- Topological Field Theory and Knots from M-theory
- Keshav Dasgupta
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 17th 2017, 12:00
- A Quark-Gluon-Plasma inspired cosmological scenario
- Melissa Mendes
- McGill & University of Campinas
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 10th 2017, 12:00
- Quantum Transitions through Cosmological Singularities
- Sebastian Bramberger
- MPI Potsdam
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 13th 2016, 13:00
- Small Scale Challenges (and Solutions) for Lambda-CDM
- Jonathan Cornell
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 6th 2016, 13:00
- Quasilocal energy and its cosmological applications
- Valerio Faraoni
- Bishop's University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 29th 2016, 13:00
- Is Electroweak Baryogenesis Dead?
- Jim Cline
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 22nd 2016, 13:00
- Second quantized MSW strings on K3 fibrations
- Callum Quigley
- University of Alberta
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 15th 2016, 13:00
- Loops in AdS from Crossing Symmetry
- Eric Perlmutter
- Princeton
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 8th 2016, 13:00
- Witten diagrams and the geometry of conformal blocks
- Eliot Hijano
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 1st 2016, 13:00
- Double Field Theory: an Introduction
- Guilherme Franzmann
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 25th 2016, 13:00
- Holographic description of entanglement entropy and
conformal block in AdS3/CFT2
- Jie-Qiang Wu
- Peking University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 18th 2016, 13:00
- Observational constraints to a unified cosmological
- Rodrigo Rocha Cuzinatto
- Federal University of Alfenas
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 11th 2016, 13:00
- Vector field phenomenology during inflation
- Ryo Namba
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 4th 2016, 13:00
- Renormalization group coefficients and the S-matrix
- Simon Caron-Huot
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 27th 2016, 13:00
- Constraining Conformal Field Theories with W Symmetry
- Kale Colville
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 20th 2016, 13:00
- Geometry from Bulk Entanglement
- Maxim Emelin
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 13th 2016, 13:00
- QCD strings and their effective string description
- Hari Dass
- Tata Institute for Fundamental Research
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 6th 2016, 13:00
- Coupled Dark Energy - Dark Matter from Axion - Gauge
Field Coupling
- Robert Brandenberger
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 19th 2016, 12:00
- Interpretations of the galactic centre gamma-ray
- Jonathan Cornell
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 5th 2016, 12:00
- Preheating in Axion Inflation Models
- Evan McDonough
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 29th 2016, 12:00
- Soft Hair on Black Holes
- Gim Seng Ng
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 22nd 2016, 12:00
- Cosmological singularities in holography
- Marjorie Schillo
- Leuven
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 8th 2016, 12:00
- Constructing Microstates for the BTZ Black Hole
- Kale Colville
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 23rd 2016, 12:00
- Consistency of Scalar Potentials from Quantum de
Sitter Space
- Jean-François Fortin
- Université Laval
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 16th 2016, 12:00
- 25 orders of magnitude “we” simply ignore in evolution of the baby universe!
- Hossein Bazrafshan Moghaddam
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 9th 2016, 12:00
- Interacting dark matter and dark energy, how crazy is
- Jerome Quintin
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 19th 2016, 12:00
- The LHC 750 GeV Diphoton excess
- Jim Cline
- Tuesday, January 12th 2016, 12:00
- Partition Functions in Even Dimensional AdS via
Quasinormal Mode Methods
- Cindy Keeler
- Niels Bohr Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 15th 2015, 12:00
- The weak gravity conjecture and its implications in
- Yan Gobeil
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 8th 2015, 12:00
- The BCFW recursion relations for scattering amplitudes
(and their extension to AdS)
- Laure-Anne Douxchamps
- Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Abstract
- Tuesday, December 1st 2015, 12:00
- Higgsing the stringy higher spin symmetries
- Ida Zadeh
- Brandeis University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 24th 2015, 12:00
- Cosmic Strings and the Origin of Globular Clusters
- Rebecca Lin
- McGill
- Tuesday, November 17th 2015, 12:00
- Gravitation from Entanglement in holographic CFTs
- Thom Pijnenburg
- Amsterdam
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 12:00
- The idea of Entanglement Renormalization: the MERA
tensor network and relation to AdS/CFT
- Ioannis Tsiares
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 3rd 2015, 12:00
- Cosmology with Goldstone bosons
- Djuna Croon
- Sussex
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 27th 2015, 12:00
- Thermalization: results, issues, perspectives
- Thomas Epelbaum
- McGill
- Abstract
- Tuesday, October 6th 2015, 12:00
- Large N thermal QCD and its gravity dual
- Keshav Dasgupta
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 29th 2015, 12:00
- Accelerating Universe from Trans-Planckian Tail
- Leila Graef
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 22nd 2015, 12:00
- Disruption of Cosmic String Wakes by Gaussian
- Disrael Cunha
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 8th 2015, 12:00
- Junyu Liu
- University of Science and Technology of China
- Monday, April 27th 2015, 12:00
- Lorentzian Einstein metrics with prescribed conformal
- Niky Kamran
- Abstract
- Monday, April 20th 2015, 12:00
- String universality for symmetric product orbifolds
- Alex Maloney
- Monday, March 23rd 2015, 12:00
- Towards a No-Go Theorem in Bouncing Cosmology
- Jerome Quintin
- Abstract
- Monday, March 9th 2015, 12:00
- The principle of stationary nonconservative action:
basic formalism and the Navier-Stokes action
- Dave Tsang
- Abstract
- Monday, February 23rd 2015, 12:00
- Observing the black hole interior in AdS/CFT
- Ian Morrison
- Abstract
- Monday, February 16th 2015, 12:00
- Bounding the heat trace of a Calabi-Yau manifold
- Marc-Antoine Fiset
- Monday, February 9th 2015, 12:00
- Role of Cosmic String Loops in Galaxy Formation
- Robert Brandenberger
- Normal day/time:
- Mondays at 12:00
- Wednesday, October 18th 2017, 14:30
- Joint Particle and Astroparticle Physics & Experimental HEP Seminar
- Neutrino physics with liquid xenon detectors
- Michelle Dolinski
- Drexel University
- Abstract
- Monday, October 16th 2017, 14:30
- Joint Particle and Astroparticle Physics & Experimental HEP Seminar
- ANTIHYDROGEN: Its Capture and Interrogation
- Art Olin
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 7th 2015, 15:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room
- Sharpening tools for direct detection of low mass
- Gilles Gerbier
- Queen's University
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 5th 2015, 16:00 (room 305A/B)
- Developing a water Cherenkov Optical TPC for neutrino
- Eric Oberla
- University of Chicago
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 22nd 2014, 14:30
- Studying Radiative Quarkonium Decays in Experiment
- Bryan Fulsom
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 24th 2013, 14:30
- New Cyclotrons for Neutrino Physics
- Janet Conrad
- Monday, September 23rd 2013, 15:30 (room 305B)
- Cross section measurements of dilepton states in ATLAS
- Aldo Saavedra
- University of Sydney
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 10th 2012, 14:30
- LHCb Experiment: An Example of Concrete Achievement
- Annabelle Chuinard
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Thursday, May 10th 2012, 14:30 (Room 305 A/B)
- Special Experimental HEP Seminar
- Measurement of the proton's weak charge at the Qweak experiment
- Jean-François Rajotte
- Abstract
- Tuesday, March 20th 2012, 14:30 (B.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Digital Hadron Calorimeter — for a future lepton
- Lei Xia
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 29th 2012, 14:30
- ATLAS Standard Model Photon Cross Section Results
- Mark Stockton
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 30th 2011, 15:30
- Anomalous baryon production in p+p and Pb+Pb collisions
at the LHC
- Vasili Topor Pop
- Department of Physics, McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 18th 2011, 15:30
- Angular correlations in minimum bias events and other
recent results in soft physics at D0 and ATLAS
- Camille Bélanger-Champagne
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 18th 2011, 15:30
- Angular correlations in minimum bias events and other
recent results in soft physics at D0 and ATLAS
- Camille Bélanger-Champagne
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 6th 2011, 15:30
- Results and Prospects for the T2K Neutrino Oscillation
- Mark Hartz
- University of Toronto
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 2nd 2011, 15:30
- The IceCube Neutrino Observatory: Status, Initial
Results and Future Prospects
- Darren Grant
- University of Alberta
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 3rd 2010, 15:30
- Superconducting Radiofrequency Cavity R&D at Toronto
- William Trischuk
- University of Toronto
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 13th 2010, 15:30
- ALPHA - On the Road to Trapped Antihydrogen
- Scott Menary
- York University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, September 28th 2010, 13:30
- Note special day and time
- Evidence of an Asymmetry in B Meson Matter-Antimatter
- Wendy Taylor
- York University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 3rd 2010, 16:00 (Room 305)
- Note special venue
- Measuring the Gluon Polarizations of Protons with Jets at RHIC
- David Staszak
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 13th 2010, 16:00
- Search for Dark Matter with PICASSO
- Viktor Zacek
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 6th 2010, 16:00 (Room 305)
- The ANTARES Neutrino Telescope: status and first results
- Anthony Brown
- Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 2nd 2009, 16:00 (Room 305)
- Measuring Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Rays
- Javier Gonzalez
- Universidad de Granada
- Abstract
- Monday, November 23rd 2009, 15:30
- Note special day and time
- Latest TWIST on Muon Decay
- Art Olin
- TRIUMF & University of Victoria
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 18th 2009, 16:00
- Measuring the Mass of Neutrinos
- Kevin Graham
- Carleton University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 11th 2009, 16:00
- The Double Chooz Neutrino Oscillation Experiment
- Leslie Camilleri
- Columbia
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 4th 2009, 16:00
- Kaon Spectroscopy with B-Mesons
- Hulya Guler
- McGill University & Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 21st 2009, 16:00
- ATLAS Higgs Searches Beyond the Standard Model
- Chris Potter
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 7th 2009, 16:00
- The Next Bubble to Burst
- Raphael Galea
- NRC, Ottawa
- Abstract
- Wednesday, June 3rd 2009, 15:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Note special time and venue
- Bottomonium: recent results
- Gérard Bonneaud
- Paris VI-VII
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 21st 2009, 16:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Note special venue
- Extraction of Active and Sterile Neutrino Mixing
Parameters with the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
- Gordana Tešić
- Physics Department, Carleton University
- Abstract
- Monday, January 12th 2009, 15:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- Note special day, time and venue
- Dark matter search: review on direct and indirect
detection experiments
- Gilles Gerbier
- CEA Saclay
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 7th 2009, 16:00
- Fresh news from ATLAS
- David Côté
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 26th 2008, 16:00
- The Flavour of Things to Come: Prospects for the
SuperB Project
- Steven Robertson
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 12th 2008, 16:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Note unusual venue
- T2K: Beaming Neutrinos from Sea to Sea
- Alysia Marino
- University of Toronto
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 8th 2008, 16:00
- À la recherche de la matière perdue:
Dark Matter, Cryogenic Particle Detectors, and Brittle Fracture
- Philippe Di Stefano
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 1st 2008, 16:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- The White Elephant: Υ Physics at the BaBar
- Steve Sekula
- Ohio State University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 24th 2008, 16:00
- Search for Heavy Quarks Above the Top at Hadron Colliders
- Anupama Atre
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 7th 2008, 15:30
- ROOT Tutorial
- Malachi Schram
- McGill
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 9th 2008, 16:00
- TeV Gamma Rays with the Milagro and HAWC experiments
- Jim Linnemann
- Michigan State University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 26th 2008, 16:00
- Life after HEP
- Pat Saull
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 5th 2008, 16:00
- Muon Physics of the 70's-80's: Decay Measurements
- François Corriveau
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 12th 2007, 16:00
- Recent Results from the Collider Detector at Fermilab
- Andreas Warburton
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 21st 2007, 16:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- The XENON Dark Matter Search
- Elena Aprile
- Columbia University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 14th 2007, 16:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Cosmic Rays, Star Spots and Aliens: Some Alternative
Applications of Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes
- Jamie Holder
- University of Delaware
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 24th 2007, 16:00
- Emergency Radiation Mapping
- Laurel Sinclair
- Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 26th 2007, 16:00
- Measurement of pionium (π+π-
hydrogen-like state) lifetime to test low energy QCD predictons
- Cibrán Santamarina Ríos
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 19th 2007, 15:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Note special time and venue
- Something Old, Something New
- Juan Collar
- University of Chicago
- Abstract
- Wednesday, June 13th 2007, 15:30
- Measurement of |Vub| from the decay
B0→π l ν, using a loose neutrino
reconstruction technique, at BaBar
- David Côté
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 9th 2007, 15:30
- The first result of the MiniBooNE neutrino oscillation
- Teppei Katori
- Indiana University / Fermilab
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 28th 2007, 15:30
- Testing the Higgs mechanism
- Heather Logan
- Carleton University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 7th 2007, 15:30
- A TPC for the T2K ND280 Experiment
- Marie Di Marco
- DPNC, Université de Genève
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 28th 2007, 15:30
- Probing Electroweak Top Quark Couplings at Hadron
- Uli Baur
- SUNY Buffalo
- Abstract
- Tuesday, February 27th 2007, 11:00 (Room 305)
- The top quark: a “charged” topic
- Veronique Boisvert
- University of Rochester
- Abstract
- Monday, February 5th 2007, 14:00
- The Latest from MiniBooNE
- Hirohisa Tanaka
- MiniBooNE/Princeton University
- Abstract
- Monday, January 29th 2007, 14:30 (UdM, Laboratoire RJA Lévesque, Salle 104)
- The Top Mass at CDF and the Final Preparation for
- Jean-François Arguin
- Abstract
- Friday, January 26th 2007, 13:30 (ERP - room 305)
- Evidence for single top production at the D0
- Yann Coadou
- Dzero/SFU
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 4th 2007, 14:00
- Note special day and time
- Status and Potential of the CMS Experiment
- Dominique Fortin
- University of California, Riverside
- Abstract
- Friday November 3rd 2006, 13:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Joint Seminar with the School of Computer Science
- Entanglement entropy, black holes and holography
- Stephen Hsu
- University of Oregon
- Abstract
- Friday, June 23rd 2006, 10:30 (Leacock 132)
- Note special venue
- Decays: Recent Theoretical Developments
- David London
- Université de Montréal
- Thursday, April 6th 2006, 15:00 (Room 326)
- New B Physics Results from DZero
- Wendy Taylor
- York University
- Abstract
- Monday, March 27th 2006 and Tuesday, March 28th 2006
- Mini-workshop on calorimetry
- Pierre Petroff
- Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Lineaire, Université de Paris-Sud
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 15th 2006, 15:30
- Measurements of charmed hadrons production in deep
inelastic scattering with ZEUS
- Roberval Walsh
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 8th 2006, 15:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Searching for Dark Matter with DEAP at SNOLAB
- Marc Boulay
- Queen's University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 14th 2005, 16:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Search for gaugino production in R-parity violating
supersymmetry at HERA
- Chi-Nhan Nguyen
- Hamburg Universität
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 16th 2005 (ERP, room 305)
- Measurement of a CKM matrix element Vub
- Kim Hojeong
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday January 26th 2005, 15:30 (ERP room 305)
- First results from the CERN Axion Solar Telescope
- Marie Di Marco
- Queen's University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 1st 2004, 15:30 (ERP)
- SNO+: SNO with Liquid Scintillator
- Mark Chen
- Queen's University
- Abstract
- Friday, December 9th 2005, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- Out of Africa:The latest results from the H.E.S.S.
telescopes array
- Anthony M. Brown
- Durham University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 29th 2005, 14:00 (R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103))
- Neutrino Astronomy at the South Pole
- Andreas Gross
- University of Dortmund
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 23rd 2005, 15:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- TRACER (Transition Radiation Array for Cosmic
Energetic Radiation)
- Patrick (Jojo) Boyle
- Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, University of Chicago
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 8th 2005, 14:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- The Nature and Origin of Cosmic Rays or Tickling the
Knee with CREAM
- Stéphane Coutu
- Penn State University
- Abstract
- Friday, March 30th 2012, 13:30
- A paradigm shift in physics until 2025 because of the
- David Côté
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 22nd 2006, 10:30 (UdM, Pavillon Roger
Gaudry, V-221)
- More on the Adiabatic Approximation in Quantum
- Richard Mackenzie
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Friday, February 10th 2006, 10:00 (UdM, Pavillon Roger Gaudry,
- Neutrinos and Higgs bosons in the left-right model
- Ken Kiers
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 9th 2006, 15:30 (UdM)
- New Research Opportunities at the Future FAIR facility
in Darmstadt (Germany)
- Marielle Chartier
- University of Liverpool
- Wednesday, January 18th 2006, 11:00
- B->φK* Decays: short story about CP Violation,
Strong Interactions and New Physics
- Alejandro Szynkman
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Thursday, December 15th 2005 (UdM)
- Light Scalar Top Quarks and Dark Matter at the Linear
- Caroline Milstene
- Fermilab
- Abstract
- Rescheduled: Friday, December 2nd 2005, 13:30 (UdM)
- CASTing for Solar Axions at CERN
- Michael Hasinoff
- University of British Columbia
- Abstract
- Thursday, December 1st 2005, 10:00 (ERP - R.E. Bell Conference
Room - room 103)
- The ATLAS strategy for Higgs detection
- Cibrán Santamarina Rios
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 30th 2005, 15:30 (ERP - R.E. Bell Conference
Room - room 103)
- Charm School for Physicists: On the Impact of CLEO-c
- David Asner
- Carleton University
- Abstract
- Monday, October 24th 2005, 15:30 (UdM)
- Probing the Weak Interaction Spacetime Structure with
Muon Decay
- Art Olin
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 5th 2005, 13:30 (ERP R.E. Bell Conference
Room - room 103)
- Classical Simulations of Quantum Fields
- Tzahi Yavin
- York University
- Abstract
- Friday, August 26th 2005, 15:30 (ERP - R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Calibration of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter.
Reconstruction of events with non-pointing photons from GMSB SUSY models
- Damien Prieur
- Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules
- Abstract
- Wednesday, August 24th 2005, 15:30 (ERP - R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- A Search for the Rare Decay B->τ+τ- at the BaBar Experiment
- Chris Potter
- University of Oregon
- Abstract
- Tuesday, August 23rd 2005, 10:30 (ERP - R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Note special time
- Search for Technicolor Particle at D0
- Lorenzo Feligioni
- Boston University
- Abstract
- Thursday, August 4th 2005, 15:00 (ERP - R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- The ATLAS experiment: construction and supervision
- Helfried J. Burckhart
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 21st 2005, 15:30 (UdM, Pavillon Roger Gaudry,
salle Z-255)
- Mass, Mixing, and the Neutrino Renaissance
- Kevin Graham
- Queen's University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 6th 2005, 15:30 (UdM, Pavillon Rauger Gaudry,
salle Z-255)
- Challenges of the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC
- Richard Teuscher
- Enrico Fermi Institute
- Abstract
- Tuesday, April 5th 2005, 15:30 (UdM, Pavillon Rauger Gaudry,
salle Z-209)
- Selected Charm Readings From CLEO
- David Asner
- Cornell
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 15:30 (UdM)
- Les développements récents à ISAC-TRIUMF
- Pierre Bricault
- Abstract
- Wednesday, February 9th 2005, 15:30 (ERP)
- A Bayesian Revolution in Spectral Analysis
- Phil Gregory
- Abstract
- Friday, January 28th 2005, 15:00 (UdM - Pavillon Z, Z-215)
- The role of breathers in the anomalous decay of
- Lawrence S. Schulman
- Physics Department, Clarkson University
- Abstract
- Thurday, December 2nd 2004, 15:30 (UdM)
- Phenomenology of the Supersymmetric Large Extra
Dimensions scenario
- Pierre-Hugues Beauchemin
- McGill / Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 16th 2004, 11:00 (ERP: R.E. Bell Conference
room - room 103)
- Note special time and room
- Strangeness and the Discovery of Quark Gluon Plasma
- Johann Rafelski
- Department of Physics, University of Arizona
- Abstract
- Tuesday, August 10th 2004, 10:30 (UdM)
- Note special time
- Multiplicity distributions in elementary particle
- Roberto Ugoccioni
- Torino
- Abstract
- Thursday, July 15th 2004, 10:30 (UdM)
- Edelweiss et la recherche de WIMP par grand froid
- Jules Gascon
- Université Claude Bernard
- Abstract
- Wednesday, May 26th 2004, 15:30 (UdM)
- Un nano saut quantique : La création à Montréal d un Institut des Sciences et des Technologies du Rayonnement! Pourquoi pas?
- Philippe Leblanc
- Centre de recherche du CHUM/TeXion inc.
- Abstract
- Friday, May 14th 2004, 15:00 (ERP R.E. Bell Conference
Room - room 103)
- Resonances and statistical hadronization phenomenology
- Giorgio Torrieri
- University of Arizona
- Abstract
- Thursday, May 6th 2004, 15:30 (UdM)
- Search for Double Beta Decay with the EXO Experiment
- Jean-Luc Vuilleumier
- Neuchâtel
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 29th 2004, 15:30 (ERP, R.E. Bell Conference Room
- room 103)
- Open Charm Production at Hera
- Sanjay Padhi
- McGill University/DESY
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 22nd 2004, 15:30 (UdM)
- Search for a non-standard violation of time-reversal
- Pierre Depommier
- Montréal
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 15th 2004, 15:30 (UdM)
- Dust from Reionization
- Erik Elfgren
- Luleå, Sweden
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 12th 2004, 15:30 (UdM)
- Observing Signals of Extra Spatial Dimensions with
- Georges Azuelos
- TRIUMF/Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 5th 2004, 15:30 (UdM)
- Production of Dilepton Events at CDF
- Reda Tafirout
- University of Toronto
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 15th 2004, 15:30 (UdM)
- Discovery potential in the 2 Higgs Doublet Model at D0
- Pierre-Antoine Delsart
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Friday, November 28th 2003, 10:30 (ERP 326)
- Please note special time and room
- The Trans-Planckian problem of inflation
- Jerome Martin
- IAP, Saclay
- Thursday, November 27th 2003, 13:45 (ERP 326)
- The Fate of the Alpha Vacua
- Please note special time and room
- Richard Holman
- Carnegie Mellon
- Thursday, October 23rd 2003, 15:30 (UdM)
- A brief introduction to high-energy elastic hadron
- Emerson Luna
- Universidade Estadual de Campinas
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 11th 2003, 15:30 (UdM)
- The CERN-Gran Sasso Neutrino Program
- Dominique Duchesneau
- Lapp, Annecy
- Abstract
- Monday, August 18th 2003, 15:30 (UdM)
- The ATLAS High Level Trigger
- Véronique Boisvert
- Abstract
- Friday, July 4th 2003, 11:30 (UdM)
- Transient vacuum structures and baryon asymmetry of
the Universe
- Urjit Yajnik
- Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 27th 2003, 15:30 (UdM)
- Produits-triples et brisure CP dans les
désintégrations des Lb dans le Modèle Standard et
- Wafia Ben Salem
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Friday, May 16th 2003, 11:00 (UdM)
- Black hole entropy and quasi-normal modes
- Gabor Kunstatter
- Univ. of Winnipeg
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 27th 2003, 15:30 (UdM)
- Apercevons nous peut-être l'ombre du gluino
à l'horizon?
- Hannes Jeremie
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 13th 2003, 15:30 (UdM)
- Search of a Standard Model Higgs Boson in ATLAS using
Vector Boson Fusion
- Rachid Mazini
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Friday, Friday March 7th 2003, 12:00 (ERP - room 326)
- Recent rare B decay results from the BaBar experiment
- Steven Robertson
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 6th 2003, 14:00 (UdM)
- Physics with b quarks at the Tevatron
- Wendy Taylor
- SUNY at Stony Brook
- Abstract
- Friday, February 28th 2003, 12:00 (ERP - room 326)
- Desperately Seeking SUSY
- Isabel Trigger
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 27th 2003, 15:30 (UdM)
- Double Beta decay
- Kai Zuber
- Monday, February 24th 2003, 14:00 (UdM)
- Neutrino Oscillation Results from the Sudbury Neutrino
- Scott Oser
- University of Pennsylvania
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 13th 2003, 15:30 (UdM)
- Exploring the cosmic ray spectrum
- Ubi Wichoski
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Thursday, December 19th 2002, 15:30 (UdM)
- CompHEP and CompHEP-PYTHIA interface in High Energy Physics
- Alexander Belyaev
- University of Florida
- Abstract
- Thursday, December 12th 2002, 15:30 (UdM)
- Prospects for Higgs bosons discovery of the LHC
- Ketevi A. Assamagan
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Monday, December 9th 2002, 15:30
- The Color Glass Condensate
- Larry McLerran
- Nuclear Theory Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 28th 2002, 15:30 (UdM)
- It takes glue to study the `Glue'
- Zisis Papandreou
- University of Regina
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 20th 2002, 15:30 (UdM)
- The CDMS Dark Matter Experiment
- Richard Gaitskell
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 14th 2002, 15:30 (UdM)
- CLEO-c and CESR-c: A New Frontier of Electroweak and QCD Physics
- Kamal Benslama
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 7th 2002, 15:30 (UdM)
- L'Astrophysique des Particules - un plan de route
- Viktor Zacek
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 31st 2002, 15:30 (UdM)
- J. Farine
- Laurentian University
- Abstract
- Friday, October 4th 2002, 15:30 (ERP)
- The search for the Quark Gluon Plasma at RHIC: status and
- Steffen A. Bass
- Department of Physics, Duke University
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 3rd 2002, 15:30 (ERP - Boardroom - room 104)
- Note special room
- Recent Results and Future Prospects of the Cryogenic Dark Matter
Search II Experiment
- Tarek Saab
- Physics Department, Standord University
- Abstract
- Thursday, June 20th 2002, 14:30 (UdM)
- Please note special time
- Astrophysical and Cosmological Production of tau neutrinos
- Ubi Wichoski
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Friday, June 14th 2002, 14:30 (UdM)
- Note special time
- Generalized coherent states, star products and fuzzy manifolds
- Garnik Alexanian
- Syracuse University
- Abstract
- Monday, June 10th 2002, 15:30 (ERP)
- First Neutral Current Results from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
- Scott Oser
- University of Pennsylvania
- Abstract
- Thursday, June 6th 2002, 14:30 (UdM)
- Super-Yang-Mills theory in the PP-wave limit
- Gordon W. Semenoff
- University of British Columbia
- Abstract
- Thursday, May 2nd 2002, 15:30 (UdM)
- Quantum field theory methods applied to quantum wires
- Sumathi Rao
- Harish Chandra Research Institute
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 17th 2002, 15:00 (ERP)
- Note special time
- The AMS Experiment: Cosmic Ray Measurements in Space
- Markus Cristinziani
- Université de Genéve
- Abstract
- Monday, April 8th 2002, 15:30 (ERP, room 326)
- Experimental observables to study the isospin-dependence of the
nuclear equation of state
- Betty Tsang
- Department of Physics & Astronomy, National Superconducting
Cyclotron Laboratory and Michigan State University
- Thursday, March 28th 2002, 15:30 (UdM
- The Casimir Energy of a Relativistic Perfect Fluid confined to a
D-dimensional Hypercube
- Ariel Edery
- S I Solutions
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 13th 2002, 15:30 (ERP)
- Heavy Flavour Physics at HERA
- Alessandro Bertolin
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Friday, February 8th 2002, 13:00 (ERP)
- ANTARES, a Neutrino Telescope in the Mediterranean Sea
- J. Carr
- CPPM Marseille
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 31st 2002, 15:30 (UdM)
- Eternal Inflation and Past Incompleteness
- Alan Guth
- Center for Theoretical Physics, MIT
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 24th 2002, 15:30 (UdM)
- Cosmology, dark matter and the PICASSO Project
- Marie di Marco
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Friday, January 18th 2002, 11:30 (ERP)
- (Note special time and day)
- The ISiS data set: baseline data for the study of thermal
multifragmentation and the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition
- Luc Beaulieu
- Département de Physique, de Génie Physique et d'Optique, Université Laval
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 17th 2002, 15:30 (UdM)
- Preliminary CLEO-III Rare B-decay Results
- Kamal Benslama
- Cornell University
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 17th 2002, 11:00 (UdM, local 253 Pavillon René J-A Lévesque)
- Vortices and the real time dynamics of the Abelian Higgs model in 2D
- Luis Bettencourt
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 10th 2002, 15:30 (UdM)
- Medical X-Ray Imaging with Scattered Photons
- Paul C. Johns
- Carleton University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, December 19th 2001, 15:30 (UdM)
- Mesures de précision électrofaibles et objets massifs non
- Helenka Przysiezniak
- Annecy-le-Vieux
- Abstract
- Friday, November 30th 2001, 15:30 (UdM: Pavillon Principal, D-560)
- Radioactive Beams: A new Frontier
- Alan Shotter
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 22nd 2001, 15:30 (UdM)
- Determining alpha and gamma at B Factories via Direct and Indirect
CP Violation
- David Atwood
- Iowa State University
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 1st 2001, 15:30 (UdM)
- Medical X-Ray Imaging with Scattered Photons
- Paul C. Johns
- Carleton University
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 25th 2001, 15:30 (UdM)
- Mesure indirecte du spectre de masse des événements
à quatre fermions obtenus des désintegrations hadroniques du
- Hannès Jérémie
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Thursday, August 30th 2001, 15:30
- The radioactive ion beam project at VECC-Calcutta: present status
and future plans.
- Alok Chakrabarti
- Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Calcutta
- Wednesday, August 22nd 2001, 15:30
- The change of the 7Be decay rate in different environments and the
implications for the solar neutrino problem
- Amlan Ray
- Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Calcutta
- Wednesday, June 20th 2001, 15:30 (ERP)
- Search for strange matter
- Sanjay K. Ghosh
- Theory Group, TRIUMF
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 22nd 2001, 15:00 (ERP)
- Quintessence or cosmological constant - what is the dark energy in
the universe?
- Christof Wetterich
- University of Heidelberg
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 25th 2001, 15:30 (LPN)
- Recent news from the vacuum? The Muon g-2 Experiment at Brookhaven
- Lee Roberts
- Boston University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, April 18th 2001, 15:30 (ERP)
- A Warped and Braneless approach to the Cosmological Constant problem
- Bob Holdom
- University of Toronto
- Thursday, April 5th 2001, 15:30 (LPN)
- CDF-II: Microvertex en Silicium et la Physique du B
- William Trischuk
- University of Toronto
- Abstract
- Friday, March 30th 2001, 10:00
- Note special time
- Mesure des doses et fluences aux facilités hadroniques employées aux
études de dommages par irradiation au LHC
- Elena León Florián
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 28th 2001, 15:30 (ERP)
- New Results from BaBar
- Marko Milek
- McGill
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 15th 2001, 15:30 (LPN)
- The ATLAS Trigger: Challenges and Expected Performance
- Monika Wielers
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 1st 2001, 10:30 (ERP)
- Note special time
- Top Physics at the Tevatron
- Pierre Savard
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 31st 2001, 15:30 (ERP)
- Travelling Faster than the Speed of Light in Non-commutative
- Aki Hashimoto
- Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
- Abstract
- Monday, January 29th 2001, 15:30 (ERP)
- Tests of the Electroweak Gauge Theory at LEP2
- Alain Bellerive
- Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 25th 2001, 15:30 (LPN)
- New Physics Searches with Photonic Final States at LEP2
- P. Krieger
- Carleton University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, January 10th 2001, 15:30 (ERP)
- OPAL celebrates the standard model
- Richard Hemingway
- IPP/Carleton
- Thursday, November 30th 2000, 15:30 (LPN)
- Beta Decay with Laser Traps: Search for Scalars
- John Behr
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 29th 2000, 15:30 (ERP)
- Results from the K2K experiment
- Chris Walter
- Boston University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 22nd 2000, 15:30 (LPN)
- Determination of CP-phase gamma with possibility of new physics
- C. S. Kim
- Yonsei University
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 16th 2000, 15:30 (LPN)
- The (N)ALTA Project: A New Partnership in Education and Research in
the Area of Cosmic Ray Physics
- Jim Pinfold
- Universté d'Alberta
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 8th 2000, 15:30 (LPN)
- Neutrino Mass: The Present and the Future
- Boris Kayser
- National Science Foundation
- Abstract
- Monday, November 6th 2000, 15:30 (ERP)
- Fluctuation of rare particles as a measure for chemical
- Sangyong Jeon
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 1st 2000, 15:30 (ERP)
- High Energy Cosmic Ray Composition and the CASA-BLANCA Detector
- Joe Fowler
- Princeton University
- Abstract
- Friday, October 20th 2000, 10:30
- (Note special time)
- Heavy quarkonium as a probe of QCD dynamics
- Dmitri Kharzeev
- Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL Research Center, Brookhaven National
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 18th 2000, 15:30 (ERP)
- PICASSO: how it works, present and future
- Louis Lessard
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 6th 2000, 15:30
- Science results and perspectives in VHE gamma-ray astronomy: an
- Armen Atoyan
- Yerevan Physics Institute
- Abstract
- Monday, June 12th 2000, 15:30 (ERP)
- Measurements of Vcsin W decays at LEP2
- Alain Bellerive
- University of Chicago
- Abstract
- Thursday, June 1st 2000, 15:00 (ERP)
- Cosmological entropy bounds and the arrow of time
- Prof. Gabriele Veneziano
- Thursday, June 1st 2000, 13:30 (ERP)
- Status of pre-big bang cosmology
- Prof. Gabriele Veneziano
- Wednesday, May 17th 2000, 15:30 (ERP)
- The Physics of SNO
- Clarence Virtue
- Laurentian University
- Abstract
- Thursday, May 11th 2000, 15:30 (ERP)
- Neutron Production in Deep Inelastic Proton-positron Scattering at
- Dr. Maurício Barbi
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Monday, April 10th 2000, 13:30 (ERP)
- From AMANDA to Ice Cube (one year at the South Pole)
- Nick Starinsky
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 16th 2000, 15:30 (LPN)
- Tests of T and CPT symmetries in the kaon system
- Philippe Bloch
- Abstract
- Monday, March 13th 2000, 15:40 (ERP)
- Note special time
- Infrared Surprises in Noncommutative Field Theories
- Mark Van Raamsdonk
- Princeton University
- Abstract
- Monday, February 28th 2000, 15:40
- (Note special time)
- Five Dimensions from Four: On Dimensional Transmogrification
- Vijay Balasubramanian
- Harvard University
- Thursday, February 17th 2000, 15:30 (LPN)
- Excited quark production at the LHC
- Rashid Mehdiyev
- Thursday, February 10th 2000, 15:30 (LPN)
- Les études de la tenue aux radiations des calorimètres
à argon liquide d'ATLAS
- Claude Leroy
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 3rd 2000, 15:30 (LPN)
- A Higgs or not a Higgs? That is the question
- Cliff Burgess
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, November 24th 1999, 15:30 (UQAM)
- Direct and Indirect Observational Constraints on the
supersymmetric/superstring dark matter
- Maxim Pospelov
- Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Minnesota
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 13th 1999, 15:30
- Nuclear disassembly and signatures of phase transition
- S. K. Samaddar
- Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics and
Department of Physics, McGill University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 6th 1999, 15:30
- The Solar Neutrino Problem and Astrophysical S Factor
- Byron K. Jennings
- Abstract
- Thursday, September 30th 1999, 15:30
- A conceptual design of a next generation nucleon decay/neutrino
- Akira Konaka
- Abstract
- Wednesday, September 15th 1999, 15:30
- Triple Gauge Boson Coupling at OPAL
- Isabel Trigger
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Tuesday, July 6th 1999, 15:30 (ERP)
- Charmonium dissociation in hadronic matter
- Kevin Haglin
- St. Cloud State University
- Tuesday, June 8th 1999, 15:30
- High invariant mass dimuon production and suppression
- Sangyong Jeon
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Abstract
- Thursday, May 20th 1999, 15:30 (ERP)
- Status and Perspectives of Neutrino Oscillation Searches
- Dr. Kai Zuber
- Universität Dortmund
- Abstract
- Thursday, May 13th 1999, 15:30 (LPN)
- In vivo pharmacology with PET: More than a pretty picture
- Thomas Ruth
- Abstract
- Thursday, April 22nd 1999, 15:30 (ERP)
- Latest Results from Super-K and Introduction to K2K
- Chris Walter
- Boston University
- Abstract
- Friday, April 9th 1999, 14:00
- Preheating, Parametric Resonance and General Relativity
- Richard Easther
- Brown University
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 18th 1999, 15:30 (ERP)
- Physics Prospects with ATLAS at the LHC
- John Parsons
- Columbia University
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 11th 1999, 15:30 (ERP)
- Relativistic Corrections to the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effects for
Clusters of Galaxies
- Prof. Naoki Itoh
- Sophia University, Tokyo
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 10th 1999, 15:00 (UQAM)
- The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
- Dr. C. Hargrove
- Carleton University
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 4th 1999, 15:30 (ERP
- New Results from KTeV
- Vivian Odell
- Fermilab
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 25th 1999, 15:30 (ERP)
- BTeV: Getting to the Bottom of CP Violation
- Scott Menary
- York University
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 21st 1999, 15:30 (LPN)
- The dynamics of flavor
- Bob Holdom
- University of Toronto
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 14th 1999, 15:30 (LPN)
- Formation of Hawking Radiation photospheres around decaying
microscopic black holes
- Jim Cline
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 7th 1999, 15:30 (ERP)
- Milagro - A New TeV Look at the Sky
- Prof. Jordan Goodman
- University of Maryland
- Abstract
- Thursday, January 7th 1999, 14:00 (ERP)
- The modular group and the quantum Hall effect
- Prof. Brian Dolan
- National University of Ireland
- Abstract
- Tuesday, January 5th 1999, 15:30 (ERP)
- Improved actions, dynamical fermions and hadronic string breaking in
3D lattice QCD: Lessons for the real world
- Prof. Howard Trottier
- Simon Fraser University
- Abstract
- Monday, December 14th 1998, 15:30 (LPN)
- Oscillations de neutrinos: l'expérience I216 au CERN
- Mathieu Doucet
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 26th 1998, 15:30 (ERP)
- Be-7 Solar Neutrinos and the Borexino Experiment
- Professor Mark Chen
- Princeton University
- Abstract
- Tuesday, November 24th 1998, 15:30 (ERP)
- The Anatomy of a Soluble Statistical Model for Nuclear Fragmentation
- Subal Das Gupta
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Monday, November 23rd 1998, 15:30 (ERP)
- Alpha and Gamma, How to Capture The Big Angles of The Unitarity
- David Atwood
- Iowa State University
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 19th 1998, 15:30 (ERP)
- Artificial Neural Network Analysis in High Energy Physics
- Marko Milek
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Thursday, November 12th 1998, 15:30 (ERP)
- Probing the QCD evolution at HERA using jet observables
- Michael Riveline
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Monday, November 9th 1998, 15:30 (ERP)
- Precision Muon Decay at TRIUMF
- Prof N. Rodning
- University of Alberta
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 29th 1998, 15:30 (ERP)
- Multiphoton inelastic light-by-light scattering
- Professor Adrian Melissinos
- University of Rochester
- Abstract
- Wednesday, October 28th 1998, 15:30 (ERP)
- Interactions at Cosmic Ray Energies and Extensive Air Showers
- V. Topor Pop
- McGill University
- Abstract
- Monday, September 21st 1998, 15:30 (ERP)
- Chiral Disorder in QCD
- Prof. Ismail Zahed
- Departement of Physics and Astronomy, SUNY at Stony Brook
- Abstract
- Friday August 28th 1998, 10:30 (LPN)
- Stratgies et mthodes de recherches des particules supersymtriques
au LHC avec du dtecteur ATLAS
- Ahmed Benelfassi
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Friday, May 22nd 1998, 15:30 (LPN)
- Precision Measurement of Michel Parameters in Muon Decay at TRIUMF
- Jean-Michel Poutissou
- Abstract
- Thursday, May 7th 1998, 15:30 (ERP)
- Semileptonic Branching Fraction of b Hadrons: The Plot Thickens
- Pauline Gagnon
- CRPP Ottawa / CERN
- Abstract
- Tuesday, May 5th 1998, 15:30 (LPN)
- Mass Gap and Confinement in (2+1)-dimensional Yang-Mills Theory
- Dimitra Karabali
- Rockefeller University
- Abstract
- Monday, May 4th 1998, 15:30 (LPN)
- Branes in M(atrix) Theory
- V.P. Nair
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 26th 1998, 15:30 (LPN)
- Neutrino Oscillations with Reactor Antineutrinos
- Lev A. Mikaelyan
- Institut Kurchatov, Moscou
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 19th 1998, 15:30 (ERP)
- Atmospheric muons and the question of neutrino mass
- Stephane Coutu
- Pennsylvania State University
- Abstract
- Wednesday, March 18th 1998, 15:30 (LPN)
- Les fonctions de structure du photon à OPAL
- Mathieu Doucet
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 12th 1998, 15:30 (ERP)
- Dilepton Production Probing Meson Properties in Nuclear Matter
- Axel Drees
- SUNY at Stony Brook
- Abstract
- Thursday, March 5th 1998, 15:30 (ERP)
- GLAST, the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
- Steve Ritz
- Columbia University
- Abstract
- Thursday, February 19th 1998, 15:30 (ERP)
- The PICASSO Project in Montreal
- Viktor Zacek
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract
- Thursday, October 9th 1997, 15:30 (LPN)
- La recherche du boson de Higgs avec le détecteur ATLAS
- Pierre Savard
- Université de Montréal
- Abstract