Informal Pizza Seminar
Renormalization Group Methods in the Nuclear Many-Body
Problem: Application to Neutron matter
Achim Schwenk
Ohio State University
We discuss how renormalization group (RG) methods can be applied to the
nuclear many-body problem. Renormalization group calculations for neutron
matter in neutron star interiors are presented. As microscopic input we use
the model-independent low momentum nucleon-nucleon interaction Vlow k.
Furthermore, particle-hole screening effects due to the many-body medium are
included by solving the RG equation in the particle-hole channels. The
solutionof the RG equation yields the in-medium scattering amplitude and the
effective interaction of particles and holes in the vicinity of the Fermi
surface. As an application, our results are used to compute the superfluid
s-wave pairing gapsin neutron star interiors, where substantial effects due
to the particle-hole screening are found.
Monday, February 10th 2003, 13:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, room 326