McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

Physical Society Colloquium

Interview for Faculty Position

Self-assembled growth of one dimensional nanostructures on silicon

Jun Nogami

Michigan State University

Growth of metals on silicon surfaces can result in the self-assembly of a variety of 1D structures whose lateral dimensions range from one to tens of atoms. I will review our work on two different systems. The first is metal atom rows on the Si(001) surface, where we can follow the growth on an atomic scale. The second is the growth of nanowires of rare earth metal silicides on Si(001). These silicide nanowires have particularly desirable properties such as crystalline structure, metallic conduction, and micron scale length. I will present some of our recent STM and STS results on these nanowires, and discuss the prospects for transport measurements and making nanowire based devices.

Thursday, March 27th 2003, 16:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)