McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

Astroparticle Seminar

Gamma-ray lines in the Fermi LAT data?

Christoph Weniger

GRAPPA Institute
University of Amsterdam

About one year ago, we identified in the Fermi LAT data a signal candidate for a gamma-ray line at energies around 130 GeV with a post-trials significance of 3.2 σ. Such a sharp feature could come from monochromatic photons or virtual internal bremsstrahlung produced in dark matter annihilation. In fact, spectral and spatial properties are not inconsistent with a dark matter signal. After a short introduction to gamma-ray searches for dark matter in general, I will discuss the statistical analysis that revealed the 130 GeV feature, possible instrumental indications and dark matter interpretations, and summarize the current status and prospects.

Wednesday, April 3rd 2013, 14:30
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)