Theory HEP Seminar
Transient reductions of the inflaton speed of sound in
the Cosmic Microwave Background<
Ana Achucarro
Institute Lorentz for Theoretical Physics Leiden
The first year of observations by the Planck satellite mission shows that the
cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuations are consistent with gaussian
statistics in the primordial perturbations, a key prediction of the simplest
models of inflation. However, there are hints of anomalies in the CMB power
spectrum and bispectrum. We consider the possibility that some of these
anomalous features have a common physical origin in a transient reduction
of the inflaton speed of sound (for instance, but not only, resulting from
a turn in the inflationary trajectory). We do this by exploiting predicted
correlations between the power spectrum and bispectrum, which I will explain,
as well as some recent theoretical developments in the effective field theory
of inflationary perturbations. Our results strongly suggest that current
data might already be sensitive enough to detect transient reductions in
the speed of sound as mild as a few percent. Since this is a signature of
interactions, it opens a new window for the detection of extra degrees of
freedom during inflation.
[Based on arXiv:1311.2552
and earlier work starting with
Friday, January 31st 2014, 12:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, Boardroom (room 105)