McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

Seminar in Hadronic Physics

Jet-induced medium response in heavy-ion collision

Wei Chen

University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Coupled linear Boltzmann transport and hydrodynamic (CoLBT-hydro) model has been developed for simultaneous simulations of jet propagation and jet-induced medium excitation in heavy-ion collisions. Using the CoLBT-hydro model, we study the effects of jet-induced medium excitation (j.i.m.e.) from the broadening of the jet profile at large radius to cone-size dependence of the jet suppression, modification of the jet fragmentation function, jet-hadron and Z/gamma-hadron correlations. Isolation and detailed study of these soft hadrons from j.i.m.e. are therefore fundamental to the understanding of these phenomena and crucial for using them to extract bulk properties of the QGP. So we investigate two unambiguous signatures of medium response: observables related to diffusion wake and hadron chemistry inside jets. Diffusion wake leads to a depletion of soft hadrons at large angles away from the jet, and hadron chemistry in jet will be modified by the soft hadrons from j.i.m.e.

Friday, January 14th 2022, 09:00