McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

Informal Pizza Seminar

Gravitational Waves in a Codimension Two Braneworld

Claudia de Rham


I consider the propagation of gravitational waves in six dimensions induced by sources living on 3-branes embedded in a compactified bulk. At low energies ordinary gravity is reproduced, and will explicitly compute the leading corrections from six dimensional effects. After regulating the brane a logarithmic dependence on the cutoff scale of brane physics is found even for modes whose frequency is much less than this energy scale. I then discuss the inclusion of Gauss-Bonnet terms that have been used elsewhere to regulate codimension two branes and find that such terms do not regulate codimension two branes for compact extra dimensions.

Tuesday, January 10th 2006, 13:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, room 326