McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

Theory HEP Seminar

A dark seesaw at low scales: applications to the MiniBooNE and (g-2) puzzle

Matheus Hostert

University of Minnesota & Perimeter Institute

We consider the possibility that heavy neutrinos of low-scale seesaw mechanisms couple to a dark photon in the hidden sector. These models contain a rather unexplored set of signatures, and as I will discuss, may provide a solution to the 4.8 sigma excess of electron-like events at MiniBooNE. We will see that the dark photon in this model is a semi-visible particle, which is the last type of explanation to the muon (g-2) puzzle based on kinetic mixing that is allowed by data. I will end with a discussion of the future searches for the semi-visible dark sector at kaon, neutrino, and e+e- collider experiments.

Monday, May 3rd 2021, 12:30