Seminar in Hadronic Physics
Temperature dependence of eta/s: Elusive goal just
around the corner
Pasi Huovinen
Institut für Theoretische Physik Johann Wolfgang
Goethe Universität
It is known that extracting the temperature dependence of the shear viscosity
coefficient over entropy density ratio of partonic matter from experimental
data is very difficult, maybe even impossible. In this talk I will discuss
how we can get information about the temperature dependence from the
data, and show that parametrizations of (eta/s)(T) which lead to identical
v2(pT) at one centrality can be distinguished when one
evaluates the anisotropies as function of collision energy, centrality and
rapidity. I will further discuss how the use of freeze-out based on Knudsen
number affects the fluid dynamical results.
Thursday, February 12th 2015, 14:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)