Informal Pizza SeminarEnsemble of Kaehler Moduli InflationSergey ProkushkinUniversity of TorontoWe study single complex scalar inflationary models based on the “large-volume” flux compactification of the type IIB string theory. The role of the inflaton is played by a Kähler modulus corresponding to a 4-cycle volume and its axionic partner. Inclusion of the axion makes the landscape of the effective potential two dimensional and allows numerous inflationary trajectories with sufficient efoldings for successful inflation. The novel features are long-lasting inflations in the direction of the rolling axion, complementary to Kähler moduli direction. The model admits the regime of eternal inflation and provide us with the first example of stochastic self-reproducing universe in string theory.
Tuesday, December 12th 2006, 13:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, Board Room (room 105) |