CPM Seminar
The 17 position knob:Tuning interactions with rare
Paul Canfield
Ames Laboratory Iowa State University
Physicists see the rare earth group of elements as a powerful tool for tuning
the properties of materials. Choice or control of rare earths can be used
to modify (i) the size of the unit cell, (ii) the size of the local moment
and degree of coupling, (iii) the size and direction of magnetic anisotropy,
(iv) the amount of entropy that can be removed at low temperatures, (v) the
degree of band filling, and / or (vi) the degree of hybridiztion.In this
seminar I will provide an overview and examples of how this region of the
periodic table can be used to guide and inspire research into a wide swath
of novel materials and ground states.By using rare earths as a focal point we
can cut across superconductivity, metamagnetism, spinglasses, quasicrystalsand
quantum criticality all for the price of a single admission.
Thursday, March 19th 2020, 10:30
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)