CPM SeminarRapid long range genomic analysis at single molecule level using disposable nanochannel arraysHan CaoBioNanomatrix, IncBioNanomatrix, Inc is developing the world's first commercial dynamic long range genome analysis system (nanoAnalyzer® 1000) at single molecule level using a high density nanochannel array platform. The core technology, originally developed at Princeton University, consists of a nanofluidic chip with thousands of massively parallel channels of less than 100 nm fabricated on the surface of solid state chip. Long genomic DNA molecules of 100's kbs to multi-megabases can be linearly streamed continuously into these long channels and analyzed dynamically in a massive parallel fashion. Fluorescently labeled molecular length, sequence and chemical moiety-specific signature at genomic and epigenomic level could be imaged and correlated to a series of quantitative linear patterns at high resolution in standardized format using BioNanomatrix's nanoStudioTM and nanoMapTM software suite. This automated, high-resolution, multi-color imaging platform enables a wide range of applications, including direct single molecule level sample quality control, direct DNA damage and chemical modification assessment, accurate genome finishing and assembly, and DNA structural variation discovery and analysis associated with diseases, such as cancer. The unprecedented dynamic access to long genomic segments provided by nanoAnalyzer® 1000 system for linearizing and imaging intact native DNA in solution, with the planned affordability, speed and simplicity of the technology is expected to make the routine use of genetic information feasible in broad-ranging applications impacting molecular diagnostics, personalized medicine and daily biomedical research.
Thursday, October 13th 2011, 15:30
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103) |