McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

RQMP Research Seminar

Instrumentation of large-scale noble liquid experiments in astroparticle physics

Serge Charlebois

Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique
Université de Sherbrooke

Experiments searching for the signature of dark matter and the true nature of neutrinos are growing in size, using tons of noble liquids (5 tons for Xe to 400 tons for Ar) as scintillators. For more sensitivity, these large volumes of scintillator will be instrumented “from inside” the cryogenic liquids.

I will present the work done by our team at the University of Sherbrooke on microelectronic light detection systems, including photon counting with integrated readout electronics, improved sensitivity at short wavelengths (100-200 nm), on-board signal processing and system integration - multifunctional modules, assembly, installation.

Thursday, October 21st 2021, 10:30