CPM Seminar
Learnability phase transition in monitored quantum dynamics
Matteo Ipolitti
Department of Physics University of Texas at Austin
The dynamics of quantum many-body systems subject to repeated
measurements has recently emerged as a rich subject for non-equilibrium
physics. Remarkably, these systems can exhibit “measurement-induced
phase transitions” (MIPTs) in the structure of quantum correlations,
such as entanglement, as a function of the rate or strength of measurements
versus unitary interactions. In this talk I will present an alternative point
of view on these phenomena, based not on the structure of correlations in
post-measurement states of the quantum system, but rather on the information
content of the measurement outcomes themselves. The MIPT maps onto a phase
transition in the ability of an eavesdropper to learn properties of an unknown
state of the system by monitoring its dynamics. This learnability phase
transition can be quantified within the framework of “classical
shadow tomography”—a paradigm for learning many properties of
quantum states from randomized measurements—where it arises as an abrupt
change in the number of experimental repetitions required to learn various
properties. This point of view unifies distinct manifestations of the MIPT
under a common denominator, and points to new order parameters that could be
used for its experimental detection.
Reference: M. Ipolitti, V. Khemani, arXiv:2307.15011
Thursday, October 5th 2023, 10:30
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103) / Online