CPM Seminar
Universal Scaling in the Fan of Deconfined Quantum
Roger Melco
Department of Physics University of Waterloo
The modern theory of quantum phase transitions hinges upon the idea of an
observable order parameter, related to broken symmetries of the ordered
phases, whose fluctuations govern universal properties at criticality. This
paradigm has recently been challenged by Senthil and coworkers, who proposed
the existence of a “deconfined” quantum critical point
(DQCP) - a generic continuous quantum phase transition separating phases with
unrelated broken symmetries, and with exotic emergent properties. We present
the results of quantum Monte Carlo simulations on a 2D S=1/2 Heisenberg
model with additional four-spin interaction, which appears to be the first
microscopic model potentially harboring a DQCP. Using extensive simulations
on lattice sizes containing in excess of 104 spins, we examine
the candidate Néel to valence-bond-solid (VBS) quantum phase transition,
focussing on finite-temperature properties of the quantum critical fan,
including scaling behavior, the calculation of universal critical exponents,
and the apparent emergence of a global topological degeneracy in the VBS
order parameter.
Thursday, March 20th 2008, 16:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)