CPM Seminar
Solvation and Squeeze-out Mechanism of Confined Molecular Liquids
Nitya Nand Gosvami
Department of Mechanical Engineering National
University of Singapore
Liquids confined in a narrow gap between two surfaces can form ordered
layers, which may lead to oscillatory-type solvation forces. The importance of
studying confined liquids lies in understanding lubrication, friction, fluid
flow in confined geometries, biological interactions etc. An understanding
of the mechanics of the confined liquids at the nanometer scale can be
obtained using the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). However, it remains
experimentally challenging to study the detailed mechanics of the confined
material, and here conducting-AFM (C-AFM) can be used to reveal subtle
changes in the contact junction which are not observed in standard force
measurements. Furthermore, the ability to measure conductivity allows for
an evaluation of the tip-sample contact area, a difficult problem in AFM.
I will present simultaneous C-AFM force and current measurements as the AFM
tip presses down on the graphite surface, squeezing out the confined liquids.
Experiments were performed on linear and branched alkanes. Solvation layering
occurs for both types of liquid, but marked differences in the squeeze-out
mechanics are observed depending on whether the monolayer is ordered or
disordered. It is found that continuum elastic models are well suited to
describe the squeeze-out mechanism of ordered, solid-like materials. However,
when the confined molecules are disordered, the data is qualitatively very
different. Simple elastic models cannot be applied anymore and comparison
with recent simulations suggests that the liquid molecules remain trapped
within the junction.
Wednesday, April 30th 2008, 14:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)