2009 CAP Lecture
Neurophysics: Unraveling Your Brain's Dynamics
Center for Neural Dynamics University of Ottawa
Physicists have long been involved in many aspects of brain research.
Following the lead of Volta, they have ventured into the realm of
bioelectricity. They have developed sophisticated techniques to measure
currents through ion channels in nerve cells, and to image brain activity
on a variety of length and time scales using magnetic resonance imaging,
electro- and magnetoencelography and multiphoton microscopy. Helmholtz
himself was a pioneer on another front, investigating physical principles
of sensory detection and neural information processing. The last decades
have seen an unprecedented involvement of physicists in these latter areas,
going after the fundamental workings of the mind itself. They are fascinated
by questions such as: What governs the firing patterns of a single cell? What
gives rise to collective modes of oscillation of neural networks? What are
the codes used by neurons to exchange information and memorize data? And
what would a proper brain theory look like? We are currently witnessing in
this “Neurophysics” an exciting cycle of experiment and
theoretical prediction that is pushing the frontiers of nonlinear dynamics,
statistical mechanics and biological physics, and redefining the boundary
between physics and neuroscience. The development, challenges and great
promise of Neurophysics are the focus of this CAP Lecture.
This talk is sponsored by the
Canadian Association of Physicists
Monday, March 2nd 2009, 13:30
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)