
PHYS 182 Our Evolving Universe
A general introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics
PHYS 340/350 Electricity and Magnetism
Electromagnetism up to Maxwell's equations
Reflected and transmitted waves PHYS 352 Electromagnetic Waves
Beyond Maxwell's equations: waves, radiation, and relativity
PHYS 362 Statistical Mechanics
An introduction to statistical mechanics, including quantum statistical mechanics, phase transitions, and fluctuations
PHYS 432 Physics of Fluids
The physics of fluids and fluid flows, with examples from everyday life, astrophysics, geophysics, biophysics and elsewhere.
PHYS 446 Majors Quantum Physics
An introduction to quantum mechanics starting with the wavefunction and motion in 1D potentials, then moving onto operators, 3D systems and the H atom.
PHYS 457 Honours Quantum Physics 2
The second honours quantum course covering topics such as 3D potentials, atoms, identical particles, perturbation theory, scattering, and the interaction of matter and radiation.
PHYS 512 Computational Physics with Applications
An introduction to computational methods in Physics and how to solve Physics problems numerically
PHYS 551 Quantum Theory
More advanced topics in quantum mechanics, such as mixed states, quantum computing, time-dependent perturbation theory and transitions, multi-particle systems and relativistic quantum mechanics
PHYS 632 PHYS 632 Seminar in Astrophysics 1 - Advanced Stellar Astrophysics
This was a special topics graduate course in Advanced Stellar Astrophysics, with classes alternating between theory and numerical exercises.
Reflected and transmitted waves PHYS 642 Radiative Processes in Astrophysics
A graduate course on what different astronomical objects look like, why they look the way they do, and how to understand what observations are telling us about the underlying physics of the source.
Juno south pole of Jupiter PHYS 643 Astrophysical Fluids
A graduate course on the dynamics of astrophysical gas and plasma and how to understand the behaviour of astrophysical systems.
PHYS 645 High Energy Astrophysics
A graduate course in high energy astrophysics

See also Summer and Winter School Materials